Summery: I just came up with idea and I had to put it in…Voldermort has a daughter, and she expects to get what she wants…so if she's an evil lords daughter- why is even Voldermort sick of her?

Dagien: What have you done now?

Me: laughs evilly and insanely something random and funny.

Dagien: I don't doubt the random bit for one second.

Me: He, he, I don't own Harry Potter!

Dark Lords Insanity By Whitelonewolf

Chapter one: His Daughter.

Voldermort hid in his room, far beneath the ruins of the castle he and the Death Eater's resided in.

"Why did that stupid girl have to get pregnant?" He moaned for the thousandth time.

The fact that he was hiding was one he didn't want to think about, but had no choice in the matter. Two years ago, a girl of age fourteen managed to find him. She claimed to be his daughter. Voldermort had no idea how she found him or who she was. So he disregarded her and told her to flee or dye. However, Isabeau- or rather Izzie- would not go away. She said he wouldn't kill her because she knew that he would want to know exactly who she was and who her mother was. Voldermort of course found this interesting.

So he had indeed asked who the girl's mother was. The answer had shocked him, and he was forced to remember that fateful night that he had rapped a woman…a woman whose name was…Lily Potter!!!

Yes, Voldermort had taken Lily, in James knowledge, and done to her what he knew would hurt James beyond everything (except killing her of course!). But he had not expected that she would have a child! Yet here he was, stuck with this green eyed witch who expected everything to go her way.

She was tall for her age, had long wavy raven hair and looked very much like her mother…

One of Voldermort's problems with this was that if this girl was Lily Potter's child, then that meant she was Harry Potter's half sister. And Voldermort couldn't let the brat find that out…no matter what it took. So he had to keep the girl.

And not kill her. He didn't know why, but he didn't want to- no scratch that, sometimes he most certainly did want to kill her- but he wasn't going to because she had his blood. She – unfortunately – was his heir, as much as it sucked. And a very stubborn heir at that too, Voldermort frowned and wondered how a girl who probably lived on the streets most her life became so snobby?

Oh…wait, she was his child.

Voldermort sighed as he heard the banging on his door; he was becoming increasingly impatient with the girl and admittedly…a little scared.

"Daddy?" She called in a singsong voice, "I was wondering if you were in there."

Voldermort gritted his teeth, she knew he hated it when she did that. "Yes Isabeau, who gave you that name anyway?" He asked.

Izzie shrugged, "You know, some random guy got me off the streets and taught me how to live off the streets, called me Isabeau, then Izzie, and so…yeah. Anyway, I was wondering dad, do I have a brother?"

Voldermort looked over at her, he had to look away – he always had to look away, she looked too much like her mother – so instead looked over her head. "Now where did you hear that?" He asked.

"Oh, just around." She said, smiling in mock innocence. "See you!"

Once she shut the door Voldermort put his head in his hands. She was driving him crazy!

Later that day…

Voldermort stood in the middle of his trembling Death Eaters.

"Who told Isabeau that the Potter brat is her brother?" He snarled.

"Now that wasn't a very nice way to ask." Izzie said, coming into view.

Voldermort almost screamed, he couldn't seem to keep her from anything these days. She would just turn up, even when he tried so vainly to keep everything a secret.

"Besides, I could've told you who it was…all you had to do was ask!" She said sweetly, smiling innocently again.

Voldermort closed his eyes and sighed. "Who was it?"

Izzie smiled and pointed to Bellatrix. "She was gloating about how she had killed his godfather who is her cousin and I asked who he was and she said Harry Potter, then she accidentally let slip that his mother was my mother, Lily Potter, and then I did some digging (in other words Voldermort knew she had been getting the information out of other Death Eaters by means of making them go insane) and found out that you never loved my mother – which technically I already knew – but you also rapped her. And then I figured out that my half brother is the same boy you're trying to kill."

Voldermort turned his stony gaze to Bellatrix.

"Please master, I did not mean it!" She gasped.

It was no use, Voldermort uttered two simple words and she was dead.

Izzie shook her head, "Now that wasn't very nice, you really should learn to deal with things a lot better!"

Voldermort glared his worst glare at her. She didn't even flinch! It infuriated him, "If you don't watch out you'll be next!" He snarled.

It was a lie, and she knew it, the way she smiled back at him proved it.

"You wouldn't do that to me dad, you love me too much!" She said, and bounced away.

Voldermort stared after her in utter fury. Stones and rocks exploded in the clearing.

"Go!" He barked and the Death Eaters fled. Izzie knew too much! He had to stop her going anywhere!


I just loved making him mad. It was as if all the cruelty in the world was being repaid. Of course she knew she was right in the middle of all that cruelty, but it was fun watching him struggle with the temptation to kill her. And the way that he couldn't do it every time…she knew it made her invincible, he could never kill her.

It was a sort of morbid fascination, to come so close to death, yet never feel the fear she saw in others eyes was exhilarating. And she only knew one other person who could stand in front of him like she could. Her half brother. There was just one difference. Voldermort wanted to kill both of them, but he would only ever kill Harry.

But tonight was the night she would find this brother of hers. They had a lot to discuss!