Chapter Ten: Do You Trust Me?

Izzie fell to her knees beside her brother. The brother she had just killed.

"Well, well… you do now where your loyalty lies." Voldemort sneered.

Tears filled her eyes as she watched the light fade in Harry's beautiful green eyes.

."I'm surprised to say the least; I didn't expect you to be strong enough to kill him." Voldemort continued.

The silence was deafening. She wished someone would yell or scream or cry.

Voldemort walked over, his shoes crushing the grass. "Though I would have been happier if you had brought him to me earlier."

She looked up, meeting the eyes of her army… her friends. They were staring at her in disbelief, shock, disgust and most of all, hate.

"Don't worry; it will become easier as you grow." Voldemort told her, stopping where she was kneeling.

She sought Aidan's eyes. They were clouded, confused and watery, staring at a dead Harry.

"Stand up." Voldemort ordered.

'Do you hate me?' Izzie mouthed.

Aidan looked at her with a look of loss, and finally shook his head shortly.

'Do you trust me?'

It took a bit longer, but finally he gave her a short nod, though his eyes flickered to Harry.

Izzie stood and turned to Voldemort.

"Are you ready for the next step?" He asked.

Izzie nodded shortly.

"Good; now I just need to make sure." Voldemort turned and started to torture Neville Longbottom.

"How could you?" Someone screamed at Izzie. "He was your brother!"

"You killed your own brother!"


People were screaming at Izzie, yelling at her. Friends of Harry were crying and screaming. Others who'd only known him briefly yelled insults and curses at her.

Izzie stood and took it all. She hated it and knew she didn't deserve it, but she let them yell. They didn't know what she knew. They didn't realise she had risked everything to save them. They thought she was like her father. They thought she was evil. They thought they knew everything; that they were right all along about her.

But that was alright. Izzie didn't care. She knew they had to yell at someone. And she knew they thought it should be her. So even though she hated it. She let them yell. She let them scream. Thinking about how much pain had been in her life, and in her brothers, and about how it all was so unfair… thinking about how that was about to end.

It wasn't until Neville lay panting on the ground that Izzie started to listen. Voldemort laughed.

"Kill him Isabeau." He commanded.

Izzie's eyes snapped up to his. "My name, is Izzie!" She snapped.

Voldemort stared. "I said kill him."

"No." Izzie said.

"Do it now!"

"No!" Izzie said more firmly.

The shouting died down as everyone wondered what she was doing.

"What are you playing at?" Ron yelled.

"You just killed Harry, why are worrying about killing someone else?" Hermione screamed at her.

"You didn't just grow a conscious now did you?" Fred said in disgust.

"Pick a side and stick to it!" George added.

Ginny looked up in anger and hatred. "How could you be so cruel?"

"There, see, your friends hate you, now do as I say and kill him!"

Izzie turned to Voldemort, "I'd rather kill you."

Voldemort stood dead still as shocked silence followed her words. Before he could say anything Izzie grabbed something from a phoenix that had flown down to her and threw it to Neville.


He seemed to sense the urgency in her tone. He rammed his hand into the hat and pulled out Godric Gryffindor's sword and swung it at Nagini's head, severing it completely.

"NOOO!" Voldemort screamed.

Izzie ripped a necklace from her neck and turned and threw it to Ron.

Ron looked surprised for a moment, before his eyes lit up in realisation. Aidan ran to Neville and grabbed the sword off him and thew it to Ron. Ron dropped the open necklace on the ground as he caught the sword, and then brought Godric Gryffindor's sword down on Salazar Slytherin's crest.

Voldemort screamed in fury.

A large green dragon flew overhead and dropped a golden cup at Izzie's feet.

Izzie looked up at Hermione. "Trust me." She whispered, before throwing the cup to her.

Hermione caught it and pulled something out of a sheath. At first it looked like a normal dagger, but as the large white object pierced through Helga Hufflepuff's Cup Izzie realized it was a basilisk tooth.

Voldemort turned to his Death Eaters, "KILL THEM! KILL THEM!"

Izzie whistled loudly. A small house elf ran up to her and handed her an object before backing fearfully away from Voldemort and his fury.

Izzie then threw this one to the twins. They both caught it and holding it together, they both pointed their wands at diadem and cast a fiendfyre spell. Dropping the diadem they watched as Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem turned to charcoal.

"NO! DO AS I COMAND, KILL THEM!" Voldemort screamed at his followers.

Izzie looked up at her father, she gave a shrill whistle. A white wolf raced over to her. It seemed to drop something at her feet. Izzie grinned and shook her head.

The wolf tilted its head, picked the object back up and ran over to where Izzie had indicated. Ron hurriedly handed his sister Godric Gryffindor's sword, noticing the Death Eater's starting to take action.

Ginny raised the sword after placing the ring on the ground, and struck the ring with the legendary sword.

Voldemort howled in fury.

Aidan turned to teachers and students "Disable the Death Eaters!" He yelled.

Everyone scattered, spells were being sent in various directions, while Voldemort was still screaming.

Aidan disabled the most Death Eaters. Ginny and the twins fought off the Dementors. Magical Creatures fought Magical Creatures. Most of the order had now arrived and was working with Dumbledore's Army to fight the Death Eaters – which had somehow swelled in size. The students just helped out wherever they could.

Izzie faced her father.

"You little traitor!" Voldemort hissed.

"You were a bad father anyway." Izzie shrugged.

"I could have given you everything, and you throw all your power away to them. Filthy half bloods!" Voldemort laughed.

Izzie took a step forward, "Those half bloods just helped destroy you!"

"Destroy me? I'm still standing child, I'm right here in front of you! You think you can beat me?"

"I already have!" Izzie yelled. "Look around, you are losing!"

It was true, nearly all of Voldemort's Army had been defeated and disabled. There were only a few left now.

"You will never beat me!" Voldemort hissed again. "You are a child!"

"Ah yes, but you forgot two very important details there." Izzie said snidely.

"And what's that?"

"I'm your child." She hissed.

Voldemort froze.

"I have your powers." She said.

She turned and hissed at a snake and it lunged forward, killing one of the remaining Death Eaters.

"I have your strength."

Izzie turned and threw a powerful stunner at a Giant, knocking him backwards and helping Hagrid and Gwap knock him out.

"I have your stamina!"

She let a blast of energy erupt from her.

" I have your ability to kill."

She indicated Harry, lying motionless on the ground and stifled the wave of fear and sadness that threatened to overwhelm her.

"And I have your intelligence but I also have Lily's, as I am also a Potter." She whispered.

The people around them were now watching.

"I have Lily's light."

Izzie produced a patronous, it was a large wolf – the form of Harry's Animagus.

She looked up at Voldemort.

"And I have Lily's love." She stared at him in defiance, "And that's all I need to beat you!"

Voldemort stood still, wondering what the girl before him was up to.

"You should have trusted me. Showed more faith. But even then, Lily would have won." Izzie told him.

"You think you can kill me?" Voldemort sneered.

Izzie laughed. "No."

That shocked Voldemort. "Then how do you intend to beat me? You think you are my ultimate downfall, but I am still standing!"

Izzie laughed. "I'm not your ultimate downfall. I'm your insanity. He's your ultimate down fall." She said with a grin.

Gasps erupted from everyone around as Harry coughed expectantly from behind Voldemort.

"Hi." He said and flicked his wand.

Voldemort stepped back, but the spell hit him and he slowly started to shrink.

Seconds later a small yellow, fluffy duckling sat before them.

Harry crouched down in front of Voldemort. "You might like to kill people, and you might think my sister does too, but I thought it would be more appropriate if you thought about what you had down." Harry said calmly.

Izzie and Harry laughed as the duckling started to quack in panic.

"Don't worry, you'll have loads of fun where you're going." Harry told the duckling.

Placing a small pink ribbon around the duckling's neck, Izzie then picked it up and held it up for all to see.

"So who pat our new pet?" She asked.

Several people looked like they wanted to rush forward.

"Don't worry, completely children friend, so long as this –" Izzie indicated the pink ribbon, "Stays tight."

A crowd rushed forward to look at the duck. Some yelling at it, others exclaiming in wonder how something so evil looked so cute.

"Why not just kill him?" Ron asked.

Harry laughed. "That would only put him out of his misery."

Aidan cackled madly. "Oh this hilarious. I am never going to forget today!"

"Yeah!" The twins agreed.

Ginny ran to Harry and hugged him, sobbing.

"Ginny!" He said in surprise. "Hey, Ginny, it's ok, I'm ok. Izzie knew what she was doing." He told them.

Everyone looked at Izzie.

"So?" She said. "Do you trust me?" She asked with a sly grin.

Everyone started to laugh. "Yes!" More people than expected shouted.

Izzie looked around to see many people smiling at her.

She shrugged. "All part of the plan." She told them, sharing a grin with Harry.

"Now, where's that adorable little duckling?" She asked.

Eight years later…

"Muuuummmmmm! Mr Quakers bit me again!" A four year old girl shouted.

A twenty-two year old, red headed woman sighed. "Get daddy's wand and bash it on its head then!" She said irritated.

A dark haired, twenty-three year old woman laughed. "Ah Mr Quakers." She laughed, "That never gets old."

"Mum! I can't find Daddy's wand!"

"Michael is probably playing with it." A red headed twenty-three year old man laughed.

"No, it would be James. He's the more trouble making one." The dark haired woman told him.

"How do you stand it?" A bushy haired twenty-three year old woman asked the mother of the three children. "I can barely handle one. Yet three?"

"Don't forget Michael and James are twins." The dark haired lady laughed.

"Mr Quakers! Come back!"

"Hey Lily!" Two identical voices sounded from the door.

Lily spared them both a hi before running after the duckling.

"Playing with," One of the two red headed twenty-five year old men started.

"Tom again?" The other finished.

"Why do you call Mr Quakers Tom?" Lily asked.

The men laughed. "We'll tell you later."

"Your late." The red headed mother scolded her older brothers.

"Sorry." They chimed.

"Don't worry. You're not the only ones." The dark haired lady growled. "Never on time."

"I know the feeling." The red headed mother sighed, looking over at the clock on the wall.

"Whoa! Getting big Lily!" A dark haired blue eyed man exclaimed. "Hey I brought a treat for Mr Quakers."

"You can't give a cat to a duck!" Lily exclaimed.

The adults in the next room burst out laughing.

"Howdy!" The man said entering the room. "Sorry I'm late." He said, giving the dark haired lady a quick kiss.

"Humph." The lady scowled.

"Where's that brother of yours?" The blue eyed man asked.

"Putting the twins to bed." The red headed lady sighed. "Which he better hurry up doing or I'm going to assume they killed him."

There was the sound of steps on the stairs and then silence.

"Hi daddy." Said a meek voice. "Mummy told me I could borrow your wand."

"Ginny!" A man yelled. "Why does Lily have my wand? And- Lily what are you doing? No don't- hey that's an improvement. Tom looks good pink. Now Lily, give daddy back his wand please."

"But I want to make Mr Quakers pretty colours!"

"Lily, give me back my wand!"

There was a loud bang from the lounge-room.

Harry Potter walked into the kitchen covered in bright green dust.

Ron, Hermione, Fred and George Weasley, Aidan and Izzie Reave and Ginny Potter burst out laughing.

"Sorry daddy!" A little green eyed, dark haired four year old said in a small voice.

"At least my wand back." Harry muttered.

There was an outraged quack from a bright pink duck standing in the doorway.

"Hey your right, that is an improvement!" Aidan laughed.

And that's it! I know I finished it really quickly, but I had to get this story finished so I can concentrate on my other stories a bit more!

I want to say thanks to all those who reviewed! You guys are the best, it really helps when people apprieciate my stories.

I also want to thank anyone who read the story!

Tell me what you thought... an if your lucky, and you really want me too, I may write a sequal or side fic to it. Once I get rid of a few more stories.

Thanks for reading! Whitelonewolf.