I would just like to point out that this is just the beginning of the story so if you find it a tad bland or obvious than just wait. It should develop past that point by the fourth chapter (don't worry, the chapters aren't that big as of yet).

To my anonymous reviewer Zang, thanks for the review! I know it doesn't seem original yet, but I always use the first two chapters to set the settings and whatnot. Hopefully you'll keep reading and keep me up to date on your opinion. :)

The Zoo

Draven Crossmyr stepped back from the corner as the bus came to a stop in front of her. The wind of the doors opening blew her blue ankle length skirt all around her, leaving her feeling insecure as she stood there. She fidgeted in her combat boots as she adjusted her black corset before stepping inside.

'In a single year, my senior year, I've been to two other schools already.' She went to the back of the bus and sat alone, trying to not pay attention to all of the unwanted stares. 'You'd think I'd be used to this by now.'

Draven had begun to notice a boy sitting across from her. He was sitting alone, reading. She was going to move to get a better look at him when some freshman sat in front of her.

He sat there and just stared.

"Can I help you with something, kid?"

"You're new here."

"You're observant."

"Where do you live?"

"Why do you need to know?"

"Because. My big brother over there wants me to ask." He pointed to a small nerdy, orange haired guy. "He says he's teaching me the ropes."

"I see. Well, why don't we go say hi?" As they moved to get up a guy went passed them to sit with the lone book reader.

"Hey Warren."

"Hey, Stronghold." She heard them say.

Walking over to the nerd she made his brother sit beside him.

"I live just to the south of town, near the Paper Lantern. Need me to be more specific?" Her voice rose in volume and suddenly she seemed to have an audience. "Right between 'GoFuckYourself' Way and 'EatMe' Boulevard."

"Ah, you must be originally from the Amazon. 'Cause that sounded pretty hot." Draven stared at him blankly.

"What's your name."

"Names Larry." He smirked at her.

"Larry?" She smiled and her voice went sweet. "The Amazon?" She began to laugh. "That is just so random! What? Did you pull that out of your ass, too? Or was that just your face?" She pinched his cheek. "Good-bye, Larry."

She began walking back to her seat when somebody attempted to trip her. She looked back to see a blonde in a blue tube top and a mini skirt laughing at her.

"Watch it freak." Draven glared at her.

"What's it to you, Malibu Stacey?" The blonde scoffed in disgust.

"Larry happens to be my boyfriend."

Draven stared from Larry to the blonde. "I'm not sure who I feel sorry for more." She made her way back to her seat.

As she finally sat she noticed those guys from across looking at her. 'That Warren guy is discrete, but his Stronghold friend must have a mental deficiency.'

Draven turned to him and gave him a questioning look.

"I'm Will Stronghold." He shook her hand. "Super strength and flight."

"Uh huh." She looked over at Warren.

"This is Warren Peace. He's a pyro." Warren looked up but didn't say a word. "And you are?"

"Draven Crossmy. Telekinetic."

"Really? I've never met a telekinetic before." Draven stared at the book in Warrens hand as it started to float up in the air. "Now you have." He flipped it upside down and put it back in his hands.

Warren stared at her with an irritated look and she smiled back at him with a 'Try Me' attitude in her eyes.

"Cool." Will said. "So, you just transferred, right? Where from?"

"From thius place in Detroit, and before that it was Montreal."

"Man... must be hard on you and your parents."

"Yeah... my parenst... they died back in Montreal."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Draven. Your grandparents, then?"

"My grandfather. Died back in Detroit." She looked down momentarily willing herself not to cry. "I live alone now." She hadn't stopped to think about it, and she wouldn't start on her first day at a new school.

"Oh... well... how about you come over for dinner tonight? Living alone after a rough day at school, it would be better for a friend to make dinner than to do it yourself."

"Thanks, but you haven't known me long enough to see me as a friend. And besides, I have a job interview."

A few moments later two girls came on the bus and headed towards the back. One, the purple one, sat with a white haired kid in front of Will and Warren. The other, the green one, went right up to Will and kissed him.

"Hey! I wondered where you were." He stared at her fondly.

"I slept over at Magentas' last night." She looked at Draven and her smile widened. "Hi! I'm Layla!"


"Nice to meet you!"


"Will, is there any way we can sit together? I've missed you!" Will looked around.

"I don't know. Draven, would you mind sitting with Warren?"

Warren looked up at Draven, watching her as she shrugged.

"Just don't kill each other." Will told them as he and Draven switched seats.

"Oh, don't worry, we'll be just fine and dandy. The best of friends." She sat down and patted Warren on the shoulder. "Right?" Warren scowled at her and went back to reading. "Precisely."

She looked over at Will and Layla, seeing them engulfed in one another.

"War, there's one thing I've learnt from going to a handful of schools. People are the same wherever you are." Her eyes roamed the bus. "Animals of all kinds."