A/N: Nothing like a little iambic pentameter to express your gratitude for that adorable Jim Halpert fellow.

An Ode to Jim Halpert

(Of The Office

When first you put that jello to good use

And furtively accepted Dwight's false truce,

I knew together we'd be for a while

Pam loves you even though she's in denial

We all knew that that Karen girl was wrong

Reception is where you truly belong.

You moved his desk an inch each passing hour

Your warnings from the future made him cow'r

The tricks you've played, the pranks you've pulled it's true…

That when you left, Dwight thoroughly missed you.

You swayed with Pam yet she did not realize

The love possessed within your amber eyes.

Now Roy blames you for his dream that was marr'd

Please run before I find you cold and dead

Oh Jim, your job just seems so very hard!

And yes that is exactly what she said…