A/N: Wrote this coz apparently people liked the first part, and I was filled with Christmas spirit. Merry Christmas, guys, and thanks for reviewing/favoriting/everything!


Christmas time was always frantic. They'd be in Otogakure, since Orochiinsisted on letting his village celebrate with them. Also, he blackmailed them.

Tobi would be singing Christmas carols at the top of his voice, giving everyone migraines.

Kakuzu would be freaking out, screaming how much all of this had cost him, and dammit, Deidara, YOU'RE RUINING THE LIGHTS!

Hidan would be screaming how Christmas was a heathen holiday, and they'd all burn in hell for celebrating it.

Sasori would be screaming at Orochimaru to turn the damn camera off, while Orochimaru would be screaming how he had a damn right to keep Cammy the Camera on, it was HIS camera, dammit.

Itachi and Kisame would be trying to sneak up to the oven, and bake something. Kakuzu was guarding it though, screeching at them "REMEMBER THE LAST TIME YOU BAKED?!?! WELL, WE CAN'T censored AFFORD TO FEED ANOTHER censored MOUTH!"

Zetsu would be running around, hysterical, since everyone asked him to wrap their presents, and, well…Let's just say evil villains were either VERY unorganized…

Or they had VERY good hiding places. With booby traps. Lots, and lots, of traps.

Konan would be outside, since Orochimaru asked her to supervise his 'village', AKA, the village which consisted of 100 percent insane people, 50 percent hormonal teenagers, 40 percent little kids and 10 percent grown adults. Needless to say, the village of –SOUND- was living up to its name. And giving Konan a migraine.

And Pain? Well, Pain being the Leader, he had to calm down the hellhole he called 'home'. Thus, he was screaming quite a lot. And screaming. And screaming. And screaming.

But, after Christmas Dinner, everyone just…shut up. Orochimaru would tour his entire village, telling them all Merry Christmas and claiming his presents ("Well, I gave them all a present, I should get one back!" he justified), and when he came back, he was all happy for once. Hidan and Kakuzu would calm down, for once. Itachi, Kisame and Tobi would just shut up (except Itachi, who was always quiet). Deidara and Sasori would play nice, and wish people Merry Christmas, smiling in a semi-disturbing way. Zetsu would be soothed from his trauma, and thanked for his hard work (or else he'd go all psycho on them and kill them all). Konan and Pain would stop screaming at people to stop screaming. And they'd all just enjoy the magic of the Holiday.

They liked Christmas back in their own villages, of course. And they missed them.

But they like Christmas at Akatsuki even better. Despite all the screaming and migraines.

Besides, when you signed up, you were agreeing for screaming and migraines. It was in the small print.