Disclaimer: Memoirs of Blue, Ogokasi Liyenn, Morigakue no sato, all non-canon characters © RevolutionAngel

Naruto, characters and universe © Masashi Kishimoto

(This stands throughout the entire story of Memoirs of Blue)

Summary: My name is Ogokasi Liyenn. I am thirteen years old and I am from a small, mysterious village ten miles northwest of the Naruto Bridge. I may seem like your average teenaged kunoichi who leads a normal life. But, the truth is, I'm not. Inside of me lives a spirit that many has wanted. I was disliked by most of the villagers and ignored by all of the children my own age. I was also being trained to be a weapon that would, one day, conquer the country in which I lived.

My life was pretty much set for me... a destiny I could not change for myself. I felt as if I was becoming something I wasn't. But then, who knew that just one person could drastically change your life forever? After meeting and become friends with one particular magnetic shinobi, my life, as well as his, began to change. He saved me, and I really believe it's true...

Chapter One:

A Strange New Girl

By a street not too far from the new Naruto Bridge, a young girl and a middle aged man were discussing something. Business of sorts, by the looks of it. His cool but aged features contorted as he talked with the young girl, in discontent with her words. "Well, Liyenn? Do you want the extra pay, or not?" he was asking the girl, eying a group of people coming towards them, each of them wearing hitai-ates engraved with the symbol of the Hidden Leaf.

"Yes, Master, I do. But, I can't just attack someone on the road." the girl replied, almost biting her tongue so she would not raise her voice to him.

"Then make it a challenge. If you can disarm them, you get your extra money."

"And, for what reason should I accept? Why do you want me to fight them?" Her voice shook as she spoke, her hands balling into fists.

He glared down at the much shorter girl, towering over her like a giant. "Don't you take that tone with me, girl! Do you want the money or not?" he hissed, watching as she only glared back. "I'll pay you double then I do for your missions. And... you could look at this like a test, of sorts."

Hanging her head, she sighed, defeated. "Which of them to do you wish for me to challenge?" she asked softly, averting her eyes. She didn't want to do this, she really didn't. But, for the money...

"The two young boys. They're probably just Genin. The oldest, if he is who I believe he is, he's a Jounin... not someone even you can easily deal with."

The young shinobi glared up at her master again, her eyes burning with desire to prove him wrong. "I could still take him."

Her master chuckled - a sinister chuckle, but a chuckle nonetheless. "I'm sure you could, Liyenn. But right now, I'm telling you to challenge the two boys. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master."


Kakashi and his group of Genin were heading home after their intense adventure at the Wave Country. After an experience like that one, Kakashi was hoping that his next few missions would be easy ones. Naruto would not agree with his hope, but, he wished it just the same. To make conversation with the three, much younger students, Kakashi was telling Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura some tips for their next battle. "You know, Naruto, maybe you and Sasuke should train together when you get home. It'll be good for the whole teamwork issue you have with each other." Naruto was about to say something to reject this thought when a girl stepped out in front of them. Each of them stopped, watching this girl as she approached them, her head of navy hair tilted to the side.

"I couldn't help but overhear that there's a teamwork issue within your group?" the girl said once she was in earshot, looking very innocent.

"Yes. There is." Kakashi replied slowly, watching the girl with caution, a million and one questions running through his mind.

"Maybe I can provide some assistance." she suggested, walking around the two young men, sizing them up. "A challenge, maybe?" Her long locks of navy hair blew gently in the breeze, her focus currently on Sakura.

The Jounin eyed her, watching her even more carefully. Something definitely seemed off about this girl, he just couldn't figure out what. "What exactly did you have in mind?" he asked her, looking as though he was ready to draw a kunai from his leg band.

She turned to him, watching his movements with her icy blue eyes. He didn't trust her, not that she could blame him. Would anyone? A strange girl, showing up out of nowhere to offer training assistance? Really? Who would trust that? "Disarmament. That's all. The first team to lose all of their weapons, loses the match." she explained, walking away from the three Genin to face all three of them.

"Umm... sounds interesting enough, but what's in it for you?"

She only shrugged, "Well, I get the extra training, as well." the girl replied with a small smile. "A good fight to keep me in shape, if you will."

Kakashi, though still wary of where this could end up, turned to Naruto and Sasuke. "What do you guys think?" he asked, despite already knowing the answer. "Would you like to compete against this girl?"

"Anything that lets me prove myself against Sasuke!" proclaimed the blonde boldly, tossing his arms wildly into the air.

"I guess this would be a good exercise. Besides, you'll be bugging me about it later if I don't agree with it anyway." Sasuke answered, his words solemn, but almost bitter.

Their sensei sighed before turning to the girl, a nervous smile on his hidden lips. "I guess you've got yourself a match."

"Great!" the girl exclaimed. Naruto, Sasuke, and the girl moved to a nearby open, grassy field; the ideal battleground. "Are you two ready?" she asked, fingering the end of a kunai.

"You better believe I'm ready!" Naruto replied, adjusting his headband with a wide grin. Watching him, his enthusiasm and his confidence, the slightly older girl couldn't help but shake her head and smile. What a positive outlook he must've had.

Sazuke tisked, tapping the tip of his foot against the grassy earth, "Yeah, let's just get this over with."

"Remember, this is just a disarmament match. You don't need to get brutal with her!" Kakashi yelled to the boys. 'Yeah, yeah' and 'Right, whatever' were the only replies he received. The Copy Ninja sighed, hanging his head as he led Sakura a safe distance away. This was going to be a long battle if Sasuke and Naruto didn't learn to work together.

Naruto and Sasuke both drew their kunai, each performing a different battle stance. The girl looked at them with a small, but devilish smile. "This is going to be like nothing you've ever seen before." she warned, her voice purring.

"Hey, Sasuke. What do you think she means by that?" Naruto asked with a grin, glancing to his comrade.

"Heh, I don't know. But, after what we were just put through, I don't think there's much that can surprise us anymore." Sasuke answered with his trademark smirk, glancing back.

She smirked herself, Cocky bastards, aren't they? Before either of them knew what happened, the girl was between them, holding a kunai to each of their necks. "Wow, you boys are slow." she purred, grazing each of their Adam's apples with the sharpened edges. "I don't know what you two were just put through, but there's no way in hell you could see this coming."

"Wha-?" They turned, and both received kicks in the stomach.

"Oh no! They've been hit!" Sakura cried, covering her mouth with her hands.

"That's it, Liyenn. Keep it up and your hard work will pay off." said a male voice from the opposite side of the playing field.

Startled, the pink haired ninja tore her gaze away from the match, her curious eyes settling on the newcomer. Or... was he there the entire time? She couldn't be certain. "Kakashi-sensei? Who is that man?" Sakura asked, looking up to her silver-haired teacher.

"I don't know. But... he does look oddly familiar." was how he replied to her question. He too was studying this new man, wondering what his connection to the girl was. Judging from the sinister smile across his wicked face, this man was the one to set up this match; not the girl.

Naruto and Sasuke were trying everything they could think of, each of them throwing out their own techniques, despite what the other was doing. It was no use. She would either overcome the technique or throw one of them in to take the blow for her. It was really starting to look bad, for their egos more than anything. This girl was... beating them! Pretty soon, they would lose their weapons, along with the match. "You think you've got it bad now. Wait until my final move. You'll be very surprised." She chuckled, watching them squirm through narrowed eyes. Oh, great, now she was taunting them too.

"Argh! ... Sasuke, what are we suppose to do? Nothing's working!" Naruto moaned, favoring a tender rib. His opponent may have been a girl, but she hit hard. In fact, he couldn't tell whose punches hurt more - this strange new girl's or Sakura's.

"I don't know, Naruto. But, Kakashi's right. We've got to start working together if we want to win this." the raven haired Genin stated in between his panting. His eyes wandered around, looking for anything that would give him an idea, to give him or Naruto an opening.

And the girl laughed again. "Now, it's time for one of my specialties!" Her fingers and hands twisted to form multiple different signs, all before slamming the heel of her palm onto the ground beneath her. "Katon: Fenikkusu Gogyouhei!" Her opponents, the spectators, neither of them even got the chance to blink. A circle of fire surrounded them; Naruto, Sasuke, and the girl herself.

"What?" Neither of the boys couldn't do anything, the wall of fire surrounded them. This was not genjutsu - an illusion was more than they could only hope for. No, these flames were very real. They were burning the grass within 20 inches away from the wall. To make the best of it, the mysterious girl had disappeared and they were trapped. "Oh, great. She sets a fire and then leaves us to burn in it!" Naruto cried angrily, panic arising in him. Meanwhile, his comrade was still looking around, but this time trying to see if there was any way out. Where did she go? How did she get out if we can't? Sasuke wondered. Then, before his very eyes, she came through the flames, charging towards them.

"What?" Naruto exclaimed, flabbergasted. "She can walk through fire?" The blonde shinobi paused and thought about it for a moment or two. "Ya know, this would be a really cool technique if it wasn't being used against us!"

"Naruto, this isn't the time for that." Sasuke stated angrily, dodging kunai between his words. "Listen, I think I know how we can beat her. She hides herself within the fire, right?"

Cocking his head to the side, he nodded, slightly confused. What was Sasuke getting at? "Yeah...?"

Dodging yet another kunai, he growled his response, "Well, all we need to do is flush her out of the fire!"

"Oh, okay! I got it!" At the same time, they both began to throw explosive tags into the wall of flames, all of them exploding as soon as they touched the unbearable heat. Their plan worked; it flushed the girl out of the flames and into the circle with Naruto and Sasuke. As she coughed and got to her feet, the man behind her started to speak.

"Come on, Liyenn! Do you want the extra money or not?" he was yelling, disappointment and anger ringing in his deep voice.

She glanced over her shoulder at him, glaring at him with so much hatred it would have made any normal person cringe. "I'm doing my best, Master!" she barked back, praying the Genin before her would not take the opportunity to strike her down. Too much was on the line...

He smirked, almost wickedly. "Well, your best won't get your mother's money, now will it, if you lose?" he told her, watching her very carefully. It was almost like he wanted her to lose this fight, almost like he wanted to watch her suffer further. She ground her teeth together, trying to fight back words, or maybe even actions. Naruto watched the exchange between his opponent and the man, some of the dots connecting in his head. She wasn't fighting on her own will. She was fighting to gather money... for her mother? She turned her full attention back to Naruto and Sasuke, the hatred she felt for that man focused on them. If she couldn't beat the crap out of him, she had someone else to beat on in the meantime. As she stared them down, Sasuke started running towards her.

"Sasuke! Wait!" Naruto yelled out suddenly, catching just about everyone by surprise. Sasuke stopped, mostly out of shock, and Naruto turned his soft blue orbs to his opponent. "Do you need to knock our weapons away, or can we just drop them?"

She stared at Naruto with a surprised look, wondering what he was planning to do next. Was this some kind of trick? But, he did nothing, only thrown his weapons down at her feet. "What?" she asked in confusion. She couldn't understand. Why did he do that?

He shrugged off her confusion, folding his arms behind his head. "You needed us to drop our weapons. And, well, I've dropped mine. That means you win."

"Tsk, how disappointing..." the man grunted as the fire wall came down. He spat as he approached them, his gaze hard. "Here's your pay, Liyenn. Just as I promised you. I expect to see you within a week." He dropped a bag in front of the girl, turned on his heel and walked away.

When he was out of sight and earshot, the slightly older shinobi turned to Naruto, staring him down, studying him. He was gazing at her with a look she wasn't overly familiar with - sympathy. "Why did you do that? I didn't ask for your help!" she snapped, the sound of anger ringing in her voice.

"You didn't have to. You were doing this to help someone who you cared about. It's enough to make me want to help you." replied the blonde Genin, shrugging. "You were trying to get money for your mom, right?" She glanced away, nodding lightly. "See? What more reason do I need?"

"Thank you." was all she could manage to say to him. It... surprised her, more than anything. Here was this complete stranger, someone she literally met on the street, helping her with a situation he didn't fully understand. He only needed to hear what her main goal was. People didn't do that. Not normal people, at least... right? Before she noticed, the others had gather around, completely encircling her. She gazed up at each of them.

"My name is Naruto. Uzumaki Naruto." the blonde said, finally introducing himself. He smiled brightly down on her, his demeanor so... captivating that she couldn't help but smile a little in return.

"I'm Haruno Sakura." chided the pink-haired female, smiling sweetly as well.

"Uchiha Sasuke." was all she got from the other male Genin.

"And, I'm Hatake Kakashi. But, more importantly... who are you? And, where do you come from?" the older Copy Ninja asked.

She turned to each of them as they introduced themselves, but, when her icy eyes finally settled on Kakashi, she spoke; "My name is Liyenn. I'm from Morigakure no sato."

Justu Translation:

Katon: Fenikkusu Gogyouhei - Also known as Phoenix Fire Wall. This technique is one that only Liyenn can perform, with the help of the Phoenix. Using her fire abilities, Liyenn creates a wall of flame that surrounds herself and her opponent(s). It is similar to Haku's Crystal Ice Mirrors.

Morigakure no sato - Hidden Village in the Forest