Chapter one- Speechless

Kagome opened her eyes "It definitely feels good to be back" she thought as she climbed through the bone eaters well. She climbed out and slowly looked at the green world around her and as she listened she could hear the birds and the wind softly blowing. It was spring in feudal Japan. The trees were starting to blossom with the sun high in the sky. As she opened her eyes she started looking for Inuyasha and the others. "Where is everyone?" she quietly whispered to herself, Remembering all the battles they had together and how they were usually all waiting for her to come back through the well. Minutes later, realizing they obviously weren't coming for her she made her way to Kaede's village.

When she approached the village she noticed that it was deadly silent, and still. She checked in Kaede's hut but found nothing. The ear piecing silence sent shivers down her spine as she tried to reassure herself that everything was fine. Not knowing what to do she made her way inside and tried to find out what was happening. She pulled off her bag and opened it she took out her bow and arrow and set it down beside one of the extra beds….

"Kagome! Kagome, Kagome wake up."

Kagome opened her eyes to come face to face with a very familiar half dog-demon. "Hey Inuyasha, it's about time you guys got here. I was expecting you all to be waiting for me at the well. Why weren't you there?"

"Well, sorry we aren't always there every time you come back from your world." Inuyasha grumbled as her stormed out of the hut, and he made his way near the forest edge

"What wrong with him?" she asked turning to Sango. A million questions in her eyes.

"We had another visit by Sesshoumaru" Sango said with the look of concern on her face, as she sat down next to kagome.

"What? Was anyone hurt?" jerked Kagome, immediately sitting up.

"No that's the weird part. Sesshoumaru didn't want to fight he just wanted to talk to inuyasha about something"

"About what?" Kagome said, alarm in her voice, as she started to prepare a meal them all

"No one knows inuyasha won't talk about it, he's been grumpy yet extremely quiet since the visit and we were hoping you could talk to him. I'm sure he would spill it out to you." She commented Sango looked around reassuring herself that no one was near.

"I don't know I mean I could try but it's probably not all that bad right?" she replied trying to convince herself more then Sango." Kagome looked towards the door "what could it be, inuyasha never lets things Sesshoumaru say into his head?"

Rising, Sango started to leave and, when she reached the door she looked back at Kagome with sadness in her eyes. "Whatever it is I believe its hurting him." She whispered leaving finally.

Standing up Kagome left too her eyes straining through the dark night. After searching for a while she spotted Inuyasha by a tree near the forest edge. She pondered about his thoughts and approached, noticing that his mind was somewhere else. "Inu-yasha are you alright, you've been…a little quiet today. Is it because of Sesshoumaru? I'm a little worried that you haven't spoken about what he talked to you about is it bad? You know you co…"

"Kagome, will you come walk with me…" Inuyasha said as he looked into her eyes, his own blurry with confusion. He started to walk, trying to avoid her wandering gaze as he entered the dark woods led by the moonlight as it shone like the sun, reflecting what looked like an ocean of silver onto the forest floor.

Running to catch up, Kagome joined Inuyasha as they walked through the thick woods, Kagome jumping as weird noises sprung for the mouths for creatures that are unusual to her own world. "Inuyasha where are you taking m…" Her hand began pulsing as the moon completely vanished from the sky. She ripped her hand out of his grip, shocked from the surprising throbbing she still felt. When did he grab my hand?" Kagome look at it puzzled.


She jerked her head towards the speaker, "yes Inu…" "I forgot tonight there was no moon." "We shouldn't be out here like this. I don't have my bow and arrows and you are a human. If we're attacked..."

"I know…I just wanted to spend time with you."

"What? He must have lost his mind I can feel my heart through my chest, why does this always happen when we could all be in danger. What is he doing?" "Um…inuyasha are you alright, if you want me to go I can go.

"No, don't go kiky-...Kagome."

"What was that? You were going to call me Kikyou weren't you? Weren't you!" Kagome cried in a factual tone of voice, anger glinting in her eyes "What was I doing? Of course he wasn't thinking of me."

"No, Kagome, I didn't mean it. Please don't get mad. I just want some company. I missed y-"

"Leave me alone; I'm going back to the village." Kagome screamed as she turned around, back. When she was sure that Inuyasha wasn't around, she sat down on a mossy, newly fallen log and released her tears. "Stupid, stupid dog" she mumbled. Silently sobbing, tears running down her face. crack Kagome's snapped her head and looked east, "Inuyasha, is that you?" giggle "That's not Inuyasha" "Who's there? Come out and show yourself!" She looked to the trees and noticed a shadow of a demon. "It looks just like Inuyasha." she bolted up and started running for the village….

"A human, psh' she's a despicable creature, why would he keep her around? Look at her weird clothing, and her hair! What is he thinking? She'll be the death of him too. Stupid, pathetic human."

"Mhmm!" "My voice I can't speak!" Kagome tried to move but also to no success "Where's inuyasha?" Her thoughts went blank as she tried to ignore any thought of the half demon.

"Oh, look, she's coming to. Good, now we can find that brat Inuyasha."

"No, we cannot talk let her see us, not yet if she knows your identity we won't be able to follow them without suspicion." A demons voice chimed.

"But, what about the child? We can't just leave it here." The human said walking around Kagome as she tied a blind fold around her head.

"…Kagome, Kagome? Where are you child!?" A familiar voice hollered

"Kaede! Kaede! dammit my voice is still gone."

"Hurry before that old hag gets here. Undo the spell on the girl and let's go."

"But the girl will cry out before he can get out of here, and inuyasha will track us down when the sun comes up."

"Shit; it's not morning yet! What will I do?"

"Then put her in a knock out spell or something…"

"Right……………….." The female voice fainted into the night as Kagome lost consciousness.

Kaede hobbled as fast as she could only to Find Kagome motionless on the ground "Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku, Shippou! over here, I found her!"

"It's about blasted time, Kagome I am sick of looking after you alre- Kagome…?" Inuyasha stopped frozen looking at Kagome's body. "Is she alive? She'll be ok right? What's wrong with her?"

"Inuyasha just shut up and at least Kaede speak!" muttered Sango as she gawked at Kagome. "She's just unconscious, right Kaede."

"That's right, Sango. By the looks of it she must have fallen and hit her head or something. I am curious, Inuyasha, why weren't you with her when she was still in the woods? You said she went back to the village, but why was she heading that way, were you two in another cat-fight?"

"Shut up, that isn't important. Just get kagome out of here and to the village so we can leave when she is awake." Inuyasha stated as he walked away. "I'm so sorry Kagome. You're not even here for one day and you're already hurt because of me. How are you supposed to stay alive if I do what Sesshoumaru said? If it's true then we're going to need all the strength we can get."


A/N: So this is my first story that I ever posted on Fan Fiction but my friends say it's a good story. I hope you like it