Chapter Thirteen- Hinoko's Hidden Secret

The tides of the fight suddenly turned as Kanna found her way to the battlefield, wedging herself between Kagome and Naraku. Her mirror took in the arrow and shot it back towards the Miko. Inuyasha looked in despair as his body moved in front of Kagome's at what seemed like slow motion. "Protect her with your life." Hinoko's words strengthened him. He held Kagome in a loving embrace then quickly kissed her tender lips.

Milliseconds later the arrow struck, Inuyasha fell to his knees. Pain from the sacred arrow pulsed in him like fire. Looking up at Kagome, love and pain reflecting in his eyes. "INUYASHA!" Kagome cried, seeing the one she loved die by her arrow, watching hopelessly as his life slowly drifted away, one breathe at a time.

Kagome's voice stopped Hinoko dead in her tracks searching for her dying brother. "No Inuyasha!" her mind raced, the power in her body began to thrive on her loss. Hogosha's power released itself the ground began to tremble vigorously. "Dam you Naraku, I'll kill you for that!" She shouted, her grip tightened on the small pink pearl she still hands in her hand. Pain and anger grew in her heart, Hinoko forced out ever ounce on belief in her. Her body pulsed over and over, Hogosha's and Mamoko's body came together as one. Pink and blue sparks collided with each other. They entered Hinoko's body. Her body began to change, first the ears, then the claws. Stripes appeared on her face, showing the physical appearance of a full demon. The new form looked just like her father in most ways. The pink pearl pulsed again, changing into almost a replica of the tetsisuaga. Sesshoumaru gawked in awe. "Impossible, this child in able to wield the Kamikazi?" he whispered in a low surprised voice.

Hinoko's voice brought him out of his thoughts. "Sky's of destruction!" she cried, power rolling off her body. The sky lined with light lighting flashed, connecting with the Kamikazi. Hinoko then whipped it at Naraku, allowing the rage to radiate off her tone body. Destroying everything in its path. The power engulfed Naraku, shooting all the jewel shards out of his body, each landed, circling Kagome's body as she comforted the slowly dying Inuyasha.

Tears rolled down Sango's eyes. She grabbed her Hirikots and reentered the battle swinging her gigantic boomerang towards the separated Naraku, who was unable to rejuvenate. "Dragon Strike!" Sesshoumaru called following the urge to kill Naraku, for his little brother's sake. Sango retrieved her boomerang and quickly jumped behind Miroku so he would be able to use his wind tunnel. "Wind tunnel!" Miroku opened his hand. "Fox fire!" Shippou joined in, landing by Kagome's side. Kagome looked at her friend. "There trying so hard to fight MY battle." She blamed herself. Taking her bow, raising it, strung in, and released in one soothing motion. "This is for Inuyasha you bastard!" she called behind the sacred arrow.

Returning quickly back to Inuyasha side, taking his hand. His eyes fluttered open one last time. His eyes were dull and blurry, he could barely see Kagome's tears. Each drop of water fell gracefully off her cheek and landed on his kimono. His breath shortened, forcing his to take multiply shallow breaths.

Sesshoumaru glared at his dying brother. Rage like none he had ever experienced welled up inside him. His eyes glowed red, but he forced himself to stay in his human Youki (sp?) form. Wanting to fight by his sister's side. "Dragon strike-…" "Skies of destruction!" they called together, forcing the remainders of Naraku to his knees.

"You stupid fools, do you really think you can beat me." Naraku chuckled, rising once again to his feet. "Your pathetic father wouldn't even be able to defeat me." He taunted, glaring at Sesshoumaru.

"Shut up you fucking creep, you know nothing of their father!" Kagome replied in defense. Naraku moved swiftly behind Kagome, striking her on the cheek, knocking her to the ground. "I will have pleasure watching you die slowly." Naraku said gritting his teeth, about to strike her again.

"Leave the wench be!" Sesshoumaru barked at Naraku, pushing him off of Kagome. "It's pathetic how you would rather fight a mere human then fight a full demon." He challenged.

"Sesshoumaru look out!" Hinoko cried, Kilala dove for Sesshoumaru, gathering his unwilling body up and out of his sister's ruthless attack.

Naraku turned to find Hinoko's eyes turn blood shot, turning full demon. "For my brother you son of a bitch!" she cried, raising her Kamikazi to the air, then swung multiply times at the ground sending waves of destruction towards the threatening Hanyou.

At first Naraku's body seemed untouched. A cruel laugh left his mouth. He didn't notice that his body began to parish from the legs up.


A/N: This is defiantly not my favorite chapter, I mean I don't like writing battles, they confuse me…ahh whatever it had to be done.