Nice To Meet You! Is a collection of the first time characters met. Each chapter stands alone. This fic COULD contain angst, slash/het, craky humor, and little known people form the univrese. All of this will be marked at the start of the chapter along with who is appearing in it, just in case you want to skip one.

I didn't have this in mind when I stared doing these, but is keeps me from spamming the section, not that it couldn't use it.

Summary: (GEN, Girly Boys). Naoya Itsuki meets Tsukasa for the first time. Poor Itsuki.

Characters: Tsukasa, Itsuki, Tomonori
Prompt: 29. Birth
Rating: PG

Written for MOG's Challange. Where you had to pick a line from the list and use it in a fic.

To the line: It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.


The view of Seika high's roof wasn't half bad to those who bothered to look. The school sat on a hill, so that on a clear day, you could see the sky scrapers reaching up miles away. What really made the building's roof stand out though were the birds. They came by in the evenings after most of the students had left to eat the scraps left from the small groups that ate lunch up there everyday. They could also still be found roosting there early in the mornings.

Itsuki had learned about the birds his first day. Though he normally spent his time after school in clubs or one of his various jobs, if he had the time (and could get past the teachers) he would sneak up there to think, while waiting on Kanmae to leave basketball practice. It was on one of these free days that he first met Amou Tsukasa.

He had heard about the "new kid who looks just like a girl." All the girls were ogling over him, even some of the seniors (and a few of the boys). No one knew much about him, though the stories were flying. Itsuki had yet to hear anyone say the boy's name. He didn't see the big deal with the new kid. It was still early in their fist semester, transfers and new additions were not unheard of.

He lazily wondered down the halls, keeping a careful eye out for teachers, and made his way to the roof's stairway. Sounds of laughter echoed to him though the door. Ducking around a corner, he quietly watched the steel door fly open. Two of the more brain-dead senior thugs came strutting out, grinning and talking loudly about 'punk kids.'

Coming down from a cigarette break, he figured. That's what most did up there, and what he was planning to do. With the coast clear he made his way up the steps. Walking out on to the roof, he thought he heard a quite cry of frustration. In the corner Itsuki spotted another student hunched over on the ground, looking like nothing more than a small black lump caught in a whirl of white papers.

"Hey, you alright?" He asked tentatively to the boy hunched over scattered papers on the ground.

The other boy jerked around, shaggy, blond bangs falling over huge misty brown eyes. For a moment, Itsuki was stunned to silence, thinking it the prettiest thing he had ever seen.

"I...I just dropped my p-papers." He stuttered, blushing deep red.

Itsuki shook his head, finding his voice and, unexpectedly, some sympathy. "You drop them or the meat heads drop those for you?" He picked up an escaping paper blowing by his foot.


"They'll lose interest soon. They're just mad they can't get the girls like you can." Itsuki handed the other boy some papers. "You could always sick your adoring fans on them."

The boy's blushed deepened as he mumbled something that sounded like a 'thank you,' confirming Itsuki suspicions. He certainly fit the "looks just like a girl" part. Had it not been for the uniform, Itsuki was sure he would not have known the difference. "What's your name?"

"I'm Amou Tsukasa. Nice to meet you." Tsukasa bowed standing, some composure retuned.

"Nayoa Itsuki." Itsuki wondered over the puddles of splattered ink near the outside wall's fence. Picking up one of the flattened, bleeding pens he said, "Don't think these are salvageable."

"Ah..." Tsukasa frowned at the remaining blue ink dripping to the ground, and Itsuki felt his insides squirm uncomfortably.

"Look...I know I have another one here somewhere...ah!" Itsuki pulled a pen from his pocket. "Here," He said thrusting it into Tsukasa's hand.

"Thank you!" The boy took the pen so happily Itsuki was once again taken aback by his face.

"No problem," He said, looking away. "What brings you up here?"

"I like to watch the birds and I haven't joined in any clubs yet. What about you, Itsuki-san?"

Itsuki pulled out a pack of cigarettes, tapping the pack lightly to pull one out. "Need to relax."

"Tomonori-san says those things are bad for you." Tsukasa frowned as Itsuki pulled out his lighter.

"So is not relaxing."

The sound of steel door screeched across the roof. Itsuki jerked cigarettes and lighter behind his back.

"Tsukasa? Are you up here?" A voice, Nakaura-sensei's Itsuki thought (for it had invaded his sweetest daydreams many a time), called.

"I'm here Tom-Nakaura-sensei." Tuskasa stuffed the last paper into his folder, and excitedly walked to the door. "It was nice meeting you Itsuki-san. Thank you for your help. Good-bye!"



It had been almost three weeks since his last day off. In reality, he didn't have this day off either. He had just decided to skip last period and let the Paranormal Club out early, so he could come up for a quick smoke before going to work. He had not seen Tsukasa since that first time on the roof, and did not really expect to seen him again outside of full grade actives. He had learned a lot more about him though, as was unavoidable when surrounded by his chattering fan club in class.

Tsukasa lived with one of the teachers. Nakaura-sensei was the most popular in theory, but no one knew for sure, and Tsukasa apparently wasn't telling. He picked up that Tsukasa had turned down the (many) love letters he had received with such kindness, grace, and blushing that the girls love him all the more for it. So for his birthday today, he would be getting the greatest of gifts. One of which smelled like road killed, and left him wondering just how Mr. Sweetness and Light would handle that one. It would be with some blushing he was sure.

Perhaps though the most satisfying thing he learned was that the two thugs that had been giving Tsukasa trouble had suffered a rather nasty run in with one of the more popular senior girls, after she had found out from a "mysterious source" that they had been bothering Tsukasa. Smiling at the memory of their pink painted nails, Itsuki stepped out on the roof.

It was windy and warm. The summer sun heated the cement, and when Itsuki laid back on to his perch above the door it almost felt like the building was burning him. He closed his eyes for a moment, just enjoying the cool wind whipping over his face. Moments later it seemed, he opened his eyes to a voice calling him.

"Itsuki-san? Itsuki-san, are you all right?"

"Hm...?" Itsuki sat up stiffly and looked down between his knees at the speaker.

"Did you fall asleep?" Tsukasa gazed up at him, smiling slightly.

Itsuki stretched, throwing his arms up and sighing dramatically. "I guess, I did."

"Are you sick? Do you need to see the nurse?"

"Nah," Itsuki said, hopping down. "Just catching up on a little lost sleep."

"You little red."

"I do?" Itsuki put his hand to his all too slightly stinging cheek. "Ah...that's not good."

"You must have been up there a long time to get sun burned."

"Yeah..." Itsuki looked down at his watch. He had been in there a long time, long enough that he was probably out of a job now. He glared down at the watch, feeling like it was the cause of so many on his problems. He took out his pack of cigarettes looking at the four lonely sticks left. Soon he sighed, shutting the pack.

"Oh, I just remembered." Tsukasa pulled a pen from his pocket. "I need to give this back to you."

"Don't worry about it." Itsuki looked up with a small smile and a shrug. "It's your birthday, right? Keep it, call it a gift." Itsuki was expecting a 'thank you', maybe a blush (guy seemed to do that a lot), but he wasn't planning on the misty eyes before him.

"I...I..." Tuskasa sniffed.

"Look, it's only a birthday present. It just means I'm glad you didn't die partway through the year."

"I'm sorry. You must think I'm so weird..." Tsukasa hic-upped a few times, while Itsuki awkwardly patted him on the shoulder. "It's just you're the first one to give me a birthday present besides Tomon--I mean, Nakaura-sensei."

"I bet you got a lot of gifts today!" Itsuki said a tad too enthusiastically, inching towards the door.

"No," He sniffed. "A few girls tried, but I can't take those. They might think I like them, if I accepted. That's what Yukari-sensei said anyway."

Itsuki felt he should say something here, he was sure he was suppose to, but his mind was just telling him to avoid the situation. He could handle crying girls fine, but a boy was weird. For some reason seeing this guy cry made him like he had done something horrible. Like baroque a big-eyed puppy who was the only friend of some poor, orphan girl.

Luckily, Itsuki was saved from this awkward moment, but was also doomed from this day forward.

The metal of the door of the roof screeched open to revel a tired looking Nakaura-sensei, who was looking less tried as he approached. "Tsukasa, what wrong?" he asked, clearly worried.

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm just being silly."

Nakaura-sensei's eyes turned to Itsuki for the first time, as if only now noticing him, and darkened. "Nayoa Itsuki. Why weren't you in my class this afternoon?"


"I think Itsuki-san has a fever Nakaura-sensei." Tuskasa mumbled, wiping a few lingering tears. "He looks really red."


"Yeah, Sensei! I feel really bad too. I better go to the nurse. Bye!" Itsuki all but ran towards the door, before he made it far though the skeptical teacher grabbed his arm. The stop was enough to knock the pack of cigarettes from his pocket. The pack spilled out onto the ground.

"And just what are those, Itsuki-san?"

"On the ground..." Itsuki murmured, looking sadly at the white stick rolling away in the light breeze. "I mean, I found them. On the ground," Itsuki said, snapping out of his depression.

"To the principal's office now!" Nakaura-sensei pulled by the elbow off the roof.


"Really, he gave you two months of detention?" Kaname asked as he pulled his uniform from his locker.

"Yeah and I'm never gong to find a job like this!"

"That's what you get for smoking."

"Oh no, that's just the official reason he put down. He really did it because he thought I made Tsukasa cry. That's why he made it one month on instead of two the next day. He found out what really happened. I am an example of what happened when you upset Amou Tsukasa!" Itsuki loudly proclaimed, causing the few player left in the locker room to stop and stare.

"Hey, It's players onl-Ahg! It's you again!"

Itsuki jumped up as a rampaging Yi-Xin Shiba appeared at the corner on the lockers. "Um, later," he mumbled before disappearing though the door, upperclassmen tight on his heels.

"Yeah, it may be that your sole purpose is simply to serve as a warning to others." Kaname slammed his locker shut, following the sounds of shots.

I hope to update every two or three weeks. Reviews might spur me to go faster...I also take request on who to do next.