Close your eyes when you read this…hehehehehehehe

forgive the typos

Reminder: Read this slowly, and do not miss a single word. I promise you that you'll end up wanting to tell me something. –wink- so you have to click that review button!

Disclaimer: Tite Kubo owns the entire bleach universe. I'm just using his characters for my own enjoyment and, hopefully, your enjoyment too.

It was definitely too much.

He kept his gaze on her back. Not willing to look anywhere else. Trying hard to forget that his hands were still glued to her waist.

For now.


Her voice was his undoing.

His hand on her waist tightened its grip.

Of course, that small hand covering his was not his wishful thinking.

The warmth that slid from that hand to his cold ones was real.

His senses were heightened to such that he could hear the blood rushing to his ears, touch the intangible cold and feel her breathe.

The air that went in and out of her, and for some strange reason, it fueled him more.

Thankful that he could not see her heating face, it took her some moments before she noticed that his grip on her waist had tightened, but it didn't hurt. Instead, it did other things to her----

She gasped as she was yanked down by the hands holding her. And breathed in too much air when she felt Ichigo nuzzle her neck, her hair falling out of the way.

Her eyes closed, all senses concentrated on his lips tracing wet kisses from her neck, to her collarbone, then back to her neck. She quite forgot that his hands were wrapped around her.

She was acutely aware however, of how she bent her neck just so to accommodate him as his lips slowly strayed from her neck up to her cheeks.

She thought how it was so that Ichigo, who had never kissed, nor touched her lips, could be so…so bold and…and passionate.

All thinking stopped as she suddenly felt his lips, his warm, soft lips, kiss her closed eyelids so tenderly. She actually felt like she was not only being caressed, not only being adored, but being kissed as one would a goddess. She had never experienced something like she did at that moment.

At the same moment, she felt his finger slowly trace the curve of her lips and tug. Heedless of what she was doing, her lips parted and in a second Ichigo was kissing the corner of her lips.

It was all so…so unreal.

Ichigo heard her as she took in a deep breath when he kissed her closed eyes. So many a time he had almost drowned in those deep violets before he caught himself, and now, kissing those eyelids adoringly, he could not only drown in it, he could bask in its warmth.

He tugged at her lips and felt her shudder as his lips touched hers. Suppressing a smile, he slowly taught Rukia the proper way to kiss.

She would never have thought that Ichigo was quite knowledgeable in these things. She has read a lot about these things in the novels she read. She was curious, and she had thought she would never like how two people could like to lock lips. Well, it isn't too late to change your mind, isn't it?

She turned in his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck. Most of her attention right now was focused on his hands. Moments ago, they were doing pleasurable things to her (she never thought possible) and now, it was going down to the small of her back slowly and gently.

A slight shiver went through her, totally unconnected to what Ichigo was doing. It was…

"I-ichigo, wait, do you feel that?"

By this time, Ichigo had already stopped doing what ever he was doing, and his hand stopped, spread wide over her flat stomach. He tensed.

"It's a hollow." She whispered to him, and in the space of a few seconds he had her at his back; he was facing the hollow that was coming nearer. She was still in a daze with his speed and the coldness which made itself known to her almost immediately.

With great noise and aplomb, the hollow, looking like the 'guardian of the white sands, Lunaganga (1)', appeared. They knew its weakness if it was exactly like Lunaganga, water.

"Ichigo! Where's Sode no Shirayuki?!"

"WHAT?!", he exclaimed, trying hard to focus on the hollow, not on Rukia. "You do not know?!"

"Heck, would I be asking you if I do? Look for it!"

Ichigo hit the hollow with a getsuga tenshou.

"Look for it yourself! I'll distract him enough for you to get it!"

Even though they were near each other, they had to shout because the hollow was saying with a loud, booming voice words that both of them didn't have a mind to pay attention to.

She saw it, right where the long piece of cloth lay forgotten. No time for blushing. She dove for it while the sand hollow was reforming itself, but too late that a big hand made of sand threatened to crush her.

"Rukia, you idiot!" sand rained down on her as another blast of getsuga tenshou destroyed the big hand.

"Second dance, Hakuren!"

A cold draft surrounded the tiny room as the sand hollow was covered in ice and slowly disintegrated. Ichigo returned Zangetsu to his back, and quickly went to her.

"Rukia, are you----"

Ichigo was cut off as the room where they were started to tremble. Oh, shit. Without thinking of anything at all, he grabbed Rukia and carried her bridal-style, out of that room, the same way where the hollow had entered merely minutes ago.

He almost slipped but finally he could smell and sense the high concentration of spiritual energy that was the atmosphere of Hueco Mundo.

"Mmmph. Mmph."

Rukia? Oh, yeah, he was squashing her.

"S-", a sharp jab to his left cheek caught him unaware.

"Were you planning to smother me???"

He nursed his cheek. "Sorry, okay. Geez, that room was underground. I didn't notice."

"Must be the reason why we couldn't feel any spiritual pressure."

Someone cleared his throat. He looked above and almost got out of his own skin when he saw Renji, Ishida, Nell(2), Dondochakka(3), and Pesshe(4) all staring down at the two of them. He couldn't help the blush that came to his cheeks. He suddenly remembered that he was lying above Rukia (the purpose was to protect her from any falling debris).

"Oh, Ichigo, Rukia, we felt both of your reaitsu flare up just now and we thought you were in trouble." Ishida said, pushing up his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Ichigo!" Nell shouted and sat on his lap.

"Ah, we were, Ishida."

Renji helped Rukia stand, but noticing her disheveled appearance, asked, "Your hair's all askew Rukia. What happened?"

Rukia was surprised at this question but immediately recovered. "Use your head, Renji, have you ever fought a big sand hollow who calls himself the guardian of the white sands in a place the size of Ichigo's tiny---"

Ishida was trying hard to suppress a laughter, which he considered very uncool for himself to be doing. He just noticed that Ichigo's face had gone red.


Rukia, Ichigo thought, was an expert at acting.

(1)check chapter 246. The Great Desert Brothers

(2,3,4) the names of the Great Desert Brothers.

Finally. No lemon guys, although it was almost, I'm still a minor. And it would be awkward if ever I wrote lemon fanfics, I'm only up to lime. Hehehehe…how was it? Breathtakingly stupid? Pretty pathetic? Absolutely horrible?

Oh, I really like to tease you guys.

So review!!!!!!!