The Truth Behind The Eyes

Note: Here's chapter twelve, now this is the last chapter of this story! I know it's sad isn't it? But oh well, all good things come to an end right? So please review and tell me what you think, you guys have been great, I really appreciate all of the support I got, so I hope you like this chapter it's pretty sad!

Chapter Twelve: The Truth About Holly

Jack couldn't take it any more. Here he was telling his dad probably the greatest thing that will ever happen to him and he completely shuts him down. Why am I even talking to him? Questioned Jack. His dad has done nothing but bad to him, so why is he still in his life?

Once his dad said that him having a child wasn't proof he left. He couldn't take it. He just couldn't…

Jack walked down the wooden steps of the cabin door and started to make his way down the land towards his small boat. But while he was walking his dad stopped him.

"Jackie wait!" he hollered as he came near him.

"I don't want anything to do with you." Said Jack as he continued to make his way towards the boat, without even looking at him.

"Just two minutes…please." He pleaded.

Jack took in a deep sign and turned around slowly.

"What do you want?" asked Jack.

Teague took in a deep sign and stepped forward before he began to speak. "What I said earlier…it came out the wrong way. What I meant was that having a child doesn't mean that you love her. Now, you think that everything's going to be okay, and I believe you, but you have to know that things change. Having a kid is a lot of responsibility Jackie. Having a kid means less rum, less adventure and more work. But if you just stick to it, and if you really love her…then you'll be fine."

Jack looked up at his father with tear rimmed eyes that he refused to let loose.

"…You were right," he continued. ", I didn't love your mother. I'm sorry, if I had loved her then life would have been easy for you and your sister… especially your sister. The truth is that…Monica was…" he paused. (Monica is his mother) "…She was a wench. You came and everything changed…I decided to be with her during the pregnancy but right after, Holly came and I couldn't handle it anymore. I started drinking more then often, ignoring you when you cry, staying out after hours, making it harder for your mom. You and Holly would always ask me why so many guys came to see Monica, and I would always tell you…it's her job."

Jack looked up at his father as he placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. He truly did feel a touch of sadness for him. But Jack knew that he wouldn't let his childhood ruin the one of his child.

"What happened next?" asked Jack barely above a whisper.

"…You mother said that she had enough, that it wasn't a full service job and that she had other things to do. More important things to do, is what she said. She was about to leave when we got in that huge fight with the other ship. You were only eight while Holly was only seven. I really didn't want to trade you in for the jewel but I had to Jackie. I needed the money, your mother was leaving anyways, and I knew that no matter where you were you were getting better care then what I was giving to you. Sure you were stuck in a jail cell, but they still fed you. If you had stayed with me you would have barely gotten a meal a day. I did it for the best…even if it didn't seem that way."

Jack truly did feel sorry for his dad. All this time he had running through his mind that his mom was the best out of two. But now he thinks nothing more of her then a filthy no good wench who apparently had 'more important things to do' then care for her own two children.

"I have to go…I'm sorry." Finally said Jack in a whisper as he turned around and stepped into the boat.

"Yes I remember, I just can't believe it," said Barbossa but the crew soon got interrupted by Jack climbing up the side of the boat. Once he got up there and landed on the deck he asked:

"I'm guessing that the fight is over then?"

Later on that night everyone was in their own ships and setting sail in different directions They all decided to just give up on the stupid fight and go their own ways. Barbossa of course had something to do with this. Sometimes when your sister is pregnant with the enemie things change. Especially when the larger amount of people don't even consider Jack has an enemy anymore, more like the boy who we feel bad for.

In Jack's cabin, him and Evangeline were talking while lying down in his bed. It was late at night and the rest of his crew were in bed so her and Jack were in the covers with her head on his chest and his arm around her shoulder.

" I was thinking that we should start coming up with some baby name Jack." Said Evangeline softly has she looked up at him.

"So soon? The baby's only like three days old love." He responded as he perked his eyes open and looked down at her.

"I know, but it will be fun. I was thinking that maybe we could name the baby after someone in our families."

"We could do that love. Let me see…what's your dad's name?"

"Christopher James Barbossa. What's yours?"

"Teague Nicholas Sparrow. What about if it's a girl?"

"Then…what's your moms name?"

"Monica Anne Cortez."

"Monica…I like that name…but why isn't her last name Sparrow. Didn't her and your dad ever get married?"

Jack took in a deep sign. "Do you really want to know love?"

"The more we know about each other then the happier our marriage will be." She responded.

Jack took in yet another deep sign and then he responded. "My mom…was a wench. 'Member when I told you that I got in a sword fight when I was eight? Well, it wouldn't matter if she had died or not because she was going to leave Holly and me that day anyways. She never loved us. She was just doing her job. My dad only left us because he knew that he couldn't take care of us."

"Jack…" she said in a whisper. "Who's Holly?"

"My sister."

"How come you never mentioned her?"

"…She's not the best person in the world." He replied dryly.

"She can't be that bad! Tell me about her." She asked as she cuddled into his chest again.

"Well…She has tanned skin, deep brown eyes, black hair…"

"You mean she looks just like you?" said Evangeline with a smile on her face.

"Nah, we have the same skin, hair and eyes but our facial expressions are different. I look very much like my dad while Holly looked exactly like mom. We used to be the best of friends…we did everything together, we were almost ashamed that we were related…" Jack chuckled the last part. He was just joking though; it was just an expression to show how close they were.

"Then mom and dad started fighting more and more, strange pirates started knocking on our door looking for our mom, me and Holly drifted further and further apart. When dad left us she began to think that it was my entire fault. Blamed everything on me because I was the first-born. We got separated. We never talked since then. She became exactly like mom, drinks, became a wench, and she's addicted to drugs. It won't be to long before she dies…" Jack chocked out the last part but still decided to continue. "She can hold a grudge forever love trust me. Sometimes, when I occasionally stop by Tortuga for more rum, we would see each other. You could tell that she had been crying, you could tell that she wants to talk to me but something's stopping her…some things don't change."

Evangeline let a tear fall down her cheek and so did Jack. He couldn't hold it in any longer. "You life's going to change though Jack. No more sadness, we'll live beach side in a small cottage, with the kid running around…everything will be fine." She said softly.

"I miss her so much Evi…" he said softly.

"I know, I know…" Evangeline stroked a piece of Jack's hair a she placed a soft kiss on his lips. Jack deepened the kiss by rolling her on her back so that now he was on top of her. Soon they parted and they now lay sided by side looking at each other.

"If the baby's a girl…I want you to name her Holly. It will be good for you Jack." Said Evangeline.

"If it's a boy, I want to name it Christopher, after your dad…and plus it's my middle name."

"It is?"

Jack nodded and they smiled at each other. Then Jack knew that they would be together forever. Just seeing her smile makes him forget about everything, forget about his mom, his dad, and his sister. Forget about his enemies and start thinking about the present. Because his future is Evangeline, and all he wants to ever think about…is her.

The End

Okay, so when I was writing this chapter I realized that it sounded like a good way to end it, but I might make a sequel but I don't know, because I still have lots of other ideas for great Pirates of the Caribbean stories, and I'm working on two other stories now, so maybe when I get those finished up I'll consider it. But I'll try to finish up those other fics as soon as possible because I like writing Pirates the most!! I hope you liked this story and please review and tell me what you thought!

-Natalie xoxo