Sara: Hey all what's up?! Sorry about the delay went out for summer and some teachers are already loading us with HW. Well here's the chapter and I speak for the rest of the crew when I say sorry and updates might be slow.

"Right then how about that tour?" Riko asked while sheepishly

scratching his head.

The girls and Mamoru nodded still in wonder about the parrot and why Dai and Riko looked afraid when they mentioned it.

"Don't you think that it's odd that they were scared when we mentioned that the bird looked like it could talk?" Makoto asked quietly so Riko and Dai couldn't hear.

"Yea, you don't think that it can talk do you?" Michiru asked curiously.

"Well it did talk when the intruders came on board." Mamoru pointed out

"No you idiot like talk as in how we talk you know kinda like Luna," Rei spat.

Riko had led them into the opposite side where the crew ran for their cabins. He opened the door and led them inside to reveal a magnificent table with some chairs there was another door at the end of the hall.

"This is the dining room, behind that door is where the kitchen is," Riko pointed out.

"Um...Riko who taught Dai's parrot to talk?" Usagi asked curiously.

"You mean Ali?" Riko asked

"Yeah, wait who's Ali?" Usagi asked.

"That's the parrot you bimbo," Rei hissed

"You're so mean,"

And thus this started a tounge war between the two of them.

Dai suddenly got an amused look in his eye, but before he could do anything, "Dai don't do least not right now," Riko whispered into Dai's ear.

Dai pouted, Fine

Usagi and Rei had finally stopped arguing and came back to the question.

"So who taught Ali how to talk?" Minako asked

" see...uh.hhh,"

Dai raised his hand slightly I did

"How'd you swing that when you can't talk?" Haruka asked

"Haruka be nice or when we get home it's the couch." Michiru warned

Riko answered for Dai, "Well Dai taught him when he first started sailing," Riko answered.

Dai nodded his head Damn right

While they were talking they had led them to the other door where the crew had previously ran and showed them some basic rooms like the crew's library was. They also found out that the teens rooms were after all of the crew's. (The boat isn't huge there just 15 crew members)

A bell rang

"Looks like it's time for lunch," Riko said as he led the girls and Mamoru to the dining hall.

The girls and Mamoru were amazed at the speed the crew was eating at.

Soon after the one person from the crew was at the watch tower. The girls Mamoru, and the pirate teens and Seta were on the deck.

"I hop that these two hooligans showed you around well enough," Seta said

"Yes in fact I think we covered the whole ship," Ami said smiling

"Well technically we haven't shown you what's under." Riko said ans Dai shrugged.

"What is under the deck?" Minako asked

"Oh you know not much mainly..." Before Taku could answer

A black vortex opened above the ship

"Well here she is," Ryozo said slightly grinning.

The girls looked at Ryozo curiously while Mamoru was still staring at the vortex.

Fist 2 cats fell out a black one and a white one. The black one was wearing a blue bandanna while the white cat was wearing a dark yellow one.

"Don't those cats look familiar?" Makoto asked narrowing her eyes.

Before anyone could answer a figure fell out of the vortex which immediately vanished after the figure fell out.

Seta ran to the figure's help, "Are you alright?" He asked as he helped the figure stand.

The girls and Mamoru went wide eyed as they recognized who they were.

"SETSUNA?!" They yelped.

Justin: She got you there with the cliff hanger!! Any guesses as to who the cats are?(Tell what us you think) Before I forget here's the results from last week. Please review and vote!!

Stay with Mamoru: 3

Go with Oc: 2

Go with Rei: 3


Mamoru Dies: 4

Mamoru Lives: 3

Justin : Man this polls are close!! Keep voting

Any question, comments complaints? Review or PM us!!