A.N. I'M HERE! AND WORKIN! Not sure how well anything will turn out anymore because I'm so out of it. But I am going to try extra hard because the story is coming to a close. I hope you have enjoyed my crappy writing, I enjoy what reviews I still get. ON WITH THE SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 23

Kagome was just getting used to spending the night at the hospital, getting daily updates on the store from her brother and Sango, and not having to clean anything when the doctors said she could finally take Jiro home.

"Jiro," she whispered softly. He enjoyed afternoon naps, especially since they weren't allowed to take naps during school. "Jiro, you need to get up. We're going home."

"K, momma," he grumbled rolling over. "I'll be up right now."

"Kagome," said a voice she wasn't expecting to hear. "I heard you are to take Jiro home this afternoon."

"Hello Sesshoumaru," she said. "Yes, I am taking Jiro home. He is finally well enough that there is nothing to worry about. Thank you for coming in to drop off a gift. He was over the moon."

"I am glad to hear that," he replied. "Did you recieve the gift I sent you?"

"I did," she said. "Sango brought it in with my mail the other day. "Thank you."

Sesshoumaru continued to follow Kagome with his eyes as she put away some things here and there that had been packed for Jiro and stored in the room's closet. She could feel his eyes on her back, but wouldn't say anything.

"Is there anything you wanted?" she finally asked, once everything was packed.

"I've been thinking," he replied. Never standing, he just sat there.

"Don't think too hard," she advised. "It won't get you anywhere."

"I am sure it may get me somewhere," he replied smugly. Quickly standing and taking the few steps to Kagome, Sesshoumaru wrapped his arm around her waist. "Kagome I am aware of the damage I did to our relationship. Upon normal circumstances, I would not consider doing what I am about to do, but I feel it is necessary."

"Hi Sesshoumaru!" Jiro exclaimed. "I'm happy you came to see me. My nurse said you had come before, but I was asleep."

"I did come to see you," he replied to the child. "And I see you received the gift I left."

"What do you say Jiro?" Kagome asked.

"Thank you Sesshoumaru," Jiro said with a huge grin. "I really love the awesome new toy you got me."

"You are very much welcome," Sesshoumaru told him with the slightest smirk. "Would you mind if I borrowed your mom for one minute?"

"Take her for longer," the nurse said with a laugh. "We are going to get a couple of things together in here for Jiro and take him for one last x-ray. Ms. Higurashi could use the company."

"What is the x-ray for?" Kagome asked.

"We have to make sure Jiro's lungs are fully healed," the nurse said. "It's a precaution we try to take."

"Alright," she asked. "Sesshoumaru will you wait here with Jiro for a moment before they take him?"

"Anything for you," he replied, sitting down to talk with the boy.

"Thanks," she said.

Sesshoumaru knew that Kagome was going to go ask someone at the nurses station if they had actually scheduled a x-ray for Jiro. Since the kidnapping she was on edge, and although he didn't tell anyone or let on; Sesshoumaru was as well.

"Hi Janice," she said with a smile.

"Hey Kagome," the girl replied. "You glad to finally get out of here?"

"Oh god yes," Kagome said with a laugh. "I have a quick question though."

"Shoot," her new friend said breezily. "But I have one for you as well."

"Is there a final x-ray for Jiro today on your charts?" she asked.

The nurse quickly typed in Jiro's name and looked up his file. "It says that he does have one final x-ray. Dr. Patel has it set up, for 1:00 this afternoon."

"Ok," Kagome said. She was grateful her son's usual doctor had set it up. If it was someone she wasn't familiar with, Kagome would have told them to not do it. "What was your question Janice?"

"Who is the man visiting you and Jiro?" she asked with a smile.

"Sesshoumaru Takahashi ," Kagome told her. "Don't try to go there. He'll get mad and dump you if you don't agree to do things his way."

"Sounds like you would personally know," the nurse said.

"I do."

-With Jiro and Sesshoumaru-

"So you're Ms. Higurashi's boyfriend?" the nurse asked. He was still updating Jiro's chart on the computer, and only spoke when asking Jiro questions.

"No," Sesshoumaru replied, looking up from the book he was reading with Jiro. "We are close friends."

"I see," the nurse replied.

"Sesshoumaru and mommy used to kiss," Jiro pipped up.

"Jiro," Kagome scolded. "You don't go telling people, other people's private doings."

"Sorry mommy," he said sadly. "Sorry Sesshoumaru."

"It is quite alright Jiro," Sesshoumaru replied.

"OK Jiro," the nurse said. "We are all ready to get you back there and done so we can let you go home."

Kagome helped Jiro sit up as the nurse got a wheelchair for them to take him down for his x-ray. "You okay with another x-ray?"

"I'm okay mom," he said with a smile. "I'm big now, and big boys get x-ray-ed. Right Sesshoumaru?!"

"You are exactly right Jiro," the man responded. "But it is also alright to be afraid."

"I'm not afraid."

"Good!" Janice said with a grin as she walked in the room with the wheelchair. "Shift change, your usual nurse went home. I'll take you down to see your doctor. Kagome and Mr. Takahashi can come with us."

"Can mommy and Sesshoumaru go in with me?"

"Not for the actual test," the nurse responded, applying the break to the chair so Jiro could climb in. "But they can stand behind a glass wall in the room and watch you if you want."

"Mommy, Sesshoumaru, will you?"

"I have no where else to go," Kagome said. "And I haven't missed a x-ray yet have I?"

"No," Jiro said. "Sesshoumaru, are you staying?"

"As long as you want me to."

-One Hour Later-

"Janice thank you for taking care of Jiro on the days I couldn't stay," Kagome said.

"Not a problem," Janice replied. "He's just so cute. I couldn't help myself." Kagome smiled, and her smile got bigger when InuYasha walked towards them.

"Hey little man," he said with a grin. "You excited to be out?"

"YES!" Jiro exclaimed as InuYasha threw him over his shoulders. "Mommy said we could go to Pizza Hut for lunch."

"Then Pizza Hut it is," InuYasha said.

"InuYasha," Sesshoumaru said. "I wasn't aware you were picking Kagome and Jiro up."

"I wasn't aware you would be here either Sesshoumaru," the younger man said.

"You took the rest of the day off?"

"Not a whole lot to do," InuYasha replied. "I know you have work to be done."

"I finished early," the elder brother responded. "I wished to take Kagome and Jiro for lunch to celebrate his wellness."

"Sesshoumaru can come with us can't he Yash?" Jiro called from his mother's arms.

"I'm sure Sesshoumaru is very busy," InuYasha started.

"If you wish me there Jiro," Sesshoumaru said with a smirk. "Then I shall be there."

"Come with us!" Jiro cheered. "He can come right mommy?"

"It is okay with me," Kagome said. "InuYasha do you mind?"

"Whatever," he scoffed taking Jiro from Kagome to put him in the car. "Let's just get a move on. Sango and Miroku are already on their way."

-At The Restaurant-

"Oooh," Sango said nervously. "They should be here soon. Miroku help Rin with her balloon. Souta hang this on Jiro's chair."

"Calm down, Sango!" Souta practically yelled. She had been running like a chicken with its head cut off, for a hour straight. "We've got it in order. They won't care if something isn't right. And I'm sure Jiro just wants to eat and go home to sleep in a decent bed for a change."

"I know," she said quietly. "I'm just nervous."

"Why are you nervous?" Kagome asked, walking in with Jiro on one hand and InuYasha practically carrying them both to piss his brother off.

"I get a text," Sango said. "We have one extra. Tell the restaurant. Then Miroku's doctor called. They have to keep him on extra chemo..."

"Sango I'm fine!" Miroku exclaimed. "It's just a precaution. I can do stuff again! But nooo! You just let me handle balloons while you and Souta are trying to hang streamers on beams you can't reach on chairs! And..."

"That's enough!" Kagome practically yelled as she helped Jiro out of his jacket so he could go with Rin. "Stop bickering, go get the rest of the stuff out of InuYasha's car please, Souta. Sango you and I need to talk."

"About what?"

"You know exactly what."

-With the Men-

"What do you think they are talking about?" InuYasha asked as he watched the two women walking outside.

"Sango has come to her senses and will bear my children..." Miroku said wistfully.

"Obviously it is something that is likely to happen," Sesshoumaru remarked, pulling Rin into his lap when her and Jiro approached them.

"Kagome isn't getting back together with you," InuYasha said.

"We'll see about that brother," Sesshoumaru said quietly.

-With Sango and Kagome-

"What's up?" Sango asked.

"You're nervous and I think I know why," Kagome told her.

"I'm just worried about Miroku," Sango said. "We've told my brother of the engagement and he was less than thrilled."

"Obviously," Kagome said. "You two are all you have in this world. He isn't willing to share you. Especially if that means you will move out of the place you two share."

"I figure he's just not adjusting well," Sango said. "Souta moved down here with my brother and he's doing better. But for some reason Kohaku just refuses to try and find a niche for himself. I enrolled him in college knowing it'd be a good way for him to meet people. But all he has done is gotten a job to help me out, although it's not needed, and completes his work."

"It take's time Sango," Kagome said. "If it weren't for Ronin I never would have gotten used to being here."

"Maybe I can..."

"Sango you aren't setting him up," Kagome said. "You are his sister. Not your mother. It'll take time. But I can ask Souta if he is willing to take Kohaku out with him and some friends. Since I'm positive they are still friends."

"I'm glad they are," Sango replied. "I know it's hard for him. Being away from home, and thank you."

"It's what I'm here for."

-Two Hours Later-

"Daddy can Jiro spend the night?" Rin asked Sesshoumaru.

"If it is alright with Kagome," Sesshoumaru told the child. "Then it is alright."

"KAGOME! KAGOME! CAN JIRO SPEND THE NIGHT! PLEASE!!!" Rin exclaimed, running to the older woman.

"I'll have to think about it for a few minutes, Rin," Kagome said. "Jiro just got over being sick, and I don't want you two to get too excited and then your dad and I will both have a couple sick little ones on our hands."

"So... yes?" The little girl asked.

Kagome couldn't help but laugh. She knew Rin got that from InuYasha, because he acts in a similar manner. "Yes, Rin. Jiro can spend the night. But only one. And you too can't get too excited. Or drive your father crazy."

"That's what Jaken is for!" Jiro pipped up.

Kagome laughed again, picking her son up. "Okay. Just don't make him mad again. And we need to go home to get you clean clothes."

"That will not be necessary, Kagome," Sesshoumaru said. "Jaken has picked up some clothing previously, so that Jiro may spend the evening whenever he wishes."

"Oh..." Kagome said softly. "Well okay then. Jiro you're going to go home with Sesshoumaru and Rin then."

"YAYY!" Rin and Jiro cheered. "Are we leaving now?" Jiro asked.

"If Sesshoumaru is ready," Kagome said.

"Mommy where are you going?" Jiro asked.

"InuYasha is taking me home," she said. "He's going to keep me company while you are gone tonight."

"Why can't uncle Souta do that?" the little boy asked.

"He is going to spend time with his friends," Kagome told him. "Just like you are with Rin. Right uncle Souta?"

"Yes it is!" Souta said with a grin.

"You ready?" Sesshoumaru asked Kagome. "I have everything set up for the children at home. Jaken made a room specially for Souta so he doesn't have to worry about Rin keeping him up at all hours of the night."

"I guess we are," Kagome said. "Thank you Sesshoumaru. It'll be good for Souta to spend tonight with his friend."

"I will bring him by tomorrow after lunch then?" he asked.

"That will be perfect," Kagome replied. She wasn't sure what she was expecting, but she was a little dissapointed when Sesshoumaru turned his back and walked with the children towards his car.

A.N. I'M DONE WITH THIS CHAPTER!!! IT'S BEEN SO LONG! I'M SORRY!!!!! I'm already working on the next one in my head though! So hopefully it'll be up by tomorrow evening. Hope you enjoy. Trust me though, this will be a much better one in the future.