This is for those of you who signed up for alerts for this story. I have started on the sequel and thought you might want to know, I'm going to start putting it on the net.

Title: Insecurities 1 (Sequel to Forged Together)

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam wing universe or any of the original characters. I'm doing this for fun.

Pairing: 3x4 1x2x5 (in all combinations). This is the sequel to Forged Together which is also under my pen name. You'll have to read that to understand how the pairings came about.

Warnings: Yaoi, Romance (if you can call it that), angst, humor, AU as in Endless Waltz didn't happen

Rating: NC 17

Archive: my lj under aidannwn

Betaed :by Stray (greyhunter)

Summary: The five pilots are growing up, trying to juggle work, school, field assignments, crazy sisters and everything else. In-between they have to work out the insecurities that are tearing apart their relationships.

Update rate: Once a week. May need prodding. Sorry, people busy at work but needed to get this online.