So I have a little background info. for you. Rory is a brand new teacher at Stars Hollow High. Jess is living with Luke at the diner and is in his senior year. Lorelai is still Rory's mother but they never lived in Stars Hollow, however Lorelai still did leave her parents house after she had Rory but they lived somewhere else. Lorelai won't be in this story very much except for maybe mentioned by Rory. Jess, Dean, Lane, and all other teens are still in the story and are 17. There won't be any L/L in this story since Lorelai doesn't know Luke. Rory just moved to Stars Hollow for her teaching job and has never known anyone there. Ok I think you can find out the rest as the story goes on. Please review and let me know if I should continue. I just wanted to try something new.

Disclaimer: Not mine.

She circled the room once again making sure every desk was perfectly aligned, every filing cabinet was in its correct place, books lining shelves were all organized, new chalk was placed on the ledge of the chalkboards, until everything was perfect. She walked to the board and took a piece of brand new chalk and raised it to the board writing slowly 'Ms. Gilmore' in neat cursive. She placed the chalk back on its spot and turned around. She looked up at the clock to see that it was now ten minutes before the new school year would begin and students would start trickling into the school, and for the first time, her classroom. She sat down at her newly purchased chair and desk, crossed her legs, and sat somewhat nervously for the first bell to ring signaling that the day had indeed begun. She tapped her nails lightly on the desk as small butterflies danced in her stomach. She felt ridiculous. A 21-year-old woman, soon to be 22, was nervous about teaching a group of 17-year-old students. Granted it did happen to be her first year of teaching on her own. She had begun learning to be a teacher almost immediately after graduating high school. She started out as assistants to teachers in their classrooms or a substitute. Finally this year she had been given a chance on her own with her own classroom. She looked around it with a small smile and a sense of pride. This is where she would reside for the next 180 days until summer came.

A shrill ring brought her out of her thoughts as the bell sounded. She looked to the door and could see through the glass kids walking through the hallways. She laughed as she spotted some freshman. She could tell they were by how confused they looked by their surroundings, maps held in front of their faces, groups pointing in every which direction trying to decipher where they should go. The more experienced ones walked slowly through the halls, stopping to greet friends, talking at lockers.

Then one stopped in front of her door, looked up to check the number, and slowly turned the knob to come inside. It was a young girl with long jet black, straight hair, glasses, and a shirt that said 'Love God' on it. She walked to a desk placed on the left side of the room and set her things down. As soon as she was done doing this she straightened herself out, grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head, revealing a shirt with 'Blur' sewn on the front. Rory's lips widened into a smile and a quiet laugh escaped her lips.

The girl looked up when she heard the teacher laughing. She saw she was smiling warmly at her so she smiled back as she sat down into her desk and placed the shirt she had taken off into her book bag.

"Good morning. I'm Ms. Gilmore." Rory said kindly to her. The girl replied, "Hi. My names Lane." She then proceeded to take a CD player out of her backpack, put on her headphones, and turn it on. She bobbed her head silently to her music.

Rory heard a small click and turned her head as another student came into the classroom. Slowly more and more students came in until 10 minutes later the bell rang signaling that class had begun. As she stood up to introduce herself the door opened and one more student walked, well more like sauntered into the classroom. He had very dark brown hair, almost black, wore loose fitting jeans, a black button up shirt with its sleeves rolled to his elbows, and carried only a pencil with him and a book in his back pocket. He carelessly walked to a seat at the very back of the classroom and sat down, slouching down low and folded his arms over his chest. Rory slightly raised one eyebrow in his direction as a small smirk graced his face.

She continued to walk around the desk and stopped in front of it. She smiled as she said "Good morning. My name is Ms. Gilmore, as it says on the board, and I will be your English teacher. I look forward to spending this year with you." Some students who had chosen to sit in the front rows, the 'good kids' as they were most likely called, smiled back while others had blank expressions, and some were frowning slightly. "I hope all of you will be able to learn something valuable in this classroom and come to appreciate what a wonderful thing the English language can be." The expressions continued as they had before but somewhere from the back she heard a small snort. She looked to see the young man who had come in late with a nasty frown and an expression that could only be described as deadly.

"I assume everyone was given the list of books we will be reading by last years English teachers. It asked that everyone please have the book "Anthem" by Ayn Rand the first day of school. Would you all please take that out." Slowly hands reached into bags and the book was withdrawn and placed onto desks with a soft thud. She gazed around to see who had their book. She walked through rows peering over shoulders. What a shock, she thought sarcastically, that the same young man who hadn't brought anything to class also did not have the book on his desk. "You don't have yours?" She asked.

"Oh of course I do. Can't you see it right there?" He bit back sarcastically. Her eyes narrowed considerably at his rude response but all he did was lean back even farther in his chair and stare at her with cold eyes. She walked past him and continued her check until she had counted that 2 others did not have their book. "If you don't have your book today please see that you get it by the end of this week. After that I'll have to start deducting points from your grade."

She walked back to the board, her heels making a soft click with each step. She picked up the chalk and wrote 'Read pages 1-25, Write a one page summary' underneath her name. She set the chalk down and dusted her hands off as she turned around. "That is your assignment. You may start now but if you don't finish there will be extra time tomorrow. For those of you who do not have your book," She trailed off as she grabbed a small stack of papers and began to walk to the back, "You will have to complete these grammar worksheets." She set one of them on the boy's desk. He stared down at it with a bored expression, flipped it over, and pulled the book out of his back pocket and removed the pencil from behind his ear as he began to scribble in the margins of it. She huffed slightly, exasperated, and gave the other 2 students their papers.

She walked to the front of the class and looked at the clock. "We have about 20 minutes left so get started." She then returned to her desk and sat down in her chair. She picked up a small notebook which had the names of the students listed on it. "I'm going to take attendance. When I call your name would you please raise your hand but continuing working." She called off name after name. "Dean Forrester" she called out and a boy who appeared to be tall, even when sitting down, raised his hand. She came to "Lane Kim" and the young girl who had first entered her class raised her hand. She continued on until she reached "Jess Mariano." She looked around for a hand but found none. "Is there a Jess Mariano here?" She continued to look until slowly the boy in the far back flicked his hand up quickly before letting it drop down again. She checked his name off then looked back to see that he was still reading the book he had taken out before, completely ignoring the sheet in front of him. She sighed and shook her head softly. She looked back up to try and get a glimpse at what he was reading. He was reading 'The Old Man and the Sea' by Ernest Hemmingway. She scrunched her nose up in distaste. Hemmingway was a cure for insomnia she always thought. She continued through the list until each person was accounted for. She looked to the clock and saw that there was 5 minutes left until the bell would ring for class to end. "Alright everyone you can close your books, we have 5 minutes left. Tomorrow after this assignment is finished we're just going to take the rest of the period to relax and get to know one another. Have a good rest of the day." She smiled at them once again. 2 more minutes until the bell would ring and everyone was finished packing up.

It rang and students began to stand, filing out of the classroom and back into the halls to their next class. The young man, Jess she remembered, was the last to stand. As he was about to pass her by she softly touched his arm for him to stop. He looked over with his eyebrows knitted together and a scowl on his lips. She softly said, "I can tell you're not exactly thrilled to be here but I'm asking you for a little cooperation. It doesn't take much to make me happy but doing a simple assignment would be a start. Now I just think we got off on the wrong foot and I'm sorry if your having a bad day or some other problem but could you try, if even a little, tomorrow? I would greatly appreciate it." She finished with a reassuring smile.

He looked down at her hand, which was still lightly resting on his arm. He then looked back up at her. She was young. Very young to be a teacher. In fact she looked like she'd just gotten out of high school herself. She had shoulder length brown hair and extremely blue eyes. She wore a black skirt that rested just above her knees, black shoes with a pointed toe and small heel, and a baby blue sweater that made her eyes even brighter. There was no denying that she was beautiful. As he looked at her he was trying to read her. She looked kind, confident, and sophisticated. However he could see her hesitance, her nervousness. She was brand new he assumed.

She stood there as a minute or 2 passed since she had stopped him. She was beginning to grow uncomfortable. He was just standing there, staring at her. He had yet to give her an answer. She removed her hand from his arm and crossed her hands in front of her. "Well?" She asked after she couldn't stand his scrutinizing anymore.

He smirked as he saw her shift her weight to her other foot uneasily. "We'll see." He said before turning and walking out of the room and turning the corner. When he had left she let out a sigh. She lifted her hand to her forehead and felt a headache behind her eyes. Her hand was shaking slightly from his unwavering gaze. She had always felt uncomfortable when people looked at her for an extended period of time. She grew self-conscious easily.

She let out a long breath of air and turned back to once again take a seat at her desk and wait for her next class to arrive.

Review and I'll love you.