When someday came

It was a bright day, and the sun was shining down on the field that the two people were sitting on. A man was sat on a rock and a young girl was playing around. She walked to the older man.

"Ne, Otoo-san, tell me more about him…?" The young girl asked with a sparkle in her golden eyes.

Goku smiled softly. "Alright, come here." He manuvered they young girl onto his lap. His golden eyes got a far off look as he remembered something from the distant past. "It was almost twenty years since I saw him last…"

"How long was that before Jyen?" The young girl, Jyen asked.

"Oh, at least seven-teen years." The monkey told her. "You're only new." He told the girl. "Your mother and I didn't meet for fifteen years after he left."

"And okaa-san is where he is now?"

"Yes, your mother is up there too. But the difference is, he said he'd come back."

"Tell me about him." The girl demanded.

"Okay, well… like I was saying…It was twenty years ago, and he told me he would come back. He was the sun, the brightness in my sky. I didn't want to have to let him go, but I trust his word. He will come back. I don't know when, and I don't know how long it'll be, but he will come back…He promised."

"Tell me what he was like before he went away."

Goku smiled a little. "He used to hit me, and yell at me a lot. When he did it, I thought he was just being mean, but after he went, I found I missed it. He used to do that, to teach me… or to shut me up when I was being annoying." There was a small bark of laughter. "He used to get annoyed at the smallest of things, but he stuck by me. No matter how annoying I was, no matter how loud and hungry I was, he was always there. He saved me from the darkness you know. He's the one that took me from the cave."

The young girls eyes were bright with tears. "But he sounded mean… Why did you love him so much if he was so mean?"

There was a small bark of laughter. "He used to get annoyed at the smallest of things, but he stuck by me. No matter how annoying I was, no matter how loud and hungry I was, he was always there. He saved me from the darkness you know. He's the one that took me from the cave."

"Oh, otoo-san! How long were you locked in that cave? It sounds scary!"

"It was. I was there for a very long time. But it's ok. It was worth it, just to be saved by him"

Suddenly, there was a loud THWAK as something collided with the back of Goku's head. "Ow!" He protested, turning around quickly while resorting, "What the hell was that for you stupid monk!" Then his eyes widened as he saw a smirking Sanzo stood above him.

"You say stupid-" The monk caught sight of the child and changed his words at the last moment "…things like that and expect not to get hit?" He frowned. "Who's she?"

"This is Jyen, my daughter." Goku introduced the now hiding girl. "Jyen-chan, this is Sanzo."

"The sun man?" the girl asked in a small voice. Goku nodded. "But otoo-chan, why does he look so angry?"

Sanzo was stood there, a frown on his face. Goku, who knew how to read Sanzo, even after so long, knew that he wasn't angry, but rather surprised and confused.

"Goku… how long was I gone?" To anyone else, those quiet words would sound angry, but Goku could hear the hurt that Sanzo had tried so hard to hide.

"Twenty years. Twenty long long years." Goku told him, a small smile on his face. "But you're back now, just like you said you would be."

Sanzo was still frowning. "I see…I don't blame you for moving on… I should go…" With that he turned around.

"It took me seventeen years to find someone that understood and didn't mind that I would never love them as I love you. It took me seventeen years to find someone who would accept the fact that when you came back, you would be the only one for me. It took me that long, and I was only with her for a year before she died. She died during child birth, so I looked after Jyen. But I never really moved on. I never got over you." Goku told the blonde man who froze.

Turning back slowly, Sanzo allowed a brief flicker of hope to cross his face. "Are you saying….?"

"I love you." Goku had a smile on his face. "And I always will."

"Otoo-san, 'Kai-chan and Jyo-chan are here!" Little Jyen cried happily. She bounced away from the couple and towards a convertible jeep that was heading towards them. With a small sound, the jeep transformed into a dragon, much larger than Sanzo remembered.

Hakkai and Gojyo walked towards them, both looking surprised and happy that Sanzo was stood there.

"Told you he'd be back!" Goku said triumphantly. "Looks like you owe me four months of cleaning!" He said to Gojyo.

Gojyo groaned. "Fine," He turned to Sanzo. "Thanks a bunch" He said. Although his words were sarcastic, there was a grin on his face. He was happy to see Sanzo again, not that he'd admit it.

"Otoo-san, we can all be a big happy family now!" Jyen said happily, causing serious laughter to come from more than one of the adults.

"Yeah right… Happy family…" Gojyo managed to say between fits of laughter.

A/N I know that that's a crappy ending… but I wanted to leave it on a happy note. I was asked to do a sequel to 'Someday' so I hope that was satisfactory…. It probably sucked, but either way, please leave a review commenting on it