It was a surprisingly dull day, the weather seemed to fit the sombre mood. Goku was stood over the small box that held his daughter. She looked so small and fragile as she lay still and un-breathing. Her golden eyes were closed and her usually rosy skin was a deathly pale.

Blinking, Goku tried to stop his eyes from watering. A few rouge tears fell and he wiped them away, wanting to be the strong father he had always been for the girl's short life time. He turned to everyone who was gathered in the small hall.

"Thank you all for coming…" He said to the few people before him. "All of you knew Jyen for a while, and all of you here are here to wish her well in the next life. It is a sad day for us all. She was only with us for three short years. It saddens me to have to say good-bye after such a short time.

"But I have decided, that though she is gone, Jyen would never want any of us to be sad. She would become sad herself and do all that she could to cheer us up. So I ask all of you, be happy about the life that she lived, and don't be upset that she's gone. Remember all the good times we shared with her, and not the sad occasion of today. And I ask you, whenever you think of my little girl, think of her, and smile. Don't remember only today, remember what she was like when she was alive. Remember how she used to make you smile, how she made you laugh. Remember her for who she was."

Goku took one last look at his daughter and walked to join the small crowd. He walked up to Sanzo, who pulled him into his arms.

"Sanzo…can you…." Goku gestured to the coffin. With a nod, Sanzo walked to the coffin and faced the small group of people.

"I don't make a habit of chanting for the dead…" He said as an explanation for what he was doing as he sat beside the deceased girl and began chanting.

Goku watched, tears flowing down his cheeks. But as he watched, something amazing happened.

A pale blue light seemed to emanate from the young dead girl. As everyone but Sanzo watched, the light intensified before it faded back into her body. A bright flash followed, and everybody was stood looking dazed. There was an extra guest in the room. Walking forward, the goddess placed her palm on Jyen's head. She closed her eyes before breathing deeply and letting go.

Then, Jyen sat up. The child looked around in confusion before she caught sight of Sanzo and Goku. With a squeal of delight, she stood up and ran to her father.

"Otoo-san! The goddess said I would wake up!!"

Upon seeing the rise of the young girl, and noticing that her stomach had completely healed, Goku did the only thing that he really could… He fainted. He was caught by Hakkai. Jyen saw her father collapse and promptly fell into tears, catching Sanzo's attention. The blonde looked at the girl in shock and turned to the goddess. "What the hell is going on?" He asked. For once, he wasn't angry. He was relieved and… thankful. The goddess had obviously woken the child, and healed her completely.

"She was annoying me." The goddess said with a shrug. "So I give her to you… like I did the last one. You seem to like them…" With that, she smiled slightly and turned to walk away. "Be sure to make life interesting…" She shouted over her shoulder before disappearing.

"Jyen…" Gojyo said, his eyes wide. He stared at the girl, tears of joy filling his red eyes. He opened his arms and the girl threw herself into an embrace.

"Is otoo-san going to be ok?" She asked Hakkai who was knelt beside the monkey.

As if on cue, Goku groaned and opened his eyes. He caught sight of his daughter and rushed to her side. Gojyo handed her to her father and he held on for dear life.

"Are you ok?" He kept asking, over and over again. The girl giggled and reassured him.

"Ne, otoo-san, I'm hungry. Can we go have dinner?" She asked, receiving a relieved chuckle from the adults.

"OK, let's go…"

A/N: I don't think this needs another chapter does it? Sorry it took me so long to update… I forgot about it lol. Anyway, hope you enjoyed it. If you think it needs another chapter, be sure to review and let me know! If you think it was alright being this short, let me know. If you hate it, let me know… pretty much, leave a review…