Disclaimer: I do not own these characters they belong to Rumiko Takahashi and J.K. Rowling.

"Did you hear about what happened to Jackson?" A dark haired death eater asked his patrolling partner.

"Yeah," The other chuckled darkly, "It's a right shame, but he shouldn't have been stupid enough to run from the dark lord."

The first death eater agreed and laughed with the second. They turned a corner in one of the vast hallways of their hide out and froze.

"What the bloody hell is that?" The second one yelled as he jumped back from the gruesome looking purple cloud. He gagged and grasped his throat as he felt it begin to constrict and swell.

His partner wasn't fairing any better as he was already convulsing on the floor.

"Fools." The hanyou in the center scoffed and stepped over the two as he continued his way down the hallway, his purple cloud of miasma surrounding him.

It didn't take him very long to find the chamber in which the dark lord inhabited and, after killing two more death eaters on patrol, he slunk in. He spotted the dark lord in the center of the room, standing in front of his regal chair, his wand at the ready. He noted that he was also surrounded by other death eaters as well, all with their wands drawn.

He chuckled darkly and bowed to Voldemort, his baboon pelt concealing his features. "Greetings, m'lord. It is an honor to final meet you, even if it isn't under the most pleasant of circumstances."

The dark lord hissed, a sound very similar to a snake, and his nostrils flared. How dare this fool invade his hideout! How dare he disgrace him! "And who, might I ask, are you?" He spoke calmly, but all in the room could hear the underlying anger in his voice.

"Forgive me, m'lord. I seem to have forgotten myself and offended you. My name is Naraku." He paused and then smirked, "And I know how to obtain something that you want dearly."

-scene change-

"Kagome! It's time to get up! You've already missed breakfast and it's almost time for class!" Hermione scolded, as she pulled open the curtains to the young raven's bed.

Kagome groaned and hide her face; she didn't want the other girl to see her most likely red and swollen eyes. If she did, she would have far too many unwanted questions.

"All right, I'm up." She tried to hide the scratchy quality in her voice with a loud yawn.

Hermione glanced at her suspiciously before spinning around and gathering her books. "I'm off to the common room, then. If you need anything or can't find something just ask one of us, alright?"

"Sure, okay." Kagome waved goodbye to her from her spot on the bed and waited until she heard the click of the door and the sound of Hermione's footsteps heading down the stairs before she hauled herself from the bed and into the bathroom.

She grimaced at her puffy eyes and placed her palms over them carefully. She concentrated and sighed happily when she felt her healing energy pour from her hands.

"Much better." She commented to herself when she was done and quickly brushed her teeth before rushing out of the bathroom and into the dormitory to get dressed.

-scene change-

"There you are! Hurry up or we'll be late for class!" Hermione said, gathering her books and hurrying through the portrait hole. Ron rolled his eyes and huffed before following her out.

Harry chuckled as Kagome blinked and shifted her books. "What's so funny?" She asked as descended the last of the stairs.

"It's nothing really, I'm just glad that Ron and I weren't the last ones of bed today." He smiled at her and walked beside her as they headed to class.

"Oh." She laughed lightly. Harry glanced at her suspiciously, something seemed off. She didn't seem like her normal self. "What's with that anyway? You're usually the first one of us up." He commented and his suspicions escalated when she winced slightly. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, of course." Kagome waved him off, "I was just really tired from all of the studying and catching up I've had to do is all."

Harry sighed and stopped her before they entered one of the more crowded hallways. "Let's go this way. There won't be as many people." He tugged her behind one of the statues and into a secret passageway.

She blinked him and then smiled gratefully up at him. He smiled back and gripped her hand tighter, trying to offer as much comfort as he could in the simple gesture.

"Thank you." Kagome whispered and squeezed his hand back, all the more grateful that he loved her back.

A/N: I'm very proud of myself. I've actually updated two stories in two days. I hope you enjoyed and don't forget to review!
