(kairiku) A one-shot collection dedicated to keeping the old-school love alive.

(a/n) i. hate. school. forever. visit my livejournal and rant with me.


(ix) broken


Help me not be broken anymore.

Her eyes: so blue. Within them are reflected the endless reaches of the sea—so bright on the surface, so dark below. Now, though, now they show nothing on their surface but his own glassy reflection.

Her eyes are dead.

Her fingers are cold.

If he hadn't placed a hand to her diaphragm to check, he wouldn't even think she was breathing.

It's like she's not even there. When he holds her close to him sometimes, and whispers into her ear that she'd see, that it would be okay, that he'd find whatever of her was missing and she could be warm and bright and whole again, she doesn't even blink. He likes to tell himself that maybe her breathing speeds up a little bit, but he secretly knows he's lying.

It's like she's broken.

So no matter what he has to do, he's going to find out how to un-break her. He'll fight. He'll bleed. He'll die. He'll let himself do worse than that.

If it takes my life. His life. My soul. I'll do it all for you. Even if you'll hate me for it later.

Better for me to be broken than you.


(a/n) just trying to kill the writer's block demon. plus, I dared myself to write a fic inspired by the first song to come on my itunes shuffle. (it was broken, by seether.) keep the old-school love alive.