The Thirteen O'clock News

Chapter Four

Tails was wandering around the studio, making sure that everything was ready before the latest broadcast, when he noticed Knuckles typing away at the cues for the reporters.

Briefly, the two-tailed fox wondered how the echidna could type wearing those gloves, but then continued on his way, giving the matter no further thought.

It was too bad he didn't, for it would have saved a lot of trouble later on.

It was… the time when the news came on, and for once, everyone was ready. This left Amy feeling much relieved. Maybe everything would go right tonight. Still, she walked off the stage feeling that something was about to go horribly wrong…

"Lights, Camera, action!"

The apathetic black-and-red hedgehog known as Shadow began. "Good evening and welcome to the Thirteen O'clock News… Is the show over yet?"

Off stage, Amy began seething.

Zelda winced, then began speaking, "Tonight, our on-the-spot reporter Sonic the Hedgehog is interviewing his arch enemy, Metal Sonic. Let's go Live."

"Hey Zelda, I'm here with Metal Sonic." Sonic calmly stated the obvious. "He is busily working on his latest doomsday device. Let's go talk to him."

Outside the secret base, Metal was working on something that vaguely resembled a giant laser gun.

"So Metal," Sonic said as he held the microphone out to the robot. "Please tell us what this machine is for."

"I invented this to destroy my self-proclaimed arch nemesis, Sonic the Hedgehog." Metal told them.

Unamused by this, Sonic decided to point something out. "Um, hi. I'm standing right here."

"Excellent." Metal said. He then proceeded to swivel the gun around and hit the 'fire' button.

"What!?" Sonic jumped out of the way as the laser hit the spot where he'd been standing. He reappeared a moment later.

"Would did you do that for?!" Sonic demanded.

"I'm going to destroy you." Metal Sonic informed him.

"Why you little…" And with that, Sonic jumped on Metal Sonic, and began beating up the robot, sparking a fight between them.

The camera scene switched out, returning back to the news room, where Zelda sweatdropped.

"Um…thanks, Sonic…I think…And now we take you to Silver who has the weather report."

The camera screen switched to the weather map, but there was no Silver standing there.

Backstage, Amy was trying to force Silver onto the stage.

"Silver, get out there, it's time for you to do the weather." Amy said as she tried to push Silver onto the screen.

However, Silver, was having none of it, and had used his telekinesis to attach his feet firmly to the floor. "No way! I'm not goin' out there! Those lights hate me."

"Get out there and do the weather!"


Finally, Amy pulled out her hammer and with a good whack, sent Silver flying out on stage.

"G-g-g-good evening everyone…for the extended three day forecast," Silver stopped to glance up and keep an eye on the lights, then continued. "Tomorrow will partly cloudy with an eighty percent chance of rain. The day after," Just then, Tails, who was flying up near the roof and working on the track lights above the weather map, accidently dropped a wrench, which landed right next to Silver's foot.

Notwithstanding, Silver was out the door at a speed that would have rivaled either Sonic or Shadow.

Amy sighed. "Hey Rouge, you'd better call Sonic and tell him I need him to go hunt down Silver and bring him back."

"Gee, maybe they should have let Zelda do the weather." Shadow observed. "And now we have special segment dedicated to a 'mystery hero.'" How odd, Shadow thought. We've never done one of these before.

"This hero is best known for helping fight the Black Arms, which is odd, because he originally helped them, and was nearly responsible for the aliens' taking over the world. But this isn't the first time he's tried to destroy the world. Originally he helped Dr. Eggman use the Eclipse Cannon to destroy the world. Is he narcissistic, or just making up excuses to save the world? Whichever it is, we'd like to dedicate this newscast to Shadow the…" The words died on Shadow's lips as he realized what had just happened. He turned and sent another death glare at Knuckles, then promptly jumped out of his chair and began attacking the red echidna.

The camera screen went black, and then a note appeared on screen.


Meanwhile, over at the G.U.N. base, Captain Westwood was running the place for a week while the commander was on vacation.

He was sitting in the commander's office, with his feet on the desk, and was sipping coffee while watching the Thirteen O'clock News.

He watched through all the segments, including the one 'mystery hero' segment. He then performed a spit take with his coffee as he realized something.

"Hey, that was a confession."

He quickly picked up the phone and barked orders into it. "Quick! Get me a squad of soldiers, the Chaos Neutralizer gun, and a pair of handcuffs! Shadow the Hedgehog just confessed to almost destroying the world twice! Meet me at the Thirteen O'clock News Studio!"

With that Captain Westwood slammed down the phone, gulped down his coffee, raced out the door, and was halfway to the studio before he realized he'd forgotten his car keys. Now how did that happen?

Meanwhile, the studio was hastily put back together, and everyone was getting back in their places.

"Alright…" Rouge called. "We're going back on air…now!"

"Sorry about that." Zelda spoke into the camera. "We…"

But before she could say another word, a group of G.U.N. soldiers burst down the door and swarmed the studio. They pulled out a huge gun and shot Shadow with it, causing the black hedgehog to freeze up and fall out of his chair.

The G.U.N. soldiers then promptly dog piled and handcuffed the poor hedgehog, and dragged him out the door.

"What the heck is going on here!?" Amy Rose fairly screamed.

"I was watching this news broadcast when I realized that Shadow the Hedgehog just confessed to nearly destroying the world twice." Capt. Westwood told here. "Trying to destroy the world is a crime!"

"Well aren't you bright." Amy muttered under her breath.

"So we have to arrest Shadow the Hedgehog." Westwood explained. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go book that monster."

Westwood walked out the door. Confused, Zelda looked at Amy, who made a slashing motion across her neck.

"Um…we hope you enjoyed this edition of the Thirteen O'clock News, and we'll see you next time." Zelda ad-libbed.

The camera was turned off, and everyone began getting ready for the next days updates.

Now what am I gonna do? Amy wondered. Silver took off, and Shadow got arrested; we're gonna need more help around here until we get Silver back and bail Shadow out of jail.

After thinking it over a moment longer, Amy pulled out her cell phone and hastily dialed a number.

"Hi Vector, I was wondering if you could help me? No, I don't have a crime that needs solving, but I need some help anyways." Amy spoke into the phone. "But would it be possible for the Team Chaotix to come down to the Thirteen O'clock News Studio and help out for awhile?"

T.A.R.N.S.: Yeah! Fourth chapter! I hope it was funny. Huh...I can't remeber who I'm supposed to thank for this one. Oh yeah, godmario and Dragonbreath1.

Nyoshi: Kindly review and leave us a news story! Heck, please review even if you don't have a news story.

T.A.R.N.S.: And we'll see you next time.