Pure Fax fluff

Pure Fax fluff. I love fluff. I also love the thought of Fang dancing to Fergie. I couldn't resist. If you guys like this one, it might be more than a oneshot 'cuz I have that scenario haunting my thoughts (as if I don't spend enough time in my head as it is. Like I nedd fictional characters hanging out in there too.) as well. You know, pure Romantic-Comedy. I love romantic comedies.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Well, that's not true. I am the proud owner of 27 pens. I bought them with my very own money. But I digress.

"Where's the iPod?" I (being Max in case you're just tuning in.) called. The Flock and I were staying in an abandoned house on some beach (I know, you'd think that with my track record I would stay away but I just couldn't help myself. It calls to me like the siren to the poor unsuspecting boaters.) At the moment, we were just going with the flow (as the voice would say if it were still around.)

"Fang has it," Angel's soft voice called back.

"Thanks, Sweetie," I replied. I went up to the room Fang had claimed. As I neared his door I could hear the strains of a tinny voice. He had that up LOUD. I opened the door. He was dancing around in his boxers. He sang softly to himself. I strained to hear what he said.

You could see me, you can't squeeze me. I ain't easy, I ain't sleazy. I chuckled. I can't believe he was listening to Fergalicious. He's been hanging around Total too much. He did some weird grindy motion. I stifled my laugh. He hadn't realized I was standing there.

It's hot, hot. He did a move that could only be described as, well, hot. As much as i hate to admit it, I was sorta, ogling him. I mean, picture it. A boy with midnight black wings, dancing around in his boxers. Fang is, dare I say, quite the looker.

Fergalicious def-, Fergalicious def-, Fergalicious def-...Fergalicious definition make them boys go crazy. It was getting harder to hide my laughter. He rolled his shoulders and twirled his hips. He proceeded to do a pretty... provocative dance. Well, it would've been if he didn't think he was alone. (A/N Was that confusing? It was confusing to me and I wrote it.)

All the time I turn around brotha's gather round always looking at me up and down looking at my (uuhh).I just wanna say it now I ain't tryin to round up drama little mama I don't wanna take your man. I couldn't contain the laughter anymore. I burst into hysterics. He looked at me and I noticed a light blush crept onto his cheeks. That surprised but I couldn't stop laughing long enough to question it. He quickly removed the earbuds and turned off the iPod.

"How long have you been standing there?" He kept his voice calm but I could hear the underlying worry. Instead of replying, I mimicked one of his dance moves. His blush deepened. I couldn't help but smile at his embarrassment. It was nice to see the emotional side of Fang. Then, a wicked grin spread across his face, momentarily stunning me. Not because he, you know, brings the sunshine into my life or anything like that. Riiiiiiight. He pulled me into the room while still in my paralyzed state. I snapped out of it when I heard the door click shut.

"What are you doing?" I asked. He turned to face me.

"I need to make sure that you don't tell anybody. Insurance, if you will," he stated, a demonic grin growing.

"How's about you just trust me not to tell?" I said pleasantly.

"No...I don't think so," He shook his head as if in regret but he had a mischievous glint in his eyes. I took a step away from him.

"Angel probably already knows."

"Maybe...maybe not. She's pretty preoccupied at the moment. She's really into that sand castle." He took a step towards me. I took another step back.

"Fine. What'd you have in mind?" I actually didn't want to know what he had in mind. I don't like that look at all. Well, just a little 'cuz Fang even showing emotion makes my knees go weak but if not for that that look would make me queasy. He took another step. I stepped back until I hit a wall. He quickly closed the space between us.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe something that would embarrass you if I were ever to, you know, let it slipped into my thoughts around Angel." I swallowed. 'Cuz, I was nervous about what it might be not because of his smell or the way his chest muscles felt so near to me or, you know, his sheer closeness.

"Like...?" I prompted. He slid his hands to rest on my hips. My breathing was coming in little, staggered breaths. He pressed his body closer to mine and leaned down, his lips hovering just above mine, his breath fanning across my face.

"Like this." He closed the distance between my mouth and his. It started out softly but soon his tongue ran across my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I wanted to lock him out, I really did, but my body and my brain were working against each other and my body won. I wanted to pull away and slap him for blackmailing me but I loved the way his hips grinded against mine like when he was dancing. After a bit I finally regained control over my body and pulled back.

"Fine! I won't tell," I gasped. He chuckled. I stuck my tongue out at him and he licked it. Licked it! Jeeze. And I thought I didn't have control over myself. He kissed me softly.

"Good. But I have a question?"

"What?" I sighed, exasperated. What did he want now? A lap dance?

"Can we do that again?" And with that his lips were on mine again.

Okay, I just had to do a cutesy Fax fic. I love Fax. Fax makes me happy. And I decided that not enough fics had a dancing Fang, so I had to make one. Remember me, I don't expect much, never have , never will. So just give me ONE review.

Peace and Love and Dreams of Hot Guys (specifically a particular bird boy with black wings-wink,wink),