A/N: Read this note or you won't be reading anything from me again

A/N: Read this note or you won't be reading anything from me again.

I have been thinking long and hard about this. I might DISCONTINUE this fic, along with my other one, The Lost Love Chronicles.

Why? Because all my loyal readers don't even come to this fandom anymore. That, and the fact that my muse is gone forever (though I swear I'm not mourning him; it's for the best that we stop talking). And no, my muse was not imaginary. –rolls eyes-

So if you still want to read this, you have to make your voice heard. I put a poll on my profile about it. Please vote on it. You can give your say in the matter in a review as well if you want to explain your choice.

This may or may not be the last chapter. The fate rests in your hands, not to sound too overdramatic.

Chapter 8 – City of Love

(Max's POV)

Paris, le ville d'amour! That's "the city of love" for you that don't parlez francais.

When this is all over, I am officially moving here! Apparently French people are even more susceptible to Angel's charms, because we got a free stay at that fancy hotel. And don't even get me started on the food!

"Max," Fang nudged me. "Maybe you should stop stuffing your face with that bread so we can get to work."

"But it's sooo good! Try some! It's simply orgasmic!" Only when it was too late did I realize what I'd said. "Er, not that I would know what that's like…" Stupid, stupid, Max!

Fang raised an eyebrow at me.

Head, meet table. Repeat as needed.

Oh, now you decide to talk to me, eh Beasty?

I thought I would give you time to figure out what to do. And since you obviously know a bit of French, I haven't needed to step in and save you from wandering into the whore district.

Thanks. Sarcastic? Me? Never!

Max, Fang is talking to you.

Well, that got my attention.

"Hmm?" Max, Queen of Eloquent Speeches.

"I asked if you've been sneaking out to visit the whorehouses. Geez, the least you could do is bring me with you."

I snarled at him. He put his hands up to surrender. "Easy, girl. I didn't mean to offend you!"

"Hmpf. Why would I bring you if I did go? Which I didn't!" I quickly added.

"Because you loooove me?" he grinned.

"That's not a good enough reason. I love Iggy too, but he obviously isn't getting any," I snickered.

"You are so unfair."

"Who ever said life is fair?"

"I did, just now. If you're getting some, I'm getting some and that's final!"

A blond head popped up beside our table at the café. "Getting some what?"

Oh, shit.

Very mature, Maximum.

Oh, shut up, you!

"Um… Fang is mad because I was going to get an ice cream cone and said he couldn't have one." I hoped she didn't see my eye twitch at the poor excuse.

"Ooh! I want some, too, then!" I sighed in relief. That was an easy one to dodge.

At the rate you two geniuses are going, you'll need to talk in a separate language to avoid exposing Angel to sex terms.

You know, that idea isn't half bad.

"Ang-fay? O-day ou-yay ink-thay e-shay," I nodded to Angel, "ows-knay at-whay e-way are aying-say?" Okay, my pig latin isn't perfect, so sue me.

Angel huffed. "It's not fair! What are you guys talking about?"

I grinned. I should test it one more time, just in case.

"I ould-way ery-vay uch-may ike-lay o-tay ick-lay our-yay ig-bay oe-tay."

Fang's eyes grew double in size. "Why?!"

"You're no fun. You were supposed to respond in the language," I said, avoiding saying what we were speaking so Angel wouldn't figure us out.

"Okay. Y-whay ould-way ou-yay ant-way o-tay ick-lay y-may ig-bay oe-tay?!"

"I anted-way o-tay ee-say if ou-yay ew-knay at-whay I-may aying-say." I smirked at him.

Angel walked away to another table with her brother once she saw that she couldn't eavesdrop on us anymore. Thank you, Beasty!

"Well, now that we're alone…" He waggled his eyebrows at me suggestively, leaning down to take his shoe off.

"You may now indulge in your toe-licking fantasy," he said, barely containing his laughter.

I stuck my tongue out at him. "I'm not putting my mouth anywhere near that thing! It's as dirty as a hobo!"

He smiled and shook his head at me. "What would I do without you?"

"Well, you would have no one to laugh at and to curb your raging hormones you would have to go gay with Iggy." I smiled triumphantly at him.

He huffed, but leaned over and kissed me anyway.

Did I mention that I love Paris?

A/N: So, please vote on that poll, okay?

Suggestions are welcome, reviews are love.