Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or any other characters in this story. I don't own any songs that I may use in this chapter either.


Full Summery: Seven years ago, High School ended. Five years ago, Sacred Arrow, Kagome's band, became famous. And four years ago, he left her. Her life consisted of having a kick ass concert, partying hard at the after party, pass out drunk, get carried to the tour bus, wake up at noon hung-over, practice, have a kick ass concert….repeat. Everyday. Nothing was more important. Not even him. He wanted a family. She just wanted to rock. He wanted to spend time with his fiancée after her concerts. She wanted to party with random people and get shit faced drunk. Every night. He told her to choose a life. Rock and Roll, or marriage. Him or partying. She chose partying, and he left her standing in the middle of a dance floor, martini in one hand, to drunk to remember what happened when she woke up the next mourning. They promised never to meddle in her love life all the way back in high school. But, it had been four years. Desperate times called for desperate measures. When they trick him into spending the holidays with a girl he never wanted to see again, in a house he should be living in, the shit will hit the fan. Because none of them are ready for the drama about to unfold.

Chapter 1: Interview


The senior class was crowded into the auditorium. Ever one was giddy, excited, and most of all, nervous. It was their last day. Their final day in High School. Tonight they would walk across that stage, take their diplomas and become a high school graduate.

"God! I can't wait to get out of here!" Koga exclaimed, scanning the auditorium, looking in the faces of the people he had known since middle school.

"I'm with ya." Ayame agreed, lacing her fingers through Koga's.

"Can you believe it? It's our last day! Our final day of high school! Graduation is tonight. Only hours from now!" Sango said, smacking her boyfriend's wandering hands away.

"Tell me about it. It feels like we just came here as freshmen." Kagome smiled at all her best friends.

"Do you realized we hated each other?" InuYasha reminded the love of his life, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, and grinning down at her.

"I know! It seems so long ago!" Kagome kissed InuYasha on the cheek.

"We couldn't get along." Koga said to InuYasha, who nodded, remembering the fights they had gotten in over stupid things.

"I still wanted to be a monk back then." Miroku reminded the group, causing all of them to laugh.

"I was starting to develop a crush on Koga." Ayame added.

"I was just starting to play drums." Sango said.

"I was beginning to write my own songs." Kagome explained. "And you were starting to date my cousin." Kagome reminded InuYasha, elbowing him softly. InuYasha shuttered.

"I had to be insane." InuYasha commented.

"You were." Kagome replied.

"So, Kagome, this is your last day of high school, what do you plan on doing with your life?" Ayame asked, and pretended to shove a microphone in Kagome's face, like a reporter.

"I'm gonna be a rockstar." Kagome said confidently.

"And how do you plan on doing it?" Ayame questioned, in her best paparazzi voice.

"I'm gonna trade this life for fortune and fame. I'd even cut my hair and change my name." Kagome sung aloud, laughing. It was the lyrics to her favorite song from NickelBack.

"Would you give up anything to get there?" Sango joined in, also pretending to be a reporter.

"Yep. Anything!"

"Even InuYasha?" Ayame and Sango asked in unison.


End flashback

"Kagome!" Ellen Degenerous (sp?) yelled to get the twenty five year old rockstars attention. She wasn't being paid to sit on the squishy chair and stare into space.

"Huh? Oh. Sorry." Kagome apologized quickly, shacking the memory of her high school friends out of her head. "Could you repeat the question?"

"I asked if you had to give up anything in order to get where you are today?" Ellen repeated, smiling.

"Umm…yes. I think just about everyone must give up something important to them at least once in their life." Kagome answered, running her fingers through her raven hair. She had changed since her high school days. She had filled out more, and had a curvier body. Her face was still young, but had lost its childish look. Her hair had electric blue highlights running through it, to give her more of a rockstar look.

Her attitude had changed a lot, too. In the past seven years, she had went through major life changing situations. She had only been twenty when the band had hit the big time, finally reaching her dream. But in achieving the goal she dreamed of since middle school, she had lost some of the most important things in her life. Along the way she had lost touch with her family. She only talked to them during the holidays, and sometimes not even then. And she lost the most important thing in her life since she was seventeen.

"What did you give up?" Ellen asked. Kagome took a deep breath, and looked at the floor of the stage.

"I…I gave up…this…boy. He…he was my high school boyfriend. He was the only boy that I ever loved, or loved me back. Four years ago, right after Sango and Miroku got married, and Ayame and Koga got engaged, we broke up." Kagome explained softly.

"May I ask why?" Ellen asked.

"It wasn't working out between us. He wanted to start a family, and I was to busy. We were touring, releasing a new album, and I was working on new songs. I would never had time for a baby. I would have been the worst mom ever." Kagome explained, not giving the biggest reason why they broke up. Everyone who read the tabloids new she was a partier. Hopefully, the world had forgotten about her younger days. She didn't want to tell anyone watching in the audience and at home why he truly left her. "He told me I had to choose. Him or my career. And I picked my career. He left after that." Kagome sighed. She hadn't ever had to answer that question in an interview before and immediately didn't like it.

"But didn't Sango have a baby?" Ellen asked

"She did, and she's pregnant again. Ayame had a baby too." Kagome answered honestly.

"So why were you to busy?"

"Well, I write all the songs, so I have more responsibility, but truthfully, I think I was scared of getting married. Plus I was so caught up in being a rockstar, I forgot about who meant the most to me. I forgot about the one person who had been there since I was seventeen, as soon as I became famous. I was too busy having fun." Kagome softly said. "I would rather not talk about it."

"Ok. So when is Sango do?" Ellen asked, sensing just how much the younger woman was in distress over the conversation.

"She's do in about a month. That's one of the reasons we are taking a break. Plus, everyone wants to have Christmas with their families." Kagome explained.

"Well, I hope to see you guys with new material when you get back from your break." Ellen commented.

"Oh, don't worry. It might be a break, but all I'm going to be doing is working." Kagome laughed lightly, her mind still thinking about that boy she left behind.

"Well, it was nice having you. Give it up for the lead singer and guitarist of Sacred Arrow, Kagome Higurashi!" Ellen yelled as the audience applauded.


Kagome ran her fingers through her hair as she fought her way to her limo. She had just exited the building and had already been asked for sixteen autographs. What ever happened to the good old days when no one even noticed her, like in high school? Kagome rolled her brown eyes skyward. He was right. Nothing was ever good enough for her. She either wanted to be famous, or she wanted to be a normal person again.

God, she seriously needed a drink. She was a little pissed to tell the truth. Her agent, the bands agent actually, had said in many interview contracts they had signed that she would never have to answer questions about him. This had been the first one, and it better be the last one. He wasn't even supposed to be brought up in any way, during any interview. She had went four years without bringing him up in public, for anyone who was watching to here. But they had found away around it. Since they technically hadn't brought him up, they couldn't be sued, even though they knew that he was what she had given up.

Kagome got into her personal limo, and sighed, ready to be back in the safety of her mansion. She shook her head, as the limo started to drive her home. Yeah, as soon as she got home she was getting a drink, of something strong. Something that would knock her off her feet, so she could get him off her mind.


A young man of twenty-six sat in his lonely, small house, watching the girl that got away on his TV screen. She had almost broken into tears at one point in her interview, when she had mentioned him. She didn't have to say his name for him to know who she was talking about. Him.

InuYasha turned off the TV. It had been four years and the pain was still there. The silver haired man shook his head to get her image out of his head. He had to admit. She was still as beautiful as she had been in high school. If not even more beautiful. In real life she looked even better, if that was possible. He irritably shook his head, pissed off.

That was it. He couldn't do it any longer. He couldn't on to her and hope they would still work out. This wasn't high school were it seemed like everything we work itself out in the end. This was the real world, and most of the time, it didn't work, no matter how bad you wanted it to. There was no hope left for them. He had to get that through his head. None.

He was going to close that part of his life. It was time to forget about her and move on.