Mr.Who2123: This is a joint fic between me and kurenai yuhi-sensei. I'm doing the first chapter even though it's posted on her profile.

K y-sensei: Let's begin!


"And Keiko said, 'I shall never love you again!' and she kicked Hotora square in the face. Hotora, filled with undeniable guilt-," Kakashi read, engrossed in the book. It was a normal sunny day in Konoha, and the Copy Cat Ninja took his usual stroll around the city. Glad to be free of missions, Kakashi held Icha Icha Paradise literally up to his nose, reading it raptly.

While intently reading on how Keiko will find another love, the sound of rapid footsteps broke Kakashi's concentration. He looked up quickly to see Naruto dashing up to him.

"Oh no," Kakashi mumbled to himself. Naruto was grinning from ear to ear as usual, and he was panting from the exertion he made in running.

"Kakashi-sensei! Tsunade wants to see you!" he called from nearly across the town.

"Tsunade?" he wondered out loud. Naruto came within feet of Kakashi, and screeched to a stop, thrusting dust everywhere around him.

"Yeah, she says she has an important mission for you!" he exclaimed happily. "Maybe I could come and help with the super important mission!" He rambled off on the amazing things he was going to accomplish, while Kakashi watched in disgust and awe.

"Maybe some Sand Ninja will come, and rocks will fall on you, and then I'll protect you and get you to safety becauseā€¦" he continued, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"Um, Naruto," Kakashi began, but Naruto kept chattering.

"Or, or, maybe it will be ice cream! And since you wear a mask and can't eat it, I'll eat your way out! That would be awesome if it was strawberry flavor!" Naruto rubbed his stomach in yearning as he talked, and was almost at the point of drooling.

He's going to go on forever. I'm out of here, Kakashi thought to himself. He slowly backed away from the blabbering Genin, and glanced at the Hokage building.

"Maybe it could be ramen! Ahhh! That would be sooo awesome! Ramen for the rest of my life!!" Naruto exclaimed. He thrust a fist into the air in pure glee, while Kakashi watched him in annoyance.

Quickly, Kakashi turned away from Naruto and dashed for the building with his amazing Jounin speed.

"Alright sensei! And if giant ramen falls on you, come get me and I'll eat it all!" Naruto exclaimed, waving at the retreating form of his teacher. Kakashi signed in relief when Naruto was out of sight. He had become increasingly nosy and annoying until Kakashi could barely take him. It was a matter of time before his strings would snap.


"Kakashi, I have a special mission for you," Tsunade said, looking over some reports while Kakashi stood in front of her, waiting for the brief. "Apparently, the Waterfall Village has some signs of strange activity going on near the borders of our countries. I want you to make sure there is nothing wrong." Kakashi thought over the information.

"What are the strange activities?" he asked. Tsunade simply held out a paper, and Kakashi took it wearily.

In the Waterfall Village, there are Jounin ninjas trying to set traps along the borders of our countries. There have also been sightings of weapon carts going to the borders frequently. It is believed that this village is preparing for war.

"We'd have quite a problem if our closest ally turns on us," Kakashi said after reading the summary.

"Yes, we would," she replied. Kakashi handed the sheet back to her, and Tsunade took it, placing it back on her desk. "I also want you to go by yourself. That way, you don't have to watch out for any comrades. Besides, I'm sure you can do this alone."

Tsunade reclined in her chair, running a hand through her messy hair.

"When should I leave for the mission?" Kakashi asked nonchalantly. He put one hand on his side and watched the Hokage with his eye.

"Now. I want this mission complete as soon as possible," Tsunade said, leaning forward again.

"Alright, I'll be back soon," Kakashi said, and turned around. As he opened the door, he turned and waved to Tsunade, as if he were leaving on vacation. "Bye!" The door shut after him, and Tsunade sighed.

"I don't understand him sometimes. He's too laidback," she muttered to herself.


Kakashi threw a spare jacket and a pack of kunai and shuriken into his backpack. He was ready to leave for the mission, and he threw the backpack over his shoulders. Then, Kakashi dashed out of house, and towards the gate of Konoha.

"Where you going, Kakashi?" one of the gate guards asked, watching Kakashi walk out the city. His hair under his headband covered one of his eyes, and he wore a bandanna.

"Just a little mission in the Waterfall," Kakashi replied, smiling under his mask.

"I love that place. Tell me all about it when you're done!" the guard replied, waving, while Kakashi returned the gesture. The Copy Ninja left through the giant doors, and immediately sped to a run.

As Kakashi on the dirt trail, he noticed the path thinning and the amount of trees growing. When the trail became too small, Kakashi leapt up to a tree and averted to running on branches the rest of the way. While leaping from tree to tree, Kakashi heard the sound of voices. Intuitively, he jumped behind a tree trunk and listened for the voices. There was a low mumbling coming from his right, but Kakashi couldn't make out the words.

Slowly, and as quiet as can be, Kakashi leapt to a closer tree, and hid behind it. His heart beating faster, Kakashi inched around the tree and two the voices. Being closer, the Jounin saw two ninja conversing on two tree branches. Both wore Jounin jackets and Waterfall headbands, but to Kakashi, the ninjas seemed angry towards each other.

"I can't believe we're going into war," a ninja with black hair in a small ponytail said.

"Yeah, it's only a matter of time," the other replied. He had short blonde hair and a mask on, much like Kakashi's.

Kakashi turned away after listening. He heard enough. Konoha and Waterfall really are going into war. I'll need to find the leader of the Waterfall quickly, Kakashi thought frantically. He jumped onto far branches and continued his pursuit for the village.