Let Him Go

A/N: My fifteenth story! Yay for me! This was originally going to be a drabble, but I got a little overexcited, as you can tell. Those stupid plot bunnies. Anyway, to all of you, enjoy!

Disclaimer: I, unfortunately, do not own Naruto or these lyrics. They would belong to a) Masashi Kishimoto and b) Three Doors Down. Any questions?

In my head, there's only you now
This world falls on me
In this world, there's real and make believe
This seems real to me
You love me, but you don't know who I am
I'm torn between this life I lead and where I stand
You love me, but you don't know who I am
So let me go, just let me go

She had always known that he thought she was annoying, and pathetic, and just a stupid little girl with her hopes too high and feelings much too strong, especially for a boy like him. She had always known that in his world, revenge came first, and everything else came after that. She had always known that when given the choice, it was never her.

So why didn't she let him go?

She'd asked Ino about it once, because of course, Ino had forgotten him in a flash; she was even going out with Shikamaru. Her reinstated best friend told her it was because she was paranoid, that she thought the moment she gave up on him, he'd know. She had shaken her head, and laughed. There was no way that was why.

Maybe it was because she needed something to hope for, dream for, wish for. Perhaps she only lived on that one little glimmer of thought that said, "He could come back and love you." among all the other pessimistic and skeptical thoughts. Could it be, that without her senseless hoping, she would just drop dead? She didn't think that was why.

Tsunade had been telling her about her lost love, Dan, awhile back. The Godaime had smiled and told her all about him when they were actually supposed to be working on some medical jutsu. She realized that maybe it was because she was stubborn that she couldn't give up on him. Maybe she just couldn't let him go because that would mean failure, and she was through with failing. That didn't seem right.

Or maybe, it was because she was the strong-willed medic. And he was the tortured soul who had run away. And she wanted to heal him, make him love her, so that she could show all of Konoha that the one person who believed there was good in him, had been correct in her belief. Maybe what she really wanted to do was prove to her friends, her village, the world, that she was right. She sincerely hoped that wasn't why.

She thought, she pondered, she reasoned, she weighed, she determined, and she calculated. If none of those reasons were why, then why? What else could be holding her back from dropping him out of her life? It certainly wasn't his lovely personality. Or his good, but common, looks. But, since it wasn't those, WHAT WAS IT?!?!?!

Then... it hit her. The reason she couldn't let him go. The reason he tormented her mind and soul, day in and day out. The reason she did everything she did.

She loved him. She was head over heels, completely infatuated, wild for, in love with Sasuke Uchiha. He wasn't perfect by anyone's standards, but he was perfect for her. In her eyes, he was flawless, unblemished, and worth it. And there was no way she could ever let him go.

A/N: So? How was it? This one goes out to Youlissa, because she asked for it, and her myspace page inspired me. Who would have thought? Anyway, she gets this little ego-boosting section, because she is fantastic, and very much worth it. R & R!!
