Future World

Disclaimer: I only own the story! Inuyasha sadly doesn't belong to me.

Chapter 1: Trip to the Future

A young woman of the age of 16 walked, well, stomped to a well. The reason why she was stomping was because of one very hurtful inu-hanyou named Inuyasha.

"That stupid and hurtful Inuyasha," Kagome muttered under her breath, "Always saying something about how we need to find the jewel! Well I want to go home and relax for the week! See if I care if you don't find any jewel shards this week!" The girl kept muttering to herself angrily. Though unknown to her she was being watched by a certain youkai by the name of Sesshoumaru.

'Hmm…. It seems like the hanyou isn't as nice to his miko as I thought,' He thought, then wondered why he cared. 'Where is she going? Surely she knows that she isn't safe without protection of someone.' Walking silently behind her in the trees, he followed her to an old well. 'Why would she come here?' Sesshoumaru mused quietly to himself. Then she jumped inside the well, 'what the-?' Walking over to the well to see if she was dead from the fall, when all of a sudden the well inside was encompassed in a blue light; he jumped in the well before the light went out.

After I got back home, I got out of the well and went to head out of the well house, but before I could get farther than a few feet the well activated. 'Inuyasha,' was all Kagome said, thinking it was the hanyou coming to get her.

Stomping over to the well, Kagome readied herself to see a red blur to come from the well but what she saw wasn't red but white.

'White? Inuyasha doesn't wear white,' was what Kagome thought. The blur went behind her and when she looked around what she saw was not Inuyasha but a very confused and angry Inutaiyoukai. Gazing at the being, Kagome found herself gaping in amazement. 'What the-?!' was her only thought. Snapping herself out of her daze, Kagome managed a dumb "Um……"

'It seems like she is a smart one,' Sesshoumaru thought sarcastically.

Looking around the little hut he noticed that it smelled horrible here. Like death. Everywhere. 'What is this place?' he silently wondering.

"Um…Sesshoumaru?" Kagome asked quietly, fearing she would startle him out his thoughts to violently that he would lash out at her.

He looked at her and said "Where is this Sesshoumaru?"

"Um…well…..your see….you're in my time…" started Kagome. 'Quite the speaker there Kagome', thought Kagome to herself.

"You time? This Sesshoumaru is in another time?" Sesshoumaru interrupted.

"Yea, 500 years into the future,"

"How did I become to be here?" Sesshoumaru questioned.

"That I have no idea. Inuyasha and I used to be the only ones to be able to go through the well. Obviously that has changed," the young miko child tried to explain.

"Obviously," was all he said.

"Yea, well, since I don't have to be at school…." Once again she was interrupted.

"School? All women are allowed to go to school? Humans and Demons together?" Sesshoumaru asked totally bewildered.

"Well, you see there are no demons in this time; humans control the world."

"You dare to lie to this Sesshoumaru?" Sesshoumaru growled angrily.

'Why does he talk like that?!' thought Kagome, completely confused.

"No! I'm not lying, smell and see if you smell and youkai other than yourself," answered the slightly scared Miko.

'It would seem that there is no youkai around here. Could it be true? Is there really no youkai left in this time?' Sesshoumaru thought to himself.

"It would seem that there isn't any youkai in the area," Sesshoumaru relented, "This Sesshoumaru would like you to explain yourself. What is happening here?"

The young miko child thought hard, trying to figure out to say everything so it made sense. "Well, like I said we're 500 years into the future according to your time. I really don't know how it works, but all I know is that only Inuyasha and I were the ones allowed to go through the well. Thought that does nothing to explain on why you came through. It could be since you and Inuyasha are related, but I don't know for sure," Kagome replied quickly. "And as for why there are no Demons here I don't know why. I heard that there was a huge war between them but we haven't gotten that far in school yet."

"Hn," was the stoic reply.

'Hn?! That's all? He just got transported to another time and figured that the human race ended up being the superior race and all he says is huh?!' Kagome mentally freaked out in her head. Out loud though she said "You want to try and see if you can go back?"

"Hn," the reply came once again.

'Is that all he says?!!' she mentally fumed; though on the outside she stayed calm.

'It would seem that the little Miko is frustrated,' Sesshoumaru thought amusedly. He walked over to the well and looked down into the well and glanced over his shoulder to see the Miko staring at him openly. Then he jumped in. Nothing. Nothing happened.

Quickly jumping out of the well, Sesshoumaru stood and waited for the girl to say something.

'Oh my god, it didn't work,' Kagome mentally groaned, 'Then how in the hell did he get here?!"

"Well, that didn't work," she commented intelligently.

"Obviously, Miko," Sesshoumaru antagonized.

"Yes, your commentary is really needed at this time," she sarcastically thanked her annoying companion.

"You dare to remark sarcastically to this Sesshoumaru?" growled the angry taiyoukai.

"Obviously, Sesshoumaru," Kagome angrily quoted.

"You need to learn to respect those above you, Woman," he growled when she mocked him. No one talked to him that way; everyone was always bowing in fear or respect.

'This is going to not turn out good at all," Kagome mentally groaned.

A/N: Well there is the first chapter!! I thought it was pretty good for my second story. I'm not finished though! There will be at least 8 more chapters. The next chapter will be up in a week or so. Please review if you liked or disliked and if you have any ideas for the story. Till next time! (This chapter is slightly revised!)