Ookami: How's it going ya'll! It is I Ookami!

Sasuke: You again? Go drop dead!

Naruto: Yeah I hope Jiraiya rapes you!

Ookami: (beats the crap out of them both) Yeah... Okay this is my little corner so don't mess with me you two!!!

Both: YES SIR!

Ookami:Anyway... This is my fairy tale fan fiction! I know a lot of people do these but I just resently saw a Cinderella movie that was on the Wonderful World of Disney (it was taped by my mom a long ass time ago!) And I loved it better than the cartoon! SO I'm using that as a reference to write this... It may be a while before I add chapters so please bear with me! I haven't even finished my other ones...o.O Uber sorry people!And I think most of the people in this fic might by mega OOC... :-p

By the way this is fluffy kind of yaoi/Bi so if you don't like it tough and move one!

Cast members for chapter one!:

Sasuke Uchiha: The hansome prince of the great city Konohagure!

Naruto Uzamaki: The poor abused child of the story. He never had a mother or father and was adopted by a loving man.

Iruka Umino: The adoptive father of Naruto, but soon left the family that he raised to teach child less fortunate.

Tsunade: The step mother(or adoptive mother) to Naruto and had birth children of her own. she remarried to Iruka because she could no longer support her family by her self.

Sakura Haruno: The step sister to Naruto. She can not stand the attention her father Iruka gave Naruto. When he left she became ruthless towards her brother Naruto.

Ino Yamanaka: She is also Naruto's step sister. She hated how her father spoiled her brother as well. She is the oldest of the two children.

Jiraiyah: The King of the Konoha Kingdom.

Kurenai: Queen of the Konoha Kingdom.

Once upon a time in the most powerful kingdom, there lived a family of royals that didn't seem to get alone. Their where days when the kingdom was punished because of the abusive impusle the royals would have against each other.

Prince Sasuke walks in to the town wearing all black commoners clothing, He looks up at the sky and sees that the birds look over him as he begins to walk in to the towns gates.

"I need to find a bride..." He sighed to him self. He wanted to end the crule reign of his father. And even though he didn't want to he pushed him self to do it to shut his father's mouth.

"But where can I find a woman for me? I'm not emotionally affectionate so most women only like me for my looks I guess..." He guessed? Most males wanted to do him because of his looks. Girls wanted to have his babies because he was the hier, and that's some thing he didn't want at all. That's the same problem His mother and father were going through.

"I hate my life..."

A blonde child passes the young prince unknowingly and looks up to see that his step family is piling more merchendise on his arms. He sighs inwardly.

"Naruto-baka! Hurry up! I want to get home before it rains!" His blonde mother spat at him.

"Coming mother!"

"And I want you to make sure Sakura and Ino's hair stay nice to so get out that brush! We have to make sure that style last! I want them to keep that look! I Didn't pay $150 for nothing!" Naruto frowned, "Yes mother..." Naruto was a misrable reck with out his father there to comfort him from the abuse that he was going through with his mother.Ever since Iruka left him to help the less fortunate he found it hard to breath with out him by his side. And now with that feeling and his mother abusing him emotionally it just got worst.

But nonetheless, the only thing that kept him going was the letters that Iruka would send him every week, he told him he would send them every day but if he wanted to still keep food on the table and a roof over their heads he would need to put work first unfortunately.

"Naru-Baka keep up I want to buy new shirts and I'll need you to hold the ones I want." Ino sneered as she looked at him pass by her, "Same here!" His pink haired sister told him.

"Yes Sisters..."

I can't do this anymore,He silently prayed, Oh Father why did you leave me behind? Why didn't you take me? They are worst the people that I've ever been with...

"I wish some one knew what I was going through..." he whispered as he entered a clothes store with his mother and sibilings.

"How about this?" a sale associate showed the raven haired boy a black shirt, "I sure it'll match everything in you closet!" He smile with bright white teeth.

"Um...I have six of those already... you got another color?"

"Well..." The clerk smirked, "I have the color that all YOUTH will love!" He digged through his racks of clothing to pull out a green tight and ugly jumpsuit with orange leg warmers.

"THIS! Is one of a kind! Only TRUTH & YOUTH stores sale these and they are one of a kind to us!" His teeth seemed to get shinner than usual. "Right Lee!"

"OSH! I wear them my self! They are very comfortable!" Sasuke looked like he turned the same shade of green as he was getting sick with the thought of noticing that they looked alike, same enormous eye brows, same lanky but strong built and they both seemed to look like they could read each other's minds for some awesome reason.

"That thing is ugly! I wouldn't wear it if you paid me to!" A blonde child howlered across the store's enclosed space.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY!" The older ninja turtle said, "You hear me the first time!" THe blonde placed the piles of items he was holding.

"You are fashion starved so you wouldn't know! Look what you're wearing! i'd rather be shot dead!" the younger one of the clerks said. Sasuke looked and the boy's grab and noticed he too would rather be shot and killed. His shirt had some sort of fox screen printed on his shirt, though faded it was noticable. And his pant's was a scary bright orange and blue and long with his sandels.

"I mean come on who wears screen print any more? And for a child your age!" Lee snickered at his boss's come back at the boy. though the blonde was fashionably killed he still had alot to go at with them, "At least I'm original and don't look like a clone. What are you trying to recreate the Mini-me look with your boss?" Sasuke smirked at the two, "I was thinking the same thing..." He walked over to the blonde boy and smiled wider at the arrogant look that he had on his face at winning in the fashion stand off.

"Here..." He picked off a orange jacket off the rack, "Keep the jacket. It's going to rain soon and I wouldn't want you to get cold... uh..."


"Naruto where the hell are you! Mom is going to be so mad for you starting trouble!" The two sisters hollered out as they noticed that he was way to far to hold their stuff. "Uh! I'm sorry sisters!" He meeped as they began to glare daggers at him but stopped when they noticed the raven haired boy that stood next to him with a matching jacket to their brother's pants.



They couldn't believe how fine... how beautiful... how...

"YOU WOULDN'T HAPPEN TO HAVE A GIRL FRIEND WOULD YOU!" They yelled at him in unison. His hair flew as if their was a bad hurricane as they ran up to capture his arms, "My name is Sakura! Nice to meet you!" the blonde girl glared at the other while she presented he self, "My name is Ino, and I'd just love to get to know you better!" Sasuke glared at both that clung to him alittle to tight.

"Look girls I have no interest in either of you considering you're too loud... I hate loud woman..."

The girls both looked at each other an gasped, "Then you wouldn't- COULDN'T BE MENT FOR HER!" They said to one another with pointed fingers. Sasuke frowned deeper, "Get off of me right now before I call the police for harrassement..." the girls flew back. Sasuke looked for the blonde boy that he was chatting with before he was interupted. "Naruto? Is that your name?" Naruto was picking up stuff as he picked up the items his sister's purchased.

"Yeah... so what's it to you?"

Sasuke felt offended by the way the blonde's attitude changed so quickly at him."Well I just wanted to say that it was nice meeting you and I'll pay for that jacket for you..." Naruto frowned at the boy was he looked up and saw that the boy gave him a small smile. Though he was flattered that he was being treated so kindly, he didn't like the fact that he was being treated like this just because he saved his fashion life.

"Oh...So your gonna pay for this just cus you feel sorry that he has nothing?" Naruto jumped as he heard his stepmother speak. He quickly bowed with fear, "Mother I am so sorry... I was here with Ino and Saku-"

"Hush boy... what did I tell you about talking to strange boy? Your father thought it was so cute for you to just go around and just talk and talk and talk to random strangers...and you know what..." She walked to the boy's trembling body and growled low in her throat, "I hated it. It pissed me off that your persona could just push you out more than wha my beautiful daughters does..."

Sasuke looked like he saw a ghost as he felt the woman's evil burn over her head and move through out the store.He almost sworn that she was the Satin's bride but she lost her way to the wedding.

Okay I'm gonna end this chapter...I hope it was easy to follow -- I suck with this stuff, please R&R...