Hey people, this is a stories to put all the ideas in my head that won't fit my other stories in, so have fun reading. By the way, this story has strong language and violence. So, yea just a warning, anyway, on ward.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

NOTE: Don't flame me because this story is really descriptive in its writing, just don't read it.


++++Chapter one++++

The last thing he could remember, is taking the fallen Demon of the mist's large sword, and slamming it into the ground, forever marking the fallen ninja's grave. Then he turned around, only to see his sensei and teammates knocked out on the ground, and a burning pain, as if his skin had been ripped off his body (as it had). Then he had fallen onto the ground, and the final thing he had seen was two men wearing black cloths with red clouds on them, one with the same eyes as the other male on his team, the other holding a very large sword that had scales, and was covered in red, more than likely his blood. Then all he knew was darkness.

Now, as his eye's fluttered open, he felt pain, massive unimaginable pain. After a few minutes, he adjusted to his surroundings, and took in what was there. He was in a small silver room, with a mirror covering the entire upper part of the wall in front of him. A small silver bolted door was on the left most corner of the wall to his right, and he was hanging in the middle of the room, chains covering his wrists. Pulling on them, he soon felt the familiar feel of chakra, all inside of this chain. It was at this time, he noticed he had a visitor, who had been staring at him for a little more than a minute.

The boy turned to observe the new figure with his ocean blue eyes. The figure wasn't overly tall, and was about medium height. He wore the same close as his captors, just with blue clouds instead of red. He had brown hair, and a headband of cloud, with a scratch thru it, claiming him as a Nuke-nin. In his hand he had a black rope like thing. The boy was still observing the figure when said figure spoke, his voice raspy and crackle, but with a hint of insanity in it.

"Hello, it's good to see you up. I was starting to think I would never get to, talk, with you." The Ninja said, and insane smile on his face. He walked up to the boy, who had just noticed he had on nothing but a thin pair of pants on. Stopping in front of the boy, He looked straight at the boy, taking in his face, and observing the 6 whisker like birth marks on the boys face. After about a minute, he spoke.

"You have made Leader angry, my friend. The way you made him angry was because of the fact that you, have merged to much with Kyuubi for us to unseal him without killing him. As such, he has decided to give you a choice. A, you join us, and we train you to your fullest potential, or you decline, and I persuade you to join. No what is your answer?" The ninja asked, still looking at the hanging boy, who was looking at the ground, his sunlight blonde hair covering his face.

The boy started to make sound, which the ninja thought was coughing. Then the noise became louder, and the ninja didn't hear coughing, but chuckling. Soon the boy was laughing fully, tears threatening to fall from his face. The Ninja's eye's glowered in anger at how this boy could laugh at him. The Ninja yelled, and struck the boy across the face, cutting of the laughter. The boy spit out blood, then looked at the Ninja, and finally voiced his answer.

"Do your worst, Fucker." He said, spitting blood into the face of the Ninja, who wiped it away calmly, before he turned and walked away. When he was about 7 feet away, he turned and threw a Kunai at the boy, stabbing him in the hand, causing the boy to grunt in pain, but not scream out. The ninja walked forward, and pulled the Kunai out, watching as Kyuubi's Chakra healed the wound. When it was done, the ninja spoke again, walking away.

"Kyuubi's Chakra is the reason why you heal so fast, you know. And when I presented this problem to Leader, he gave me this whip." As the ninja said this, he unraveled the whip in his hand, letting it unravel in front of the boy.

It was jet black, with spikes running all around it, every inch or so. On every spike, there was a bit of black liquid, and the boy watched as a drop of the liquid fell onto the ground, raising smoke, and soon all that was left was a black scorch mark. The boy looked back up at the smiling face of the Ninja with wide eyes. The ninja smirked, and then spoke again.

"The black liquid on the whip is something Leader himself developed. It is a type of chakra poison, and as no poison would kill a demon vessel, this poison will leave a scare, no matter what. You will have the pleasure of being the test subject." He said, looking the whip over. Suddenly he brought it up, and whipped the boy across his bare chest, leavening a nasty scare from the boys left shoulder to just under his right breast. The boy screamed out in pain, thrashing about as the smell of burning flesh filled the air.

The ninja laughed insanely, and did it over and over and over. For what the boy thought was hours it went on, scare after scare covering his body. The ninja had made sure that he had moved around the room, to get every angle possible. Suddenly the pain stopped, and the boy looked up, a glazed look in his eye. The ninja lowered the whip, and spoke.

"Unfortunately, our time has ended. But do not worry; I will see you in three days, as you will have other…attendees… who will come help you. But let me leave you a parting gift." As he said that, he whipped the boy across the left side of his face. The path of burning flesh covered from about half an inch above his left eye, right down across the eye, stopping just above his mouth. The last this boy heard as he blacked out from the pain, was the Ninja speaking one last time.

"Till next time, Naruto-kun."

Then, blackness.

++++Eight Hours Later++++

Naruto was awakened by a sharp pain across his upper left arm. Well, actually, his whole body was screaming in pain, put on this spot, it was most noticeable. Looking at his arm, he saw the entire upper part covered in the black liquid that had cover the whip. He gritted his teeth in pain, thrashing around, till finally the sizzling sound stopped.

Looking at his arm again, he saw no sign of his skin. All he saw was the red color, usually reserved for muscles. Naruto looked at his arm in horror, till a laugh somewhere in the room caused him to look around it. There in the middle of it, were the two people who had captured him, the one who had carried the large sword last time, laughing openly, where as the other just stared calmly ahead. It was the large one, who Naruto just noticed looked remarkably like a shark, who was the first to speak.

"Hey there brat, my name is Kisame Hoshigaki. And this is my partner, Itachi Uchiha. We will be taking care of you today." With that, he rushed forward and hit Naruto in the stomach, causing the blonde boy to cough up blood. Naruto gasped for a few more minutes, then looked up again, only to see a pair of red eye's with a pinwheel in the middle, and heard a word.


Suddenly, Naruto found himself nailed to a cross, and in front of him was Itachi, looking straight at him with his creepy eye's. Itachi walked forward, and examined him for a moment, then spoke.

"For the next 24 hours, you will see everyone who is precious to you, die horrible and painful deaths in the most horrific of ways and you will be the one who dose it." Suddenly the landscape changed to Konoha, and there in front of him was Sakura, eye's wide in horror. Naruto found himself unable to stop from moving forward, as well as drawing a kunai engulfed in fire. Sakura fell to the ground, tears pouring from her eyes, and then she spoke in a shaken voice.

"Naruto, you monster, you killed them all, why? Why are you doing this? Stop, STOP STOP!!!" She screamed cowering. Naruto found himself lowering the kunai and slowly scraping it across her skin, causing her to scream in intense pain. He found himself cutting off her fingers one by one, then her toes. It went on for hours till her scream's finally stopped. Then suddenly, Sauske was in front of him, in the same position, only this time, Naruto ripped his limbs of slowly. Then Kikashi, whipped to death, the Third, stabbed in non fatal areas for hours as well, Iruka, Ayame and her dad, Inari, the list went on and on, till there was no one left. Suddenly Itachi appeared again.

"Only 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds left." Then he vanished, and it started again, worse than before. After what seemed like years, it stopped and Naruto found himself in front of Itachi again, who soon spoke.

"For the next 24 hours, you will watch and experience as everyone you know, loved or not, rejects and tortures you." Then he disappeared, replaced by Sakura, who stepped forward with a Kunai in her hands, and a mad glint in her eye's. He screamed as she slowly dragged it across his face.

"You are not human, Kyuubi, that is what you are. A demon that deserves to die in the most horrible ways." She said, pressing harder with each word. Hours and hours it went on, till she was replaced by the people he loved, Sauske, Kikashi, the Third, Iruka, soon all of the people he loved where threw, then it was the Ninja of Konoha, and the villagers. After lifetimes of pain, Itachi appeared once again, and spoke.

"Only 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds left." Then he vanished, and it started again, also worse than before." Naruto screamed for what felt like hours, till he finally passed out from the pain, his head dropping into complete darkness.

Naruto's Mind ++++

Naruto found himself face down in water then found himself unable to breath. Sitting up quickly, he gasped in air, then after about a minute, took a look at his surroundings. He was in a sewer, or so he guessed, judging by the pipes and the water that covered the ground. Standing up from where he had been sitting, Naruto thought back, trying to remember what happened, and how he got here. Suddenly, word's and image's flooded his mind.

"Naruto, you monster, you killed them all, why? Why are you doing this? Stop, STOP STOP!!!"

He screamed as she slowly dragged it across his face.

"You are not human, Kyuubi, that is what you are. A demon who deserves to die in the most horrible ways."

It continued on and on in his head, twirling around in a vortex of emotion, never ending, never stopping, over and over. He wanted it to stop, stop Stop, STOP!!

"STOPPPP!!!!" He screamed clutching his head in an attempt to block out the thoughts, but they kept coming, till he saw one image of one person.

"You are a monster, Kyuubi!" Iruka said as he plunged a Katana into his chest, causing Naruto to scream in pain.

That's when it happened, the one thing that would change the course of history itself.

Naruto Snapped.

He let his hands fall to his side's, as the words continued on and on in his head. He couldn't take it anymore. He didn't want to take it anymore, the act had broken. Naruto's Mask of happiness had shattered, and he just wanted to end it. So, he got up, and walked in a direction he felt would take him somewhere, and it did.

Five minutes later, he found himself in front of the cage of the Kyuubi.

Now Kyuubi, who had just been enjoying a nap, as he had for the majority of the 13 years he was stuck in here, thought it was very interesting when his container walked into the room, his face cast in shadow from his hair. Kyuubi looked at his vessel in interest, before he decided to growl out a threat.

What are you doing here brat?" he asked, lacing killing intent in every word. He was surprised when the brat in front of him didn't even flinch, but what happened next was the most surprising thing to ever happen to the Demon king.

The brat literally walked into his cage, right up to him, and looked at him with dead eye's, before saying.

"Please kill me."

Kyuubi reeled back in shock; this wasn't how the brat acted normally. Whenever he looked into the brat's life, he saw a happy go lucky kid, as Naruto's mask even fooled him, and nothing else, except a dimwit. Now in front of him was a broken 13 year old, begging the fox to kill him. Kyuubi started to raise his hand to do the deed, when a revelation hit him.

"No can do, Brat. If you die in here, all that is left is a brain dead body with me stuck inside. Tough luck." He said, grinning an evil grin at the boy, who looked up at him with the same dull lifeless eyes. Kyuubi started to fidget under the boy's gaze, when said boy decided to speak.

"Ne, Kyuubi-san, what should I do then. I'm Tired of it, Of the Mask, Of the Act. I want to end it, but something inside me tells me not to. What should I do, and what is this feeling?" He asked the fox, sitting down and leaning against his fur, shocking the fox even more. The fox took a moment to consider his words, and then spoke.

"Prove yourself."

Naruto looked up at the fox, confusion in his eyes. The fox snorted, figuring that this was the same idiot boy, and he had just lost all his sanity, but not this smarts. He was proven wrong when Naruto spoke again.

"How do I do that, there is nothing to train myself with, and I know, for a fact, that Itachi-teme would never let me down to train my body. And even if I trained in my mind, I could never learn enough with the little amount of sleep I get here. So how do I prove myself?" Naruto asked, staring at the floor as he spoke. Kyuubi looked at him in shock, surprised that he had brought that up, even if the fox had already got a solution for it.

"Listen brat, and listen well. If you gave me the power to do so, I can summon anything from by personal storage. That means books and weapons that you could learn to use in here, and I could slow down the time spent in here, so instead of six hours in here, it would be six days. And for the problem of your muscles, if I can channel small amounts of chakra into them at a never ending rate, then I will be able to build them up in strength, and greatly increase your reserves as well. And all you have to do is rip off the upper left part of the seal, and the lower right part of the seal. Do we have a deal?" Kyuubi asked the boy, who was now staring at him. Naruto pondered this for a second, then stood up, and walked out of the cage. Reaching up, he tore off the two sides of the seal, and instantly felt Chakra start pouring into his reserves, raising them to much greater levels.

When he stopped checking his chakra reserves, he looked back up at the Kyuubi, or at least where the Kyuubi should have been. Looking around franticly for the demonic fox, mostly afraid that he had released him, he stopped when he heard a male voice in front of him.

"Brat don't worry I'm still here, just transformed into a smaller state so I could teach you easier. I'm over here." Kyuubi said, causing Naruto to looked down at the floor of the cage, where what he saw nearly made him real back in shock.

There, sitting on the floor, sat a boy of no older than 17 years old. He had hair the same color as Kyuubi's fur, the same eyes, but no tails. He wore a simple red tank top, and black cargo pants, with combat boots on. Naruto brought his attention back to the non-existent tails.

"Kyuubi-san, why don't you have tails?" Naruto asked, making Kyuubi look behind him, then back at the boy, before he spoke.

"I retracted them inside my body, as the do get in the way when I train in this body. Now on to training. I want you to read these three scrolls, after you have, I will teach you what is in them, till you master them. Here you go, catch!" Kyuubi said as he threw one scroll at a time through the bars. Naruto managed to catch all there. Looking down at the first one Kyuubi had thrown, he read over the title.

Demonic Fox Claw Style: Tie-Jutsu.

Turning his attention to the other scroll's, he read over there title's as well. He was presently surprised at what he found.

Demonic Fox Claw Style: Ken-Jutsu

Silent Killing Style: How to do it and use it, no matter what your style!!

Looking back at Kyuubi, he nodded his appreciation, and started to read the first one, which he immediately took a likening to the style.

Three days later, he was one the last paragraph of the last scroll. As soon as he was done, he looked back up at Kyuubi, who hadn't moved an inch in three day's. Walking up to the Bar's, Naruto spoke.

"Kyuubi-sensei, I am finished." Kyuubi looked up in shock at the teacher part but decided he kind of like it, so he stood up and walked over to Naruto.

"Good job, now I will teach you the fox claw Style and all aspects of it, as well as everything you could ever want to know about stealth. When where done with that, I will teach you many other things. For example, Chemistry, Human Anatomy, Chakra control, Nin-Jutsu, Gen-Jutsu and how to dispel and detect it, and, one of my personal favorites sealing." Kyuubi said, looking at the blonde boy in front of him. After a few seconds, Naruto spoke, his voice slightly puzzled.

"Kyuubi-Sensei, Two things: First, how will learning chakra control help me if I do it inside my brain? Second: Why would you be interested in seal's if it was a seal that got you here in the first place?" He asked, scratching his head. Kyuubi laughed a little, as he had always thought of his vessel as dumb, but here he was asking intelligent Questions.

"The answer to your first question is: If you learn perfect Chakra control in your mind, then when you get outside, you will already know how to do it. Second: When you spend a lot of time stuck inside a cage with a seal the only thing holding you back; you would want to learn a lot about it to. Now brat, Lets gets started with the Fox Claw Style."

With that, they started

++++ Six hours, or six days depending on how you look at it, Later ++++

Naruto awoke, looking up around his cell, to find a man who was no older than 23, looking at him with gray eyes. The man had a nose piercing, and was dressed in the same clocks as Itachi and Shark man where (Naruto couldn't remember his name). The man walked up to Naruto without speaking, and unhooked him from the chains. As soon as he was free, Naruto began thrashing, trying to get away.

"Let me go you mother fucking bast---aggg." Naruto fell limp, as the man suddenly jabbed a finger into his neck. Naruto could only move his head now. The man picked him up, and brought him out of the room. A few minutes later, they where in a room with two silver tables, one clear, one had a dead girl who had the same eye's s the man caring him. There where four other people in the room, all wearing medical mask's and aprons. Naruto soon feared what was going to happen, and his thoughts where confirmed, as well as other info, when one of the Medics spoke.

"Ahh, Leader-sama, we are ready to begin the operation now." He said, Causing Leader to nod, and lay Naruto down on the clear table. Naruto felt himself being strapped in, then saw a doctor stand over him, a blue light covering his hand. Suddenly the doctor brought it down over his left eye, and Naruto felt an unimaginable amount of pain shoot through his body, causing him to scream in pain.

"AAARRRRRGGGGGGGG!!!!! FUCK YOU, AND FUCK EVERY THING YOU STAND FOR!!!" Naruto screamed after the pain lessened, but not much. Looking with his good eye, he saw something that scared and horrified him. In the doctor's hand, was a clear blue eye, HIS eye. Suddenly the Doctor was back, and soon Naruto couldn't see at all. The pain returned and Naruto screamed aloud. Soon it stopped, but now all Naruto could see was blackness, and he heard a doctor speak.

"Time for step two." Naruto lay there, trying to ignore the pain, when about ten minutes later, he felt something being placed in his eye socket, and then a warm, not painful, sensation filled his eye socket. Soon the felling went away, but came back soon enough in his other eye. A few minutes later, Naruto heard the same doctor speak, and his words confused Naruto.

"It is complete Leader, He now as the Magnify eye, as well as all of its techniques!" The doctor said, giddy. Naruto tried to open his non-existent eyes again, and to his surprise they did open, but when they did, Naruto could see much clearer than before. He could see all the cracks on the ceiling; he could see the fly in the corner that was stuck in a spider web, as well as the spider. It amazed him a lot, and when wished he could see things closer, he could, his eye's acting like a pair of binoculars, zooming in and out. Soon he felt himself become unstraped, and lifted up. Looking back into the room as he was pulled away, he made eye contact with one of the doctors for half a second, but in that half a second his brain was flooded with info, all about the doctor he had seen.

'Name??? Tie: Average. Gen: Advanced. Nin: Superb. Control: Perfect. Warning, Control and chakra path ways suggest a combat med ninja, fight with extreme caution.'

Naruto's eye's widened with understanding, his new eye's had studied the doctor, and understood everything about him in a single glance. His eye's kicked ass. Soon he was back in his room, hanging, but was never able to get a good glance at Leader. As soon as he was able to, he looked in the mirror in front of him, magnifying his eyesight so he could see his eye's clearly. What he saw made him gasp.

Where as these eyes, and Leader's, where originally gray, his had turned red in color. When he wondered if he got any new abilities from this, his answer came from a familiarly voice inside of his head.

'Yes, when you push demonic chakra into your eyes, they will change red in color, as they are now because I am constantly putting demonic chakra through your body. When they are red, you can see things at a much slower rate, like the copy ninja's red eye, the Shargige or something like that. But when you don't push Chakra into it, it will stay gray, and you will have all the abilities but the slower movement." Kyuubi told him, his voice ringing in Naruto's head. Naruto, himself wasn't too startled by this, as he had figured something like this would happen, so he just let it go, and closed his eye's, and was soon asleep.

++++ Naruto's Mind, Kyuubi cage ++++

Naruto awoke to find himself laying in front of Kyuubi's cage. Standing up, he dusted himself off, and looked in to find Kyuubi standing there, smirking. Kyuubi walked forward to the bars, before he spoke.

"From Now on, you will only learn the Fox Claw till you master it, and then the Ken-Jutsu style that goes with it. After that it will be silent killing till you can master that. Understood brat?" Kyuubi asked looking at the boy in front of him.

Naruto said one word.


++++ 2 Weeks Later, Leaf Village ++++

Team Seven, all with sad face's, walked into the Hokage's office, to find the third sitting there, happily smoking a pipe. The third looked up at them, to happy about him finishing paper work several hours early, to see the depressed faces.

"So, how did the mission go?" The third asked. All of team seven flinched, before Kakashi steped forward and spoke, his voice shakey.

"It turned out to be a high B-rank low A-Rank mission Hokage, But we got it done. But after the mission…Naruto… he was…" Kakashi struggled with his words. It was only now that the third noticed the lack of the blond Ninja. The pipe fell from his mouth, and he looked at Kakashi.

"Don't tell me, Naruto's…" the Third said, fearing the worst, or at least what he thought was the worst. Kakashi trembled a bit, and Sauske was holding a sobbing Sakura, tears falling down his face silently. Kikashi steped forward a placed something on the Hokage's desk. Sarubato looked at it, and almost died of grief.

It was an orange jumpsuit, coated with blood, and ripped straight at the middle. The Third looked back up at Kakashi, who open his mouth, and spoke the words The Hokage never wanted to hear.

"Naruto is dead. We think he must have died fighting to High A-Class Missing Nin, seeing as how were not dead."

Hearing this caused Sakura to sob harder into Sauske's chest. Kakashi felt like he had failed again. Sauske let go of Sakura, and walked up to the Hokage.

"WHY, TELL ME WHY THE FUCK NARUTO HAD TO DIE!!! WHY THEN, IF THIS IS THE LIFE OF A SHINOBIE, THEN NARUTO WAS RIGHT, WE ARE NOTHING BUT TOOLS! DID YOU KNOW, THAT…(SOB)…those were…the last words he said to use. Before he…he died…how could that dobe die…GOD FUCKING DAMNIT… HE WAS THE ONLY ONE LIKE ME!!!!" Sauske screamed pounding on the thirds desk. Then he stormed out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him.

Kakashi looked at the third; his eye's filled with despair. The Hokage took a puff of his pipe, and then spoke to Kakashi, his voice filled with sorrow.

"Get the message to all Shinobi, that due to a recent death, I am calling an emergency meeting tonight at seven, at training ground fourteen. There I will tell them my new decree, and will also announce the death of Uzumaki Naruto, and when the funeral will be. Dismissed." With that, Kakashi left the room, taking Sakura with him. As soon as the door closed, Sarubato slumped onto his desk, and sobbed.

"Why…Why him…?"

Later that Night, Training ground fourteen++++

All of the Ninja of Konoha where gathered in training ground fourteen, the largest training ground in Konoha, Awaiting the Third to tell them what it was. Soon enough, Sarubato appeared at the top of a stage that had been built there, and cleared his throat, causing everyone to stop talking. Then he spoke.

"Due to the recent death of Genin Shinobi, I am raising the standards. All Genin must have at least two years worth of experience before they are allowed entire top the Chunin exams." The Third said, causing many of the Genin there to roar in protest. It was Kiba who decided to speak up.

So who was the loser who got himself killed?" He said, causing many of the other Genin to ask the same question. Sarubato had had just about enough of the villager's, but this was the end of it with the Ninja.

"This Genin didn't just get himself killed; he died fighting off to A-class missing ninja, saving the lives of the Copy Ninja Kakashi, Sauske Uchiha, And Sakura Haruno. This Ninja died for his friends, even though he knew h could never win. This ninja was Uzumaki Naruto. Now get out of my sight, the funeral is in two day's." With that The Third Steped down, and left.

Two days later, the funeral was held, and only a few people attended, the rest were to busy celebrating. Some ANBU who could see what he really was, team seven, and the other Genin from Naruto's class, and there sensei's. That was all that attended. It opened the eye's of many of the Ninja who attended, that showed just how disliked the boy was.

Over the next few day's, everyone who attended the funeral was called into the Hokage's office at least 3 times for starting fights, all of which where against people celebrating the death of Konoha's Demon. Little did they know, he wasn't dead.

6 months later ++++

Naruto hung in the middle of the room, waiting for his captor, who he had nicknamed Smiley for the insane smile he wore as he tortured the boy, to come in. today was the day, the day he would escape. Sense he had been captured, Naruto had slowly been training in his mind. Okay so not so slowly, as Kyuubi himself had said he was surprised at the boy's progress. The boy was now good enough to fight any of the sanin and win, which in and of itself was a great achievement, as the boy was only 12 and a half years old, and one of the strongest Ninja alive.

Suddenly the door opened, and in walked Smiley. He giggled a bit, as the boy was still asleep (or so he thought) so he unraveled his whip, and whipped the boy across the cheek. He expected the boy to scream out in pain, not for it to puff out of life. Suddenly, Smiley found himself in a head lock. He struggled against the hold, but to no avail. He stopped when he heard the voice of the boy he had tortured for so long speak in his ear, the breath tickling his ear.

"Payback time!" And with that, Naruto cast an advanced Henge on the Ninja, and hung him up in the middle of the room, as he looked just like him. He left him there, as another torture would come tomorrow, Itachi and Shark man where on a mission. Naruto snuck out the door4 and started walking down the corridor. Soon he was almost too where he thought the exit was, when he heard voice's. Jumping up, he landed on the ceiling, and stuck there with Chakra. He watched as two Ninja walked under him, both wearing the plain black cloths of new members. They stopped to talk right under him, before they continued on there way. As soon as they could no longer be heard, Naruto dropped to the floor, and looked around to make sure no one else was there. He was about to go, when his eye caught the sign above a door, which when he read it, made him smile widely.

"Armory" He said to himself and snuck inside. A few minutes later, the light finally turned on, not that he needed it much, as his eye's also allowed him to see in the dark perfectly, but he wanted to look at himself in the mirror, and when looking in the mirror with his eye's when it was dark tended to give him a headache of massive proportion's. So when he turned on the light, and looked in the mirror, he got a big shock, mostly because of how evil he looked.

He was wearing a trench coat without the high collar, that was plain black, the end of the sleeves flared out a bit, on the inside he had a black Jounin like vest on, zipped up, but with no sleeves . His pants where black cargo pants, with many pockets that could be used to store things. He had Kunai and Shuriken holsters on his legs, and five mini-Shuriken in a holder that was on both of his wrists, so he could get them extra quick if he had to. He had already got enough Kunai, Shuriken, Explosive notes, blank scrolls, Smoke Bombs and other various ninja Equipment, in order to fund a small army.

He had on a pair of black combat boots, and on his arms, where two sheets of arm guard metal, also black. He had on fingerless gloves that had black metal on the back as well. Looking at the back of his outfit, he saw two holsters on the trench coat, and they looked like they would hold a pair of katanas snuggly.

Smiling, he started doing hand signs, and when he finished, ha slammed his hands out into the air. Suddenly, two Katanas appeared. Both where in blood red sheaths, and both had black handles with no hilt guard at the end. He put both Katanas into there holder's and looked back at the mirror.

It wasn't just the cloth's that made him scary; it was how he looked now. His fangs had grown, and his whisker marks became even more pronounced. He had the scare on his face from his first encounter with Smiley, and his gray eye's made the effect all the better, especially because they where dull and lifeless. But he still needed something. Looking around, his eye's landed on the hats he had seen Itachi and Shark man where before, so he picked one up, and put it on.

Now he looked both scary and mysterious, as the Hat covered up most of his face, so only his mouth could be seen. Deciding he looked scary enough, he started walking out the room, but stopped when he saw a crate he hadn't opened, and decided to look at it. When he opened it, all he found where packs of cigarettes. He was about to put the lid back and walk out the door, when images flashed through his head.

"Naruto, you monster, you killed them all, why? Why are you doing this? Stop, STOP STOP!!!"

He screamed as she slowly dragged it across his face.

"You are not human, Kyuubi, that is what you are. A demon who deserves to die in the most horrible ways."

He clutched his head, shaking it rapidly. Then he remember that once, when he was five, he saw a Rookie Jounin take out a pack of Cigarettes, and light one up. When Naruto asked why he did that, the Jounin simply said.

"It helps me deal with all the people I have killed and relives stress."

Naruto thought about it for a few more seconds, before shrugging his head, and grabbing two packs of cigarettes, placing them in his pocket. Then taking out a blank scroll and an ink bottle and brush, he quickly drew a reusable storage seal, and sealed the crate of Cigarettes inside it. Picking it up, he placed it in one of the pockets in his vest, before grabbing five Zippo lighters and a can of lighter fluid and storing those as well, the lighter fluid going in the same scroll as the cigarettes when Naruto suddenly got the image of him being hit with a Katon Jutsu and exploding.

Deciding he was done, Naruto left the room, the hat on his head, and headed towards the exit. When he finally got there, he left quickly, and was soon outside. turning his head forward, as he had been looking back to make sure no one followed him, he stopped short at what he saw something he had hoped he wouldn't have to deal with at this current point in time.

There in front of him, was a guard in the cloths with blue clouds, an advanced member, but not one of the elite. Naruto quietly drew one of his swords, and walked up behind the Man. The man turned around suddenly, only to find nothing there. Sighing he turned back, and came face to face with a pair of red eyes, before his life was cut short because of the kunai in his throat.

Naruto looked down at the lifeless body, and dropped his Kunai, before throwing up all over the ground. This was his first kill, and oddly, he just felt sick, but not disgusted with himself. It was what Shinobi did, all the time. Reaching down, he picked up his Kunai.

Naruto cleaned of his Kunai, before putting it away. Taking out a cigarette, he lit it up, and inhaled deeply, before coughing for about a minute, causing the fox to laugh at the back of his head. Naruto took off running into the forest, and soon got the hang of smoking and running. He would not been seen in another one and a half years.

++++ END OF CHAPTER ++++

So how did you guy's like it, I was in a really bad mood when I wrote this, so that's why it seems so dark. And if you think twelve and a half Is too young to smoke, then I have something to tell you, my first cigarette was when I was in fourth grade. Course I hated it then, but when my best friend died at the end of sixth grade, I started up again, just to relive the stress.

Any way, IF YOU DON'T REVIEW, NO CHAPTER FOR YOU!!! Also, don't ask for pairings, as I fell like springing them onto you when you least expect them. SO LONG EVERYBODY!!!