Disclaimer I do not own dragon Ball Z

Vegeta: (in shock) I did! I finally defeated Kakerot!! I am invincible!

Ss death: calm down Vegeta it's only a game.

Ss talos: yea and you would have lost if you hadn't distracted Goku with food.

Goku: (with mouth full) yea.

Gohan: sometimes I forget how embarrassing dad can be…

Trunks: I know what you mean….

Ss talos: right play time is over now its question time!

Goku: all right.

Ss death: the first one is from Future Trunks lover

Hi it's me again. This is for all of you. Can one of you guys train me, because I live in a dangerous city and I want to become stronger?

Vegeta: hmmp I would never train someone as weak as you.

Trunks: father! You don't even know if that's true!

Vegeta: all humans are weak.

Ss talos: is that an insult? (Hits him with the battle pan)

Gohan: yea I will train you

Trunks: if Gohan is going to there is really no reason for me too.

Goku: same go's for me.

Ss talos: next question.

Ss death: who says you get to say that?

Ss talos: as if you could stop me. Next ones from DeathGoblin

This question is for Gohan and Trunks, have you two ever considered being more than just friends?

Gohan: WHAT! God no!

Trunks: defiantly not.

Ss death: sure? Cause it sort of looks like it…

Both; we are SURE!

Ss talos: the next question is from Clare-stovold

Ss death: that's my line! (Powers up) that is it! You're going down!

Ss talos: yea? Let's see you do it! (They fight)

Goku: think we should step in?

Gohan: no, they do this like once a week

Vegeta: besides it's entertaining.

Ss talos (after beating Ss death) there! Now back to the question!


Trunks: now that Goku is here I'll leave you alone (hits over head) meh…

Vegeta: (kicks in balls a million times) take that! MWAHAHAHAHA! I'm evil!

Goku: I'm not evil to you (hugs) did you know that in the other timeline, you have a second

Son called Goten? (Hugs again)

Gohan: play on the ps2 I gave you and play against your dad, I wonder who will win…?

Ss talos: Woot, Woot! Alright! Alright! Lol (I'm sugar high) meh, have some sugar (gives

Sugar) (smiles manically)

Ss death: Woot Woot for you too! (Gives sugar) just don't give any of that to Goku cause

He'll go hyper.

Goku again: (hugs) yay!

Trunks: (cries) everyone DOES hate me!

Vegeta: (look of extreme pain) that didn't hurt… (Passes out)

Goku: why does everyone do that! Er… do I? What's he like?

Ss talos: like you were.

Goku: (looking worried) I hope Chichi can handle him.

Ss talos; why do you think she made the battle pan?

Gohan: that's a good idea!

Goku: yea!

Vegeta :( wakes up) don't forget me I'll take you both down!

Ss talos: thanks! Sorry it took us so long to update!

Ss death: yea. (Looks around) of course not… (Tosses at Goku)

Goku: sugar!

All others: NOO!

Goku: I feel strange… (Hair turns gold) I will beat you both!

Ss talos: that's all for today.

Ss death: I say that!

Ss talos: yea right.

Ss death; this means war!