1College in America

By: 1xmocha

Rating: T

Pairing: OT5

Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis nor the characters.

Note: You guys are so great! (Sniffles) Thank you so much to all those who have review my stories and added me as a fav. author, etc and I hope you continue to. Now as I promised, my new story.(my internet was down for awhile so I had a chance to type this sooner than I thought I would. ;P)

Warnings: Um mentions of kissing, an oc, and fuji sluttyness. YAOI.

Chapter 1: The Dorm

Fuji wasn't the one to be surprised.

He rather did the surprising himself.

But this time, however, he didn't have the upper hand.

"Atobe, what are you doing here?" Fuji smiled his regular smile, trying not to sound surprised.

Atobe smiled back at him, "This is a surprise, Fuji."

He smirked at him seductively.

Fuji didn't exactly have 1 boyfriend per say.

True he loved Tezuka with all his being...it was just when he wasn't around and he needed attention...

His and Atobe's make out sessions in the back of his limo were always fun.

Plus Atobe had a boyfriend of his own so...yeah.

Although he could see why Atobe would date Genchiro.

He was a fabulous kisser as well.

Although this may seem slightly slutty and unloyal...he really didn't regret anything because he was pretty damn sur that Tezuka had kissed atobe or Sanada at some time.

So they were basically pretty even.

Fuji's plan was to attend the same college as Tezuka but never in a million years did he think Sanada and Atobe to be there as well.

Just then as Sanada walked up carrying some bags, Tezuka walked out of the dorm.

The surprise was evident on his face but was quickly replaced with the normal stotic one.

"I see." tezuka spoke as explanation.

There was obviously no need to ask stupid questions on why they were here.

Fuji was surprised when he got an acceptance letter from a college in America for a scholarship if he played tennis for their team.

At first he wasn't going to attend but when he found out Tezuka had got the same letter and they could be roommates how could he say no?

Tezuka looked past Fuji & Atobe to look at Sanada.

"Here let me help you carry those. If they're Atobe's they must be heavy." Tezuka stressed.

Atobe rolled his eyes at the comment.

"Puhlease! Not all of ore-sama's bags are heavy." Atobe snarked.

Tezuka and Sanada went in.

Fuji followed them up after a quick kiss with Atobe.

There were 8 people suppose to be living in their dorm. The dorm, although small, was especially made for the tennis team. They made up 4 players but Fuji had to wonder who the other 4 were.

All of the sudden a blonde stepped out of one of the bathrooms with a towel on.

Fuji was, for the second time today, surprised.

"Kevin Smith, this is a surprise." Fuji smiled.

Kevin looked at them dumbfounded but then looked in understanding.

"Oh so you must be the 4 players they picked from Japan. When I heard they were doing this I never thought it would be you 4. He's going to flip out." Kevin laughed.

"He?" questioned Tezuka.

Kevin waved it off as unimportant, "Our dorm manager, team captain and fellow player. You'll love him. Everybody does. You'll meet him later." Kevin spoke sharkily.

"I see." Sanada spoke, curiosity intrigued.

"Well I'll give you a tour of the campus after I get dressed.

All of the sudden a guy a head taller than Kevin, who was now about Fuji's height, walked up to Kevin.

"Kev, your pet is pissed that you snuck out of practice early to take a shower and go on a date with Eric who is surprise, surprise, missing as well." the brown hair man spoke.

Fuji looked at him.

He was hot, just not his type.

Kevin smirked at him and the man walked away, defeated.

He turned around.

"Are they..."

Kevin nodded.

"Ah...I'll tell Captain. Welcome to the team." he nodded.

"That was Yuuri, he plays doubles with my boyfriend, Eric. You'll meet him later along with the captain." Kevin's eyes twinkled.

Fuji frowned.

Kevin was hiding something.

"Don't worry the captian's hot, Fuji. Believe me!" he spoke looking at Fuji's face.

Fuji flushed.

Damn bastard.

He didn't love just Tezuka, Atobe, and Sanada. He had also fallen in love(before Tezuka and him started dating even) a tennis prodigy like no other who he hadn't even seen in 5 years.

Part of the reason for excepting was a chance to see him.

Fuji smiled again.

College was going to be fun.
