Gemini's Sweet Desire


Disclaimer: Prince of Tennis/Tennis no Oujisama is created by Takeshi Konomi. And I'm not him… and besides, I'm a girl so that mean's I really do not own this anime. Ouch!

(A/N): This is a sequel of my fan fiction, Autumn's Promise. And hopefully, I won't be adding own characters so that others won't feel eloquently mad again about stealing characters. If you find it hard to relate on the story, I guess you need to read autumn's Promise; well that's what I think. Don't worry, there are only few parts in this fan fiction which will mention some in A.P (just to make it shorter) and as far as I planned, it would be only in the first chapter and some in the last chapters. I'll stop the talking and continue to the first chapter… it may be look like a prologue but it's a chapter… hehehe… well, that's what I notice…

Chapter 1: Sweet Mistake

A loud crash was heard outside the train station which caught everyone's attention. His numbness vanished but he got anxious of what he heard. He just got rejected by his only one and thought that it was the end. He turned back as he went out of the station. Sakuno he said to himself with great depression. There lots of people in the street because of the sudden commotion. Police cars and an ambulance came. He got nervous when he couldn't find Sakuno anywhere. He heard rumors around, telling that the victim was a lady. He persistently entered the large crowd. His heart beat became faster as he escaped from the people. He saw a car crashed in a light post with its body all wrecked and the front mirror in pieces. But what caught his attention was the body lied on the ground in the middle of the street. His eyes widened when he stared the familiar dress of the victim. "S-Sakuno?" he said with trembling voice, "S-Sakuno?" he repeated. He walked slowly to the body with his eyes in full surprise after seeing blood around the body. "S-Sakuno…" he murmured, stretching out his hand towards the body.

"Sir, you can't go there!" one of the police stopped him, but he was too persistent, "Sir!"

"Let go of me!" he demanded, "Sakuno!" he shouted as he withdraw from the police's grip and ran towards the body.

He kneeled down. He bit his lower lip as he pulled the body towards his chest. Blood marked his clothes. His hand was drenched in her blood as he gently caressed her pale face. Blood were streaming down from her head and her skin was starting to get paler. "Sakuno, wake up!" he said while his tears dropped down in Sakuno's face, "SAKUNO!"

The accident gave everyone shocking news. The atmosphere became solemn while others were giving sympathy for the victim. The police told the press that the suspect or the driver was hardly drunk and had history of illegal drugs. And based from the witnesses, while the victim was crossing the street the car appeared from nowhere and it tried to avoid the victim that's why it crashed to the light post, but unluckily, the victim was still hit. From the things he heard, he didn't know where he will ever believe in. He was too confused and hurt to see things in the right way. And yet, he blamed himself from what was happening around him.

He sat on a long plastic-made seat outside the emergency room. The sign above the door was showing that it was occupied. He was been waiting for the doctor's news for almost an hour. His face showed a lot of misery and he still kept on blaming himself. Another 30 minutes had passed but the doctor was not yet giving him any news. He stood up and walked repeatedly. The more minutes had passed, the more he was becoming anxious.

"Ryoma!" somebody shouted behind him.

He looked back and saw Tomoka running towards him. He saw her face in full emotion and he felt sorry at once. When she finally reached him, he didn't give a word and looked away to her immediately.

"What happened?! Where's Sakuno?!" Tomoka panicked as she started to pant and yet he didn't respond. Tomoka looked on the door and saw the emergency room sign above it. "Is she inside?!" she asked but still the same, no respond. Her face started to get tense and she was about to get irritated for having no response. Thus, she hit him with a heavy slap, "Are you just going to stand there doing nothing?! Say something!"

"Sorry…" he started to spoke moving his head lower, "I didn't have a chance to save her… I was too late…"

"I thought everything was going to be better!" she added

"Before the accident, she told me that we can't continue everything anymore…"

Tomoka couldn't believe from what she heard, "What?!"

"I didn't know why…" he stopped. Tomoka looked at him and saw traces of tears flowing down to his chin, "…I forced her not to go but she didn't even look back. It's my fault…"


Suddenly the door opened beside them. The doctor came out with a mask in his mouth. Ryoma didn't look at the doctor but instead, he looked away. Once the doctor removed he's mask, Tomoka immediately approached him and asked Sakuno's condition.

"Are you a family of the patient?" the doctor asked

"N-No, but I'm here best friend!" she answered anxiously, "How is she?!"

"As of now, we already cured her skull damage because of the incident. But she's still unconscious. She's having a weak beat in her heart, but somehow it's still in a good health. Her skull had cracks and we're afraid that something might happen, like brain deficiencies. I'm sorry to tell this but she'll be staying a little longer in the hospital, she's currently in a comatose and we still need to study and observe her behavior" the doctor explained

"Tell me, she's going to be alright!"

"We have high chances that she'll wake up. But we're not sure when she will. In this case, the decision will be in hers…"

Ryoma tried to feel stronger as he heard the doctor's explanations. He felt miserable and he blamed it all to himself. He sat on the chair and stare the floor seriously. Tomoka watched him but as the doctor continued his discussion, she looked back to him.

"We'll be moving her to another room. She'll be staying there. You can also visit her once she's been transferred."

"T-Thank you…" Tomoka answered back.

The doctor went back to the room while Tomoka was left outside with him. She waited until Sakuno will come out of the room lying in a bed. While waiting, she watched him looking so depressed but she didn't say a word. Though he apologized to her, she doesn't know if she'll ever accept it. But then, she felt total pity over him, by just looking at him seeing his eyes sore because of his own tears for Sakuno.

"Don't blame yourself… Don't blame everything…" Tomoka said, looking away from his glance, "Somehow, it's better to cry sometimes…"

At last, the door opened. A nurse came out first followed by a bed behind her. There were some doctors around the patient and another nurse behind. Tomoka looked at the patient and saw pale skin. She watched her leave while Ryoma tried to avoid from looking at it. Sakuno… he thought. Once they were gone, Ryoma turned to his position with his hands attached to another and his head leaning to it, facing the floor.

"What are you doing?" Tomoka distracted the silence.

"I can't see her like this… I never wanted… I can't forgive myself if something bad will happen… to her…"

"You know what…" she looked at him again and got surprised when he saw traces of tears on the floor. It was really her first time to see him cry a lot and realize that Sakuno was the reason. Somehow, she felt a little envious. She really liked him but she didn't take it too seriously since she knew that her best friend really loves him.

Few minutes had passed after Tomoka followed the doctors to Sakuno's room. She was been sitting beside her bed facing a closed window and a door behind her. She looked at Sakuno's face and stared her pale skin. A life detector was placed beside the bed while a small tube was connected in her mouth. Tomoka felt an aura which was so new to her. Sakuno's stay inside the hospital was different from the stay she experienced before. She couldn't imagine how things would end if something bad happened like hearing a continuous monotone coming from the machine. Whenever she thinks of it, tears were starting to appear behind her eyes.

"Don't imagine things, Tomoka" she got surprised and saw him standing beside her.

He handed over a handkerchief as he continued to talk, "I'm already okay. I brought some of her things and got clothes. It's already, I think you should go to sleep…"

"How about you?" Tomoka asked

"I can manage it… I'll be waiting over here until she wakes up…" he answered

Tomoka stood up and looked at Ryoma, "OKAY!"

He switched places with Tomoka and he sat down for 5 hours. He was half asleep. His arms were placed beside the bed. His body was bent down as his head was placed above his crossed arms. His hand touched Sakuno's and he cloud feel her warmth. His heart beat was going faster and felt another fear. Losing her again would be the end for him. His grip tightened as he spoke inside him…

Nee, Sakuno… I know you can hear me. I want to let you know that you're the only one that's important to me. I never wanted to make these things happen. I never wanted to see you suffer. Sorry, because I didn't even fight for you and protect you. I didn't fulfilled my promise and I left you. This time, I promise you, I'll be always here beside you, always ready to protect you. And if ever you'll leave me again, I won't allow you. I won't let go of this hand, no matter what happens…

End of Chapter

(A/N): that's the first chapter. It looks like a prologue, right? Hehehe… thanks for reading it guys. Reviews are always welcome!