
By Gedatsu-Kitteh

The walls were so colorful; painted with little pieces of paper with dots of green and red, scattered randomly across the plain.

Distance does not separate.

White was spattered across the wall with a startling "splack" and was dragged along the wall by a brush frantically; desperately covering the entire wall. The little green and red papers disappeared amongst the white, only the shadow of their outlines remaining.

Denial is only salt for the wounds.

The boy had white paint smeared across his cheek and had gotten it in his hair as well. He held the brush in his shaking hands staring with wide swollen eyes at his wall. He turned around.

The other wall.


The bed.


The whole room was white. Everything was white. The boy's hand stopped shaking and the brushed slipped from his relieved fingers to the ivory floor. A long held breath was exhaled before the boy too slid to the floor, I slight smile gracing his lips has he slid his eyes shut.

The green was gone. The red was gone. Everything was white, like a blank piece of paper, like fresh snow. Yes, all things good were all things white.

Some things cannot be erased.

Eyes fluttered open.


He tried to move his arms but he found they had been bound somehow. He shifted his weight and found the floor was a bit more comfortable now. Cushiony.

There were long rows of white cushions leading across the floor onto the walls. It was all cushions; all white. He looked down and noticed he was wearing white too. He felt safe, trapped in his white.

He sighed contently as he looked across the room. A white square fell from the cushion drifting to the floor like a leaf, like a piece of paper.

Where the square had fallen- green and red.

You can only cover them for a little while…

The boys breath hitched as he scrambled to his feet frantically dashing across to the other side of the room. He tried to free his hands. He screamed as he saw the colors dripping down the pad, creating colorful rivers along white.

He smashed his head into the pad, smearing the colors trying to wipe them away.

All bandages must be removed eventually.

The flow of color increased, until he found himself knee deep in a sea of swirling green and red. He made frantic noised of distress as he ran as fast as he could to the door.

He screamed through the little window draped with metal bars. He needed to get out, he would drown in him.

You cannot run from yourself…

But he was always drowning in him.

The boy let out a choked sob, sliding to the floor. Broken.

You can never escape who you are.

A/N: well, I'm not particularly proud of this. Just an idea I got during church. Lol.

Poor dib, he's insane. :'( ::pets::