Hinata Hyuuga is transferred to the bad ass Otogakure Ninja Academy High. The land of sound's school is known for its ruthless and rebellious students and is not the comfortable school Hinata is used too. Although the school's students lack knowledge in the classroom, they are highly skilled in combat classes and rank high in strength and skill. Her father, Hiashi Hyuuga, sends her there in order to toughen her up and improve her overall skill and strength level. Can Hinata survive in such an outgoing environment that is her exact polar opposite?

I really wanted to write a story about all the sound nin! They are so ignored XD

I'm just beginning, but I'll update soon, it will get good I swear.


Chapter One

Dear Hyuuga Hinata,

Welcome to Otogakure Academy High for advanced shinobi. We are pleased to have you join us for this school year and are very excited for your arrival. We hope you will enjoy your time here at the academy. Our main goal is to prepare students for jounin examinations and train students to become stronger then ever. Be prepared for classroom work as well as tough combat classes. You will be assigned to a three to four person team that will later be decided for you when you arrive.

Here is a regular schedule for the week…

Monday: 8:00–10:00 Ninjutsu Classroom 11:00-3:00 Ninjutsu Combat

Tuesday: 6:00-10:00 Basic Condition Training

Wednesday: 8:00-10:00 Taijutsu Classroom 11:00-3:00 Taijutsu Combat

Thursday: 6:00-10:00 Weapon/Arsenal Training

Friday: Pending.

We hope to see you soon.

Kabuto Yakushi – Assistant Principal

Otogakure Ninja Academy

Hinata slowly and carefully read the letter a few times to herself with a worried look upon her face. Her lavender pupil-less eyes twitched with fear. The letter itself seemed promising, but it was the rumors that concerned her. Her father looked down at her waiting for some kind of response, but silence has engulfed the small room in the Hyuuga main branch household. "Father, I-I-" she started but stopped while she met the gaze of the tall man next to her. It was hopeless to fight back now, he had already enrolled her, payment and all, and there was nothing she could do about it…

She looked up hopelessly and gave her father a queasy smile that was meant to insure him that she was going to do this. He gave her a small approving nod and Hinata retreated into her room. She sighed deeply as she finished packing her things. She wasn't really paying attention to what she was stuffing into her suitcase. She was too preoccupied with lurking out the window that viewed her comfortable home of Konohagakure. She didn't want to leave just yet. She has become so situated in the cozy town, but she couldn't hold on forever. She just had to let go, she had to be strong. It's not like she wouldn't return, she would be back, and hopefully she'd show everyone that she became stronger. Maybe the change would be good for her.

Then again, she has heard countless times about the nasty rumors about the academy. Her father claimed it was a good disciplined school that has an amazing five star training facility. That might have been true, however, the student's classroom grades were extremely poor, and they were known to be the lowest in the nation. The rumors stated that the students that attended the Land of Sound's school were extremely arrogant and were known for being rebellious and harsh. Her friend's warnings echoed throughout her head violently, and she got more and more nervous.

Hinata realized she had gotten the hiccups from the extreme nervousness that was built up inside of her. She made quick little inhaling hiccups as she tightly zipped her bag shut. She collapsed on her bed that her bag lied on in total exhaustion. She really couldn't handle the stress of this whole situation she got put into. There could be noticeably easily heard footsteps coming down the narrow hallway towards Hinata's room. She sat up urgently and seized her hiccups as she saw her father, Hiashi, entered the room.

"Hinata…" he started quietly. Hinata looked up towards her father and stood from her bed swiftly. "I only hope the best for you" he said gently. "I assure you I wouldn't send you to this place unless I thought you were ready for such a task" he said confidently. He turned his attention to the hallway. Hinata glared over at him to watch him carefully pick up something out of vision of her bedroom. He hid the object her just picked up behind his back. Anyone from the Hyuuga clan knew that they could simply use Byakugan to discover what he was holding, but of course, this wasn't the right time to do so.

"I think it's time I gave you this" he said calmly. Hiashi revealed the object from beyond the shadows of his back. Hinata starred with a perplexed look written across her face. The object was in an old, dusty, beaten up, long brown case. The case was trimmed with golden stitches and had the Hyuuga symbol imprinted on the front. He nodded at his daughter to open the case, and Hinata did so slowly and uncomfortably. She unsnapped the case to reveal and long and lean katana sword kept in a beautiful saya. Hinata was too shocked to even touch it. Where did the sword come from? The Hyuugas never practiced any samurai work, or at least, not that she knew of. Hyuugas normally fought with their lone fists as an offence.

Hiashi smiled and gave out a small laugh. He placed a comfortable hand on Hinata's shaking shoulder. "This is the Hyuuga's only true weapon. It was crafted by your great-great-grandfather many years ago. He used it often in the war, but it's still in fine shape. He left it to your great-great-grandmother when he died at a young age, so there is also an obi here to go with it" he explained as he placed the beautifully stitched blue obi. Without much hesitation, Hinata tried it on eagerly. She finally picked up the long sword. It was very light and easy for her to handle, but unfortunately she was never trained with a sword. She wielded the sword for a short while to observe it. It was dull and had a few scratches on it, but it was obviously strong and would be useful. She quickly placed it back in the sheath and stashed it in the obi.

Her father looked at her confused looks. "I'm sure you will find someone to teach you the ways of the sword when you arrive at the academy. That is why I chose to give this to you now" he stated. Hinata took off her obi and placed it with the rest of her belongings. She gave her father an appreciative smile and grabbed her things. "Thank you father" she said while bowing gratefully. She knew her relationship with her Father improved greatly, and she could tell he really believed in her ability now. Sometimes she felt as if he was more of some important person to please, such as a boss instead of a father. He had sent transferred her to a new school for the sake of her getting stronger, but had he ever asked how she felt first?

Her father had walked out the house with her as she took a deep sigh. She took in the deep cool air of Konoha for the last time for a long while. She walked slowly along side her father to take in every last minute she had in the safe town. She couldn't help but think of her blonde admirer, who was most likely out training hard at this very moment, her two teammates who had always been there for her, and her sensei who had supported her along every obstacle.

She had to be strong…

She exited the large gate that lead as an entrance to the hidden leaf village. Her father nodded at her and they both took off at a quick pace as they made their way to the village hidden in sound.