Hey everyone!!! I was bored yesterday while on an hour drive to my grandparents house, so I got this idea from something I saw on IMDB, and decided to do my own. This is going to be a list of things that we've learned from watching High School Musical. This is just the first 10. I've got lots more where these came from!

1. If you meet someone on vacation, that you like, they will automatically turn up at your school after vacation is over. (This is true for Grease as well as HSM.)

2. You can sing a song that you've never heard before, and know it by heart.

3. American phone numbers apparently have only 3 or 4 numbers in them.

4. Someone can draw an exact replica of your school on the sidewalk with chalk that never erases.

5. You can be at the school entrance, and seconds later, you will be in your classroom.

6. Cheerleaders wear their same warm up outfits to school every day of the week.

7. Even though it's January.

8. You can change your ring tone to a song that is used for karaoke.

9. Even if your showerhead is impressed with your singing, doesn't mean they won't replace your voice with Drew Seeley's. (Saw that on IMDB. Whoever said that gets credit, not me.)

10. Someone can walk out of a classroom twice, without ever going back into it. (Jason does this.)

Well, that's the first 10. I've got plenty more. If you have any ideas, tell me in a review, and I will gladly put them in, with credit for you. Thanks!