Okay, sorry that's been so long, but I can only do my best :) Here you go!!

Day 4

Monique's POV

Oh. My stomach is killing me.

I woke up next to Corbin. It seemed to be around four or five o'clock in the morning. I feel like my stomach is going to explode.

Oh shit I think I'm gonna--

I leaned over, and puked in the sand. Corbin was quickly woken up by the sound of me hacking and gagging.

"Oh shit. Mo, are you alright?" he said.

He pulled my hair back for me. I continued to throw up. Corbin patted by back. I started to feel a little better, but still sick. I sat up, and looked at Corbin.

"What's wrong?" he asked. "We havent eaten in four days, how could you throw up?"

"I don't- I don't know Corbin." I said.

"Listen, I'm sorry about everything that's happned. I know that I have been kind of a jerk to everyone, but I just don't think that Zac is a very strong person. He just tries to act like he owns the place. He's a fucking douchbag, and--"

"Corbin please SHUT UP!!" I shouted.

His faced looked kinda shocked, and kinda angry.

"So that's how it's gonna be? Your going to take his side?" he said.

" No, Corbin I'm not trying to take sides, I just wish that you--"

"Save it." he said.

He got up, and started walking towards camp.

"Corbin!" I shouted.

He just kept walking. My stomach started to feel worse.

Ashley's POV

I woke up at around dawn. I noticed that everyone else was asleep. I got up and started to walk around the campsite. I then heard something. It came from the jungle. I started to walk closer to the entrance of the jungle. It was two big trees seperated by a big rock. It was the only way to get into the jungle with it being surrounded by trees and shrubs. I stepped one foot over a big rock. Then the other. I realized that I was breaking the rules by going into the jungle alone, but at this point, I didn't really care. I heard the noise again. I quickly turned around. The entrance back to the beach was now gone. There were now Big trees and rocks where it used to be.

Oh my God!

I walked towards where the entrance used to be. I started swiping at the plants that were blocking the way. I began pulling the small limbs. And then I heard something. Something I will remember for the rest of my life.


It was Lucas. I turned around expecting to see Lucas standing behind me. But there was nothing.

"Lucas!?" I screamed.


I turned around again. But there was nothing there.

"Help me Ashley."

I looked around me, beside me, and behind me. But there was still nothing. The voices seemed to come from nowhere.

"Ashley, please. It's got me. Ashley."

The voices continued.



"Help me."

Then the voices started getting louder. There were now many voices saying different things at the same time. They were all Lucas.

"I'm in here Ashley. Help me."

"Please, It's killing me."

"I'm scared Ashley."

I couldn't take it anymore. I started screaming. I pulled at the branches, and swiped the leaves faster and faster.The voices continued. I started to scream for help.

"HELP ME!! SOMEONE PLEASE!!" I screamed.

I closed my eyes and started kicking and swiping at the plants. The plants seemed to grow the more I swiped at them. They pushed me on the ground. They started to fall on top of me. I kept screaming and struggling. More and more of the plants covered my body. I could still hear Lucas's voice. I started to scream louder. Then I heared a different voice.

" Ashley?"

It was Zac.

I opened my eyes. I was laying in the jungle. There were no plants on me at all. The voices had stopped. I looked over Zac's shoulder. The entrance of the jungle was there. I could see the beach, and the ocean.

"Ashley, what are you doing here?" he asked.

I just looked at him. I couldn't explain what had just happened.

It's gone. But, how? The plants. The voices.

I sat up.

"Well." Zac said.

"Nothing." I responded.

I couldn't tell him what had happend. He wouldn't believe me. As I stood up I noticed something in the bushes. I walked closer to it. I reached into it, and pulled out a small black box.

"What is that?" Zac asked.

"I-I don't know." I said.

"Let's take it back to camp, and show the others."

Zac and I walked back through the entrance, and to the beach. When we got to the camp everyone was awake. Monique and Corbin were still at their spot.

Zac's POV

We all sat in a circle around the box.

"Should we open it?" I asked everyone.

Everone nodded their heads. I looked down at the box. I clicked open the lock. Everyone around me looked like they were excited. They probably thought that what was inside could help us in some way. I started to open it. More and more until it was finally open. There were only a few things inside. A tape recorder. A gun. And Five bullets.

"How the hell is that supposed to help us?" Chris said.

"Play the tape." Said Vanessa.

I looked down at the tape recorder. I pressed the play button. Then, a voice started speaking.

"I don't have much time." The voice said. "If you are listening to this, then that means that I didn't make it. I am the only one left. The others have gone mad, and killed one another. The rest are with the jungle now. I have six bullets, and two guns. I will leave one gun, and five of the bullets in the box. Just in case. Just in case someone might find it, and find themselves in the same predicament I am in now. I will never be rescued. I can't survive on my own. If my family finds this. I want you guys to know how much I love all of you. Goodbye."

Then the sound of the lid closing was heard. The tape was still recording even as it was sitting in the box. The group could vaguely hear the man talking:

"Our father, who art in Heaven. Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy would be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven."

. . .


Chris's POV

By that time we had realized what had happened. The man had killed himself. I looked around at the others. Olesya and Vanessa were crying. We all relized that we weren't the only ones who had been stranded on this island. Olesya got up and ran in the other direction. Zac got up to run after her, but Vanessa just told him to give her some time.

"So what are we going to do?" Ryne asked.

"Right now the only thing we can do is search for food." Zac answered.

"But how?" Ashley asked. "What are we going to eat? We don't know what plants are dangerous."

We all loked at her.

"I mean poisonous." she said.

"I think we'll just have to try to find some kind of fruit. Like pineapples or something." I said.

"Let's just go into the jungle, and just look around." Zac said. "Maybe we'll get lucky."

We all got up and headed into the jungle.

11;32 PM

After searching for hours, Ashley started acting weird.

"Guys, I don't feel too well. Is it okay if I went back to camp?" she asked.

"Sure." Zac said. "We won't be much longer anyways."

Ashley's POV

I quickly ran through the jungle. I didn't want anything to happen like it did last time. I made it to the beach, and ran back to camp. Olesya was still gone. I was starting to get worried about her. I looked around the camp. And then that's when I noticed. i noticed the gun was missing.

Olesya's POV

I went back to camp and got the gun. I started to walk along the beach. I was thinking.

We'll never make it.

I looked down at the gun.

"Do it."

I drew back.

"Who said that?" I shouted.

But no one answered.

I looked back at the gun.

"Do it."

i looked back up.

What is that? Who's there?

"You'll never make it."

It was some strange voice.

"No one ever lives. Join us."

"Who are you." I said.

"Put the gun to your head." the voice said.

"What!" I shouted.

"Come on, do it."

I looked at the gun. What if we never make it off the island. I don't want to sit here and just rot into the ground. We haven't eaten in days. We were all going to die.

"Come on. Come on. It's not that bad here." the voice said.

I put the gun up to my head.

"Yes that's it. Now pull the trigger. Come on. You can do it."

I closed my eyes.

Ashley's POV

I stared at her in horror.



The sound echoed throughout the island. Monique and Corbin stood up from their spot. Zac and the others all looked around shocked. I stared in horror as Olesya fell to the ground

End of Day 4

Creepy enough? lol. Oh and IDk if i am going to do a Zanessa sex scene or not. I'm kinda 50/50 on it. Well REVIEW :)