Whoa, you guys couldn't really think that I would just end there?! Never! So, here it is, the final chapter.

Disclaimer: again no.

Italics are flashbacks

It's been ten years since I've seen her. It never got any easier to be away from her. I think about her every day. It never helped to see lovers come across my path, desperately trying to deny that they're dead; they would never see their lover again. It broke my heart t think of Elizabeth.

But finally it was time where I could return to the land of the living once more. I was horribly worried.

It was a horrible night out once again. Rain splattered across my face; weather matching my mood. I would only see Elizabeth once every ten years. I am now immortal. What would happen down the line? Would I really only get to see her a few more times in her life? I'm ill at the very thought.

I'm oddly aware of a presence on the ship. I wheel around to look behind me and I'm face to face with Tia Dalma, or rather Calypso.

"What are you doing here?" I ask. I know it sounds really impolite, but still, it's shocking just to have someone come up behind you.

"You are thoroughly depressed with your new post Captain Turner," she responds. Of course I am. She looks at me with a sympathetic look. She knows what it's like to loose a lover. "It was your destiny," she whispers to me. I bow my head.

"I'm not going to see her much any more. I almost wish I could have died; Elizabeth is too in love with me. I don't think she would ever move on, knowing I'm still technically alive. I wish she could move on, so she wouldn't be alone," I tell Calypso softly. She gives a small smile.

"Little is known about the nature of your job Captain. Before Davy Jones began dis job, it was I who took care of the souls of those who died at sea. When I met Davy Jones, I told 'im: if he could do the job I entrusted him with, he could live on forever. So long as his true love waited the ten years for him," she explains to me. "But should his love not be there to meet him, him would have to serve another ten."

"Why didn't you wait?" I ask her.

"It's my nature as da sea. Wild and untamable. When Davy Jones was not met by me by the end of ten years, he gave up his love on me. He refused to do his job. So, him was cursed. He ripped out him heart," she finishes.

"So, if I do this job well, for ten years? And Elizabeth stays faithful to me, I will no longer have to do this job?" I inquire quizzically.

Calypso nods her head. "If your love be true, I will take my job back. And you will be free William Turner."

My conversation with Calypso all those years ago really kept me on my task. If I ferried souls to the after life, I could return home to my Elizabeth.

That day has finally come. It has been exactly ten years since my heart was carved out, ten years since I wed Elizabeth, ten years since I saw her last.

I hold on to the chance that Elizabeth has stayed faithful to me. But, if she has not, I refuse to despair. I will do my job for Calypso. I will not succumb to sadness.

Finally, the green flash takes me back to the physical word. I concentrate hard on Elizabeth as we are brought back. We arrive at the same beach where I left Elizabeth. Something in my soul tells me she is here. I don't know what, I just know.

I lean over the ship's side, wind billowing in my face, and survey the island settlement of Docktown. My eyes are somehow drawn to a cliff by the town. As we sail closer, I see two figures descending to the beach below them. One is tall and feminine, the other, short and playful.

Once we drop anchor, can see that one of the people there is Elizabeth. My Elizabeth. I smile to myself.

Jumping from the deck just as I had done years ago, I'm brought to the shore. Despite my drenched body, she rushes to me, and I to her. She practically jumps into my arms in a long awaited embrace. We share a fierce passion-filled kiss. Pulling away, I gaze into her eyes. Ten years has done nothing to her beauty. Tears brim in her eyes.

"I love you," I tell her.

"I love you too Will," she whispers. "I've missed you some much." I set her back down in the sand. The tiny figure that was with her tugs at her dress.

The little boy intrigues me. He has many of Elizabeth's features, but more of someone else. I can't place it for a moment. He, he couldn't be mine, could he?

Elizabeth looks down to the small boy and takes his hand. She looks up at me. "Will, this is your son." I gaze in amazement at the child. Mine? He's our child?

"Well, what's your name?" I ask him. He looks me straight in the eye.

"I'm William Turner," he says meekly. I catch Elizabeth's eye and smile. Slowly, all three of us make our way back towards Docktown. My eyes are pulled to the Dutchman. It has drifted much closer to the shore. Looking up at the wheel, I see Calypso as the helm. A few of the crewmembers that remained with me are washing up on shore, free to start a new life. I smile as I'm freed from my curse.

I look down at my family and grin. I have a new chance at life. I can get to know my nine-year-old son and watch him grow up into a man. I gaze over at Elizabeth. She laughs at something William had said. Her laugh is filled with honesty and mirth. I'm going to do anything for her, for us. I want to make her happy. I'll do anything.

See, you thought I wouldn't add in that last part? Oh course not, it's like one of my favorite parts. :P

…oh my god. Is it really over? Regrettably so. I can honestly say I had a blast writing it. I can honestly say it is one of my best pieces of work, posted or not. I think that working in someone's point of view is really an interesting concept; you can really toy with their thoughts and try and figure out what makes them do what.

My reviewers, you guys are awesome. And im not just saying that. Everyone gave me really great advice and not to mention a load of help. Just do me a favor and review it for me.

Oh, and don't think you're rid of me quite yet. I'm already considering what my next fic could be. I'm leaning towards a kind of look into will's childhood. I personally think he's a really fantastic character to write about. Either that or a modern day situation with some of the characters. It would be quite an interesting feat. Tell me what you think, cuz in the end you're the ones that will (hopefully) read it. So let me know what you think.

Drop me a review all right? I want to really know what you thought of this chapter in particular or even the piece as a whole. Don't be shy. :P

Until next time.

Cheers, jimmy.

Ps. Email: don't be afraid to drop me an email once in a while. -hint hint- haha