OK, this is my new story Changes on the Mountain so I hope you enjoy!

No copyright infringement intended

"OK everyone, smile!" said Lily as she held up the camera. It was the last day of term and Lily, being the sentimental one, insisted that the four boys (James, Sirius, Remus and Peter) be in a photo "You'll all change over the summer!" she insisted.

"Aww Evans! Come on! We'll be back in a couple of months!"

"Shut up Black! You'll ruin the photo!"

"Hurry up then!"

"OK, thanks guys."

"No problem Evans," said James as he sauntered up to the red-haired girl, "So, what are you doing this summer?"

"Oh, you know… hanging out with you I guess!"

James smiled and kissed his girlfriend. Remus rolled his eyes and looked at Sirius. Sirius looked down and grinned. "Always the lady-man, our Prongs huh?" muttered Sirius, looping his arm over Remus' shoulders. Remus started then secretly smiled, basking in the older boy's warmth and attention.

"How about you Moony?" Sirius asked, "What are you doing over the holidays?"

"Oh, well it's full moon next week so I guess I'll be up in the mountains," Remus sighed.

"Tell you what," said Sirius, "as you seem so keen to go and it sounds wonderful, why don't I go along too?"

"Really? You would do that?"

"Why not? Sleeping in a cave in the middle of nowhere is exactly what I want!"

"Your joking aren't you?"

"About sleeping in a cave? Yes."

"About coming."

"Nah, I'll be there. We can't have a poor little werewolf wandering around lost on top of a mountain now can we?"

"Shut up!" Remus laughed, giving the older boy a punch.

"See!," cried Sirius, pretending to be shocked, "That's gratitude for you!"

Everyone laughed.

Sirius the joker. All the teachers loved, hated and dreaded him all at the same time. Girls adored him but he could never commit se he just brushed them off. Still they followed even though he was untouchable, unreachable. That was one of the reasons why Remus loved him.

Hope you enjoyed! Chapter 2 will be up soon!

Please review!