It's been over for awhile... Quite awhile, actually. But it's hard to post this last chapter. I've had a difficult time not continuing it, but I feel it's just better this way. You know me. Once I get started, I don't stop. :D

For those of you who stuck with me all this time... for those of you who are still reading right now, this chapter is for you.

Chapter 25: Untitled

"The longboats are ready for you, Miss," Ragetti gently touched Elizabeth's arm.

Elizabeth tore herself away from her spot at the railing of the ship and slowly turned around. Charlotte walked to her side. The two quietly walked towards the longboats, pausing in front of the line of people that waited to say their farewells. Captain Barbossa was first, standing calmly beside Mr. Gibbs.

"Goodbye, Captain," Elizabeth said shortly to the man.

"Mrs. Turner," he bowed his head with a knowing smile. Elizabeth grinned in return, and then moved along the rest of the line.

"G'bye, Poppet," Pintel said softly.

"Best wishes, Miss," Gibbs added.

One by one, each member of the crew mustered up enough strength to say goodbye to Elizabeth, the girl who had been part of them for three years. Finally she reached Jack. Charlotte glanced away, uncertain of how it would end. The two of them stared at each other for a long time, longer than they should have.

"It never would've worked out between us, Jack," Elizabeth finally teased.

"…Keep telling yourself that, darling." Jack replied with a smirk. She moved forward to kiss him on the cheek, but he quickly held up a hand. "No, no, once was quite enough, thank you." Elizabeth giggled, and then climbed into the longboat. Charlotte followed, hesitating Ragetti.

Elizabeth and Charlotte were going to a nearby beach, where Will was to meet them to say goodbye. And then Jack, Charlotte, and most of his crew would sail off in the Pearl, while Barbossa left with the remainders of his former crew to find the Jolly Roger.

Pintel and Ragetti were among that former crew.

Charlotte bit her lower lip, deciding to bid Pintel farewell first. She glanced at him uncertainly, and then managed a soft, "… 'B…Bye."

"G'bye, Poppet," Pintel smiled slightly. She didn't know what to say, so instead of trying she reached out her hand and shook his.

And then it was time for Ragetti. The one who had always been there for her, through all the years she had needed him. "Goodbye, Ragetti," she tried.

"Goodbye, Lottie," he whispered. Charlotte threw her arms around him and didn't dare to let go. He returned her embrace at once. They stayed like that for a while, until she finally knew that Elizabeth needed to go.

"Thank you," Charlotte said as she pulled away. A meek smile lit up her face. "Thank you, for all you've done for me." She kissed him on the cheek and then turned away, stopping once more at Jack. He kissed her lightly before whispering softly in her ear, "We'll set sail at sunset." She nodded, and then boarded the lifeboat with Elizabeth. The two of them were silent as they rowed their way onto shore, but both understood.

There was nothing to say.

The moment they set foot on land, Elizabeth hurried into Will's open arms and kissed him longingly. Charlotte silently excused herself and gave them some privacy. Of course, she was here to say goodbye to her friends, but there would be time for that later.


"You know, I'm going to need those back," Will sighed as he stared at his bare feet. He looked back up at Charlotte and Elizabeth, each of which wore one of his black boots. The two of them glanced over, and then burst into laughter.

"No way," Charlotte giggled. Then she took off down the beach.

"Get back here!" Will shouted. Elizabeth laughed and ran after her friend. Will chased them both, still barefooted. He finally caught up to Elizabeth and grabbed her around the waist just as she was tackling Charlotte. The three fell over in a laughing heap. "You're going to miss your ride, you know," Will chuckled as he sneakily slipped the boots off each girl's leg. Charlotte whirled around to glance at the horizon. The sun was setting low in the distance, and the Pearl was waiting patiently just off the shore of the island, along with the Dutchman. It had been a constant reminder to Charlotte all that afternoon that sooner or later, both she and Will would have to leave.

"…You're right," she said quietly. The trio untangled themselves and stood. Charlotte brushed sand off her legs, desperately searching for something to say.

There was an unbearably long, awkward pause until Elizabeth finally whispered, "…I guess this is goodbye."

"I guess…" Will glanced at them both. "…I guess it is." Charlotte slowly stepped towards them, but before she could speak, Elizabeth had thrown her arms around her.

"Char," her friend choked out. "Charlotte Dove, I love you. You're…" Elizabeth's grip tightened. "You're the only friend I've ever known." Charlotte buried her face in the other girl's shoulder.

"I love you too, Liz," she whispered. "I-I don't know what I would've done without you… without you or your father." The tears started out of nowhere, and now they were coming faster by the minute.

Charlotte held Elizabeth's shoulders at arms length and stared at her. Tears were streaming down her face. "You're a mess," Charlotte heard herself giggle. To her absolute surprise, Elizabeth joined her.

"You are too," she choked out. They started to laugh, hugging once more. Finally they parted, and Charlotte stared up at Will.

Will was the brother she had never known. The love she could never have. He was everything she'd ever needed in her life, and everything she'd ever wanted.

"Well… Willie boy…" a meek smile appeared on her face. "… You're off on another grand ad-…adventure… a-an-d…"

The sobs were unstoppable. She could barely speak, but managed, "And I guess I w-won't be there th-this time."

Will said nothing. He pulled her into a tight embrace and didn't let her go. Charlotte cried hard into his shoulder, unable to control herself. "You may be out of sight, little Lottie," he whispered into her ear. "But you will never be out of my mind or heart." She tightened her grasp.

"I love you, Will," was her muffled reply.

"I love you too, Lottie,"

It was getting late. Charlotte finally tore herself from Will's arms and stared at her two friends one last time. "…Do you think anything will ever be the same again?" she questioned softly.

"I don't know," Elizabeth admitted. There was a pause, and then, for absolutely no reason at all, Charlotte began to laugh.

"Look at us," she giggled. "The lot of us, together still after eleven years. We met so long ago, and now-…" she broke off, unable to finish her sentence. But they understood.

Now they would probably never meet again.

Suddenly, Elizabeth grabbed Charlotte's wrist. "Write me," she demanded. "Every day."

"I will," Charlotte replied. She meant it.

"How?" Will questioned, bewildered. Charlotte smirked at him.

"I'll find a way," she laughed. "I always do, don't I?" He snorted, a soft smile appearing on his face. All three were quiet for another moment. Before she could say anything else, Charlotte twisted around and walked away. Another moment with them would only make leaving that much harder. Jack was standing on the sand now, waiting patiently for her. A grin lit up her face and she broke into a run, right into his open arms.

"Long time no see, love," he chuckled, kissing her on the forehead. The two of them looked back at Will and Elizabeth, who stood watching them, holding each other's hands. Charlotte smiled once more, lifted her hand, and waved one last time.

They waved back and returned the smile.

But they didn't say goodbye.

"Welcome aboard the Black Pearl, m'lady," Jack bowed as he helped Charlotte step aboard the ship. She smiled lightly and took his hand in her own.

"Where are we off to, Jay Bird?" she questioned.

"Wherever the winds be takin' us, Lot," he replied with a grin. He kissed her lightly, then the two walked to the railing, where they watched the sun finally set over the hills. As a final ray of light shone on the Pearl, a bright green flash filled the air. Jack wrapped his arms around Charlotte, who smiled slightly and closed her eyes. When she opened them, she tilted her head to the side and nudged Jack gently. "Hm?" he glanced down at her. She nodded towards the wood of the ship. There, standing right beside them, were two small birds. One was a beautiful grey dove, the other a sharp-looking black sparrow. It was odd to see birds at sea at all, let alone two of a different species. They watched in silenced awe as the birds stared at each other with the oddest emotion in their eyes. Although both knew it was probably impossible, they almost seemed to be in… love. Then the dove reached over and gently nipped the sparrow, who let out a surprised squeak. The dove spread its pretty grey wings and flew off from the railing, looking back at the sparrow as though to ask, "Are you coming?" The black bird took flight at once and flew ahead of the dove, who immediately tried to pick up its pace. But the sparrow slowed down so that they flew side by side, off into the sunset. And as the birds flew farther and farther towards the western horizon, becoming mere specks soon enough, Charlotte felt herself smile. She twisted around in Jack's arms and kissed him more joyfully than ever before.

They were finally home.