
Twenty-One Ways to Annoy Casey Macdonald- Written By Derek Venturi
1. Tell her that it's eight thirty on a Saturday morning. Been there.

2. Fast forward her clock and watches to match the time you tell her. Done that.

3. Use all the hot water in the shower, then give her the shower for a cold shower. This too.

4. Pee (standing up) while she argues for the washroom. This too, but this is really funny. I should try it again...

5. Trip her. Klutzilla.

6. Steal the remote. Done that.

7. Put a (gummy) worm in her lunch. Done this too.

8. Tell her that Scott wants to get back with her and the other three girls. Haven't done this.

9. Take her make-up, clothes, deodorant, toothbrush, and switch it with your own. This was really funny.

10. Take her bra also. VERY important to take her bra with you.

11. Raid her locker. It's so neat! So...annoying.

12. Take all her textbooks. Casey Casey Casey. Not responsible. Shouldn't be losing your textbooks...

13. Explain to her the rules to hockey. ALL the rules. Haha. Will drive her insane.

14. Push her onto my bed. Who knows what's happened there...

15. Tell her that she's fat. ...Eh, maybe she is.

16. Tell her that chocolate makes you gain three pounds a bar. Show her fake labels. Don't forget to switch the label on all the chocolate bars at home.

17. Dye all her white shirts with any of my shirts who's colour comes off in the wash. Black gets the best results!

18. Steal her homework, copy it, throw it in the garabge, then wave your copy in the air. Ace at least one asignment...

19. Tell her she looks bad as a blonde.

20. Then say that she looks bad with brown hair too.

21. Spit in her face. Gross, but it's funny.

-Derek Venturi

p.s. Can you get out of my room now?