A/N: People still read this stuff? O.o I got a review yesterday and was like, "are you kiddin' me?" and I looked back and was like, "you know… I kinda miss this project." Plus I had 8 pages worth of contributions so I figured, "what the hey…" Some of ya'll can have a good day now. So yeah… Oh, and most of the kidlet ones are inspired by brother's little squids who happen to be staying with us for far too long. They'd know ToS like I do if I could drum up the patience to deal with them.

You Might Be a Symphoniac If…

By Baby Kat Snophlake

You need money to pay your bills so you sell your movies, your books, your stereo, your printer, your computer, your car, your kitchen table, your lawn gnome, and your mailbox, but you refuse to sell anything related to ToS.

Better yet, you lose your house and leave everything behind but your ToS.

You have a yard sale so you can buy that something off Ebay.

Not only do your children have ToS names, but you only feed them the recipes that can be found in the game because the other foods "don't exist".

ToS is the only game anyone is allowed to play on your console. That's because you're proud of your five years running keeping ToS in the console.

Better yet, ToS is the only game you have for that console anyway.

You're digging through your history book and then complain to the teacher how Cruxis and the Church of Martel aren't mentioned. When the teacher tells you they aren't part of our history you die of a heart attack from the mere shock of it.

Your teacher(s) know what ToS is.

Your teacher refuses to call on you knowing that the answer, no matter what the questions is, will be related to ToS.

You stand in line with a non-Symphoniac stranger at the restaurant and the stranger leaves knowing the entire ToS plotline.

Better yet, they can recite the character's scripts by heart because of you.

You managed to convert a Final Fantasy fan into a Symphoniac.

You've scoured every gamestop in your state searching for a ToS copy to force your cousin into playing. (Yours won't leave your console, remember? ;P )

Your boss tells you to do a powerpoint presentation about a business related idea and he's horrified when you end up showing a ToS presentation to his clients.

The clients end up wanting to play ToS instead of being interested in the original product idea.

When you get pulled over for speeding, you shout, "I have to catch up to Kratos! He took Colette and he's going to sacrifice her!"

The cop knows what you're talking about and escorts you.

You've memorized every Z-Skit ever written. Yes that includes TS's skits. You know what I'm talking about.

You keep praying to Undine to show up and help that oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

You go to prison just so you can see Regal and the guy that taught him to fight with his feet.

When you leave prison, you refuse to remove the handcuffs.

When your kids misbehave, you threaten to feed them to Kilia. (If you know me really well, you'll know why I wrote this one.)

You officially have enough ToS piccy's to print out 4x6s and paste them on every square inch inside and out of the Dubai International Airport. To give you an idea, the floor space is 1.5 million meters squared.

The artwork on all your walls in your house are ToS piccy's.

They are also the ones that are framed.

You go to college not for the education, but to expose ToS to as many new specimens as possible.

You talk your newfound friends into turning your college into one massive ToS convention. (If you do, let me know, I wanna come play! :D)

Forget balloons and cake at birthday parties. All anyone wants to do is sit around the GC and play ToS. Whoever beats Abyssion in the fastest time wins the prize!

You've for The 500 (500 words a day every day for a year) and every single piece was written for ToS.

Every Nanowrimo story you've ever written was ToS fanfiction.

You read a book, any book, and replace the characters with ToS characters in your mind.

Your clients know ToS through osmosis. (Umm… I'm not saying a word about this one… -is guilty-)

You write a ToS story and the person who is critiquing it goes to youtube to look up the characters. Suddenly that person is hooked. ((This one is semi true for me. It was a ToV story and she didn't quite get hooked, but she thought it looked interesting.))

You've memorized all the monster stats.

You find a way to incorporate ToS into every school assignment.

Your Fanfiction username is related to ToS in any way.

It's been years and you STILL play for hours on end.

Your kids know nothing but all the ToS stats and can recite from memory every character's battle cry. They are all under seven years old.

You taught them to write by teaching them the character's names.

Grandma tells you a story about cooked salad and you immediately think of one of Raine's mistakes cooking.

You've studied how the characters fight so you can emulate them in Battle Cosplay.

You've played so much ToS you have the max number of every item you can pick up from monsters.

You've memorized what every NPC has to say.

You and your ToS buddy quote the script back and forth to each other.

-You have read these and want some of the listed things
-You find that you're not as much of a Symphoniac as you though and are tick off
-You have taken the plot and adapted it with your own character and you haven't even written it down
-You are always on the computer doing something related to ToS
-You don't have any ideas for this list but try anyway

-You're mad that you didn't think of some of the things on this list
-You are sad that you haven't done 50 percent of these things
-You want to do more research so you know more than everyone else

-You know the said research would be pointless because you're not good enough at searching to out do everyone
-You laugh at how pathetic these are because you can do better
-You do better
-You are actually seeing how many out of the total apply to you

You call all tomatoes Kratos
You've ranted about ToS so much your friends think that's all you think about (Glares at friend "I do TO have a life!")
Your Myspace song is your favorite characters theme song
You ranted to your mom telling her about the entire plot in less than five minutes (She listened to ^^)


-You have read all these lists 131 times (yes... yes i did...) ((Katnote: So that's where all those hits came from, LOL))


You dreamed your dad was an angel. A badass angel!


You type up the whole (and I mean whole) script for Tales of Symphonia.
You then hold auditions for (or force) people to act as the characters in school/high school/college even though they haven't got a clue whom the characters are.
(Similar to Tobisha) You write a 4 page story on ToS for your English homework (which was only supposed to be one side) and actually enjoyed it.


You know you're a Symphoniac if your parents no longer assume that someone with girlish good looks and flowing red hair is a woman.
Likewise, long blue hair does not make someone a woman.
Neither does long blond hair.
You also were disappointed to learn in the Z-skits, Mithos was not Colette (who had somehow magically went through puberty and became fine-boned and beautiful).
You also wish Mithos could have fought while he was in your party.
You wonder why when people die they don't evaporate.


-I can sing all the songs from ToS from memory. (Starry Heavens-GC version, Soshite boku ni Dekiru koto-PS2 version, Negai-OVA ending, and Almateria sorta because it's not in a real language)
-I've developed an obsession with poking paw pads on animals.
-My profile image is a picture of the Sword Dancer (that I drew, go check it out if you want)


- You watch The Simpsons and starts thinking of places were ToS characters could make cameo appearances (so true...)
- You find similarities between ToS and Sonic Adventure 2 (hey, giant gem powered cannons and corrupted wishes, anyone?)
- You find similarities between Tos and Advance Wars: Dual Strike
- You find similarities between the ToS characters and other video game characters (that is SO true)


- You see a really tall skyscraper while in your car and scream, "It's the Tower of Salvation! We're saved!" Then when your family members stare at you strangely, you patiently explain about the Journey of Regeneration. (This one actually happened to me. XD)


You listen to songs and imagine them being played to a music video dedicated to a character.
Better yet you imagine the character creating the song and music video for said song.
You play other video games and say things like, "That is exactly what Kratos would say." ect.
Your friend looked at you and said, "Stop acting like a badass. You're not Kratos."
You went off into a dark corner with a rain cloud over your head after said friend said this.
You've plotted to take over the world and said, "Mithos told me too. We're friends, did you know?"

You swear on your life you saw a real life Yggdrasill walk into your school. (I about died with laughter and then was creeped out.)
You're teacher acts EXACTLY like Raine (She even hits us and throws erasers at us! I'm not kidding you.)
You've had moments that make you think back to a character. (Rubbing the back of your neck, pausing dramatically...or...um...cough...tripping over nothing.
You walk around and at moments scream a characters catch phrase. And it fits in the moment!


You have read at least 100 of the ToS fanfics on this site.
You dreamed about a fanfic being updated only to go downstairs and find out it did at 3:46 in the morning. (very true story actually.)
You get angry at people for not playing TOS.
You know more about TOS than the friend who got you into the game.
You hate Colette and could probably write an essay as to why.
You almost killed your friend because you thought he lost your first disk.
When you let said friend borrow TOS you told him that if you found even one scratch on either of your disks you would throttle him.


-You've ever said "What is this ominous light that threatens to engulf us?" And were you weren't saying it to tease Regal...
-You find out a customer's name is Lloyd and you ask him if he's going to save our world. (Actually, it was Sheena and I asked her if she was a ninja from Mizuho and if she was REALLY in love with Zelos or not. She must've thought I was on LSD...)
-You've actually written to Namco about your love of ToS.


- when you keep having "Colette moments" after play the game
- you call your boyfriend Yuan-poo
- when you what to huge the person next to you who cosplaying as Zelos, Lloyd, and Kratos at the Mo 2008 anime con(but sadly no Genis T~T)
- you send your sister a video of them at the con
- you was hoping they would sell Symphonia plushy at the anime con (I wanted a Yuan one too)
- when you attack some random person who dress up as Yggdrasill thinking it's Yggdrasill
- when you wish your fave Symphonia charter were real
- when you call all your friends Symphonia characters' names
- you were sad when you get the new tales of the world game and find out that Zelos, Sheena, and Colette aren't in it


Guess my trivial knowledge of the contents of most treasure chests in the dungeons will have to hold me over till I can start imagining Kratos singing Disney to me or finally know when the unicorn will talk to me. ((Katnote: LMAO! That's awesome! The fun part is, my bad comprehension gave me the most awesome mental image of Kratos at Disneyworld trying to find the unicorn…))


-you buy World of Warcraft and the first expansion (Burning Crusade), create a male blood elf and do everything from standing around until you log out to jumping off a cliff just to hear Kratos sigh and say "I need a scrunchy." or "Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?"
-giggle every time you talk to a male blood elf in World of Warcraft
-you burst into laughter when your best friend deems the blood elves as 'hot elves' and from then on refer to Kratos as such.
-search frantically through all your old VHS tapes for The Little Mermaid just because you heard that Cam Clarke voiced Flounder

-get very upset when you find out that your mom sold it, so go to your very close friend's house to ask (demand) that you borrow their special edition Little Mermaid DVD
-watch the Little Mermaid and giggle every time Flounder says anything because you imagine Kratos saying it.
-Leonardo is now your favorite Turtle (voiced by Cam Clarke in the original series) ((hehe, Leo's always been Kitteh's favorite. Because he's the blue one… So imagine my surprise when I watch the turtles and recognize the voice and I was like, "no… no way…"))

Hawkstar of SkyClan

- You have made your own battle cards and attempted to spin them in mid-air.
- You have any ToS music you could get your hands on in your MP3.


~ When your friend stumbles across a Super Smash Bros. flash and wonders who Lloyd Irving is, you rattle off all of his stats and name his swords.
~ You and your sibling have paralleled yourself with the Sage siblings. Regrettably, your parents understand.
~ You yell at your friend that they can't play ToS2 before playing ToS1; It would ruin the characters.
~ When playing the sequel, every time one of the old game characters comes up, you squeal and hug something, pretending it's the characters. After this, you talk about how bad the sequel is compared to the original.
~ You have real-life parallels with most of the in-game pairings.
~ Your friend wants to cosplay as Sheena even though she has no idea who she is.
You are quite willing to sew your friends costume so long as she provides you with the material.
~ You point at characters from other things that have the same voice actors as ToS people and promptly squeal, "That's Kratos!" or "That's Raine!" and proceed to rant for a few hours about how awesome that is. (True Story)

~ You come up with parallels for your extended group of friends.
You answer to your parallel's name.
~ You have started a "ToS avatar club" on your most visited forum.
~ You plan to spend your summer vacation playing ToS over, and over, and over again.
~ You leave home for less than a week and complain that you can't play ToS even though you are halfway through your third play through.
~ You forget to eat due to playing ToS.
~ You sing along with the background music even though it's instrumentals.
~ You write lyrics to the field music in Sylvarant. (We are/On a fie-eld/We're riding Noishe(pronounced Noy-she)/Here's the world map)

~ You have ToS background music on your iPod and you play the battle music during a Nerf gun war.
~ After playing ToS2, you go back to playing the original and look around Sybak for Richter and Aster.
~Your mom knows the 'Chef Raine' Z skit.
~ You combine Kratos with toast and claim that it's awesomer than Chuck Norris (Which it IS.)
~ You threaten to Demon Fang someone if they bother you.
~ You draw plans for building Rheairds.
~ One of your mom's best friends has decided that Lloyd is an idiot and Colette annoys her, but Raine is awesome.
She also can't figure out how Zelos is male.

~ You joke around about cosplaying as Zelos, talking to random Girls, and expecting them to give you stuff.
~ You are dead set on figuring out Sheena's real name.
~ You carry ToS around with you just so you can recommend it to people.
~ You are offended when your friend doesn't want to play ToS. More than that - you stop and contemplate as to why they're your friend.


In fact I have memorized most of Genis' spells "Gentle winds gather before me and transform into blades of air, I call upon thee in the land of the dead to unleash thy fury of thunder." All from memory.

You talk about ToS with your manager at work.

Knightly Girl

You know that Presea and Zelos are siblings ((o.O You're going to have to explain this one to me…))
You couldn't decide whether to laugh hysterically or cry when you found out that Yuan, Magnius and Kvar were played by the same voice actor.
You think Magnius should learn more adjectives than "vermin"
When you meet someone named "Raine", you secretly think boom.
When someone uses Ranch dressing, you think of Raine.
You nearly (or did) cry when you found out that you either didn't get Kratos back (except for the Iselia ranch but that ISN'T long enough) or killed Zelos.
You already thought that Zelos should be treated nicer even before the whole pity me thing in Flanoir or at the TOS after he takes Collette.


-She hasn't played the game, but you've already convinced your girlfriend to cosplay Zelos when you cosplay Lloyd.
-You scream and run every time you see angel-shaped decorations, and/or refuse to put angel-shaped decorations on the Christmas tree and make your sister do it.
-You are no longer allowed to speak in the presence of your friends because they know all you'll talk about is ToS.
-You are going to cosplay Lloyd (or another male character) in their swimsuit outfit even though you are female. (Bandages and tape!)
-You know every little detail in Lloyd's outfit by heart. (Number of buttons, how far up on the torso the pants go...)
-You squealed when you found out Zelos's Japanese voice actor is the voice actor for France in Axis Powers Hetalia.
-You're writing this at five am. on New Year's Eve.

-You dream about the characters and sometimes have conversations with them.(happened only once...such a waste..)
-You dream that you beat Kratos by throwing tomatoes at him.
-You wake up every morning to notice that a random ToS song is playing on your mind. (happened to me for 3 weeks straight..then it got less often...)
-You imagine the characters walking beside you or doing some real life activities with you.
-when no one's around you talk to 'them'.
-Your Gamecube overheated and exploded due to nonstop replay of the whole game.
-You bought another one but it only exploded after using it for 4 days straight.

-You glare at your older sister's fiancé, thinking and saying out loud "You'll never have my sister Yuan! NEVER!"
-You often call your sister 'Martel'.
-When you were taller than your Dad you sometimes call him Dirk.
-You joined every ToS related club that you can find in the internet.
-People see you as a walking ToS encyclopedia.
-When your friend offers you her cooking you suddenly ask her "What kind of ingredients you experimented on this time Raine?"
-You call your brother-in-law 'Mithos' because of being overly protective to her older sister, which is your fiancé.
-When your family is going to a mass, you try to convince them that Cruxis is controlling the 'church' and they might take you all to the Desians.

-You try to convince everyone that the normal looking ranches here on Earth is actually a Human Ranch in disguise.
-You scream in horror and panic as you enter a ranch for a school field trip, thinking your gonna die in the hands of Desians.
-When you see some dogs you quickly look for Colette.
-When you see something in the sky, you try to assume if it's a rheaird or a seraph flying high above.
-when you watch something that involves drowning in a building of some sort you cry and often say "Why Botta, WHY?"
-When you see a tomato being displayed, you laugh and say "no wonder the father and son are gone!"
-When you see a photo of Kratos, you suddenly started to sing the 'the tomato song'.
-The teacher knows the ToS so much hearing it from you that when you ace a test he/she says "Well done Genis."
-The teacher is so use about you rambling about ToS all day that when your report card was given your name is written as "Genis Sage"

-You subconsciously written Lloyd's name instead of yours in the test that when the score is given, you got an F.
-When you get F you always yell "You're going to pay for this Lloyd!"
-When you meet new people you always say Lloyd's famous line as your own introduction.
-You use Holy Song and it shattered the mirror in your room.
-You and your brother tried performing cross thrust.
-You followed Colette and use 2 CDs as chakrams.
-You and your friend look for Yuan whenever you enter a 'Cafe'.
-You scream at a person who's wearing a suspender, saying "Lloyd! where's the red overall?"
-You made chibi-dolls in animal-based ToS characters and worship them..O.O