Summary: Set when Sasuke joined Orochimaru in search for power and Gaara is kazakage. Harry potter is in danger in the magical world and Professor Dumbeldore

Seeks the help of Tsunada. Tsunada accepts and sends Naruto, Sakura, choji, Skikimaru, Ino, Neji, Tenten, Rock Lee, Shino, Kiba, Hinata, and the sand siblings. It is set during 5th year. (Because I thought it would be hilarious to see Gaara and Umbridge in the same room, lol.) That's about it. The story will explain the rest. Rated for swearing and gore in later chapters.

Chapter 1- A New Mission-

It was 10:00 at night and Tsunade was still in her office looking over scrolls. She wanted to go to bed in her nice, warm, house but she knew it was out of the question. She had things to send to Suna, Documents to sign, and new scrolls to translate. To help her bear the unbearable night, she pulled a bottle of sake from her stash and laid it on the desk. Just as she was about to pop the cap, she heard a scratching on the window. She sighed and went to see what it was. If it was Naruto or Kiba throwing rocks at the window again, she would kill them.

But it wasn't. It was a bird. A very strange bird. She opened the window and the bird flew in and landed on her desk. It stuck out its leg and she noticed that it had a note on its leg. She took the letter and the bird flew to the window and perched on the sill, waiting for a reply. Tsunada took a close look at the letter. It wasn't a note from Suna. First of all, their kazakage's penmanship was horrible, and second, it didn't have the sand seal Gaara put on all his letters. No, this letter was neatly written and sealed with a red, wax, crest.

She sat down at her desk and put the bottle away. She had a feeling this would take some concentration. She broke the seal and unrolled the scroll.

Mrs. Tsunade,

We have not met before, but I knew the third hokage very well. I would like to ask you a favor, if you wouldn't mind. in our world, (the wizarding world) there is a man we call Lord Voldermort, and he is after one of my students. I was wondering if you could spare any guards to protect this boy. His name is Harry Potter. If you chose to except, simply send this letter back with your response and I will send someone to your office to pick up the guards and bring them back to our world. If you need to contact us the address is Number 12, Grimmauld Place. I will loan you the owl who sent this letter, seeing as he already knows where headquarters is. Please respond as soon as possible.


Albus Dumbeldore

The whole time she had been reading, she had started to remembering things. After reading the name, it all clicked. Her grandmother had gone on and on about how amazing this man was. She had said that he could do magic without any type of jutsu, and had enough power to rival the third hokage. She immediately picked up a bamboo brush to respond.

Albus Dumbeldore,

I would be glad to send guards for the boy. I will have the guards ready two days from now at the most. Have your messenger come to my office please. It would cause confusion if they were to show up in Konoha.



5th Hokage of Konohagakure

She finished her letter, tied it to the owl, and it immediately flew out into the night. She then went back to her desk and pulled out the unopened bottle of sake and a huge file box. After an hour and a half, 2/3 of the sake was gone and she had fourteen candidates. 'I will tell Shizune to alert them tomorrow' she thought as she made a list of names and put the files away. She put the cork on the bottle and fell asleep at her desk.

Tsunade's Office-6:00 in the morning-

The 5th hokage woke up from her not-so-comfortable sleep with the list of names stuck to her cheek. She took it off and remembered the night before. "Shizune!" she bellowed, "I need you to find some people for me!" Her assistant skidded into the room looking flustered. "Did Naruto and Kiba break another window?" she asked. "No, but I have a mission for some people." said the 5th handing her a paper. "I'll tell their sensei's immediately!" she said brightly, scanning over the list and leaving.

Twenty Minutes later, everyone on the list was crowded in her office. Neji was staring out the window, Tenten, Sakura, Ino, and Hinata were in a group by the desk discussing the mission, and Naruto, Choji, Kiba, and Rock Lee were laughing hysterically about a joke Kiba had made. Shino was in the corner by himself, while Shikamaru lay on the floor thinking. Tsunade had left to run an errand and they were waiting for her to return.

"Hey guys look! said Naruto smirking and running over to Tsunade's desk. "Transformation Jutsu!" he shouted. When the smoke cleared it revealed a fat, ugly, version of the fifth hokage with a frowning smiley face to replace the diamond on her forehead. (LOL! 8D) He sat down and folded his huge arms on the desk. "Naruto and Kiba are trouble! Blah blah blah Sakura is so perfect. Blah blah blah. Where's my sake? Blah blah…"

The mocking ended when they all saw the door knob jiggling. With another poof of smoke, the Tsunade impression was gone and Naruto was standing innocently next to Kiba and Lee. Tsunade entered the room and saw the few remaining wisps of smoke. "Why is there smoke in my office?" she asked gritting her teeth. Kiba, Choji, and Naruto started to shake with suppressed laughter. "Naruto…farted!" choked Kiba and him and Choji edged away from Naruto laughing. "YOU ARE SO CHILDISH!" yelled Sakura trying to hit the three boys with her shoe. (A/N Why a shoe you ask? Well, because that is what I do when I am pissed, and second…im the author! Mwahaha! I have the POWER!…back to the story.)

Tsunade waited for the chaos to subside and continued. "The reason that I have brought you here today is because I have a mission for you. I have chose you all specifically for the job, so there is no getting out of it. I have also chosen some of you because I want you out of my sight and out of my village. Your job is to protect a boy named Harry Potter…" "what? you brought us here to protect someone?! that is so below our level! that is so fucked up!" yelled the blonde ninja. "as I was saying," she continued after putting a silencing jutsu on Naruto, "you will be going to protect a boy named Harry potter. He is obviously very important to their community so you will guard him with your lives. The idea is simple. Protect the potter boy and his school and watch for anything strange." she said taking the silencing jutsu off.

"The school is very large, and that is why I assigned so many of you to the task. just for extra help, I also…" but she was cut off again by a swirling of sand in the center of the room. when the sand and dust cleared, it revealed Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro. "enlisted the help of the siblings of the desert." Naruto was overjoyed. "yes! were all going on a mission together.!" he shouted highfiving Kankuro and Temari. he knew better than to try that with Gaara. "you are dismissed. Pack your things and report back tomorrow at 6 AM. she said pushing them out of her office.

"oh, and Gaara, ." she added, "you and your brother will be staying at Naruto's. Tell Temari to stay at Sakura's house. Here is some of their money. They have different currency. Also, tell everyone to pack only enough clothes to last a week. the school provides uniforms." she said. he nodded and turned to leave. "oh, and one more thing," she added a last minute thought, "work on your handwriting, its terrible." He shrugged and left the office to deliver the messages and follow Naruto.

Okay, well, there is the first chapter. This was just a starter chapter. Trust me, it will get better. this was just on to kick it of, like a prologue. R&R pleez. I will put up a few more chapters without reviews, just so you get an idea of what the real story will be like. well, I will leave you now. I will update as soon as possible. (its already written, I just have to type it.) review, or…GAARA WILL BE SAD!