This is my very first Fanfic! Because I have an extremely short attention span, I wrote all of this out during school and now I'm typing it up. I'm going to try my best to actually finish a project that I started. And by the way, I don't own Naruto. If I did, I would probably make this into an episode!


Sakura pushed open the unusually large, heavy doors, left the bright sunny outdoors and went into the cool damp building. Sakura always loved it here, even when she was a little girl. It was a place for her to think and expand her mind. Yes, the library was always one of the best places in the world, or at least to Haruno Sakura.

Today was her lucky day. Her favorite library table was open and she took a seat in her favorite chair, which was right in front of the romance section.

She pulled out the secret slip of paper that she always kept with her. The pink haired girl sighed as she pulled out the paper. This time, it was a sigh of depression, rather than her usual sigh of hope. It was a check list, written in pink gel pen, that she had made up ever since she was assigned to Team 7.

How to make 3 Sasuke Kun 3 fall in love with me:

Step 1: Scream 3 SASUKE KUN 3!!!! Every 10 seconds.

Sakura realized that she had been doing that for quite a while, and yet, he had still been treating her with the same distant, and cold attitude that he always treated every girl with. In fact, he seemed even more irritated with Sakura ever since Team 7 got started. He even flat out told her "You're annoying!"

I wonder, thought Sakura, if I should just give up on Sasuke Kun…No! I'm not going to give up on my hopeless onesided love! I just need a new plan. A new plan… Her emerald eyes started to gaze at the somewhat dirty floor.

"Ow! My toe!!" A woman with really long blue hair screamed and started to hop up and down while grabbing her right foot. A book had dropped from the top shelf. Sakura rushed over and shouted,

"Out of my way!" as she pushed the lady to the ground. Sakura grabbed the book that hit the blue-haired lady's foot, stept on her ankle and ran back to her seat.

A Girls Guide to Getting The Guy You Like To Like You Back

Inner Sakura escaped to the surface as Outer Sakura shouted "Yes! This is just what I need!"

The Librarian gave her a harsh "SSHHHHHHH!" and Sakura blushed. She had to be more careful if she didn't want to get kicked out…again. The pink haired girl pushed the slightly dusty hard back cover open and her eyes scanned the pages for information. Sakura, being too impatient to actually read the whole book, flipped around the pages, looking for anything that could help her make Sasuke Kun fall for her.

"Argh! This is hopeless!" But then, the page was lit up with the words,

How to get a guy who ignores you.

Hope came stampeding into her as she read.

You have probably tried everything to get this guy to notice you. You always try and make yourself available to him and you tell others to back off because he's your man, and yet, he still shows no interest in you.

"Holly Crap! It's like this book is reading my mind!" Sakura said a little too loudly.

The librarian walked over and beamed her a harsh look. "Haruno San, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

"Why should I!?"

"Because you are being much too loud."

"I am not loud!!" Screamed Sakura.

The blue haired lady stood up and pointed at Sakura, "That girl with the pink hair assaulted me!"

"I did not!"

"It's time for you to leave." The librarian ordered.

"No! I need to check out this book!!" Sakura ran to the check out counter.

"No!!" The librarian tried to pry Sakura away from the check out desk but it was no use, she was too strong. It's funny how Sakura is weak when it comes to training but now, she has the strength of 10 sinobi.

"Security!!!" Yes, Konohana's Library has security (and Sakura would know). Two big guys jumped down from the ceiling.

"Comon, let's not make this difficult..." said one of them.

"No!" Shouted Sakura. The Security Gaurds grabbed Sakura with both hands. She was now clinging on to the desk and the book with all her charka. They yanked her as hard as they could, but they could not pull the visious girl away from the desk. Sakura let go, and wacked one of the Security Gaurds in the face with the book. He stubbled back and hit a book shelf. All the books fell down on the blue haired lady.

"I'm ok..." ,murmured the blue haired lady from under the pile of books.

"I guess we're going to have to make this difficult then! Tatsumaki No Jutsu!" The tornado swepted Sakura off her feet as she went flying through the air.

"Put me dooown!!! I need that boooooook!!!!" The force of the tornado pushed open the unusually large, heavy doors and threw Sakura outside and made her land on the ground with a THUMP! "Why does this always happen to me?" Sakura looked to the right of her. "Oh my gosh! The tornado must have blown the book too! There's still hope! Sasuke Kun will be mine!!" Sakura quickly grabbed A Girls Guide to Getting The Guy You Like To Like You Back and ran all the way home.

Well, there's this first chapter! Much more to come. And if your going to criticize, please make it constructive.

Tornado, incase you couldn't figure that one out…