This would happen after Phantom Planet:

Jack and Maddie would be working on their new Ghost Portal when Dan Phantom appears. They start pointing their weapons at him when he says: "Mom, Dad! Noooo!"

"How did you call us?!?!?!?" Both parents ask.

"Mom, Dad! I'm Danny from 10 years in the future." He explains all about the alternate timeline he came from and ties Jack and Maddie. "And now, it's all the way to the Nasty Burger where..." notices the ecto-filtrator level "On second thoughts, this explosion should be a lot more interesting. Now I'm going to school to capture Jazz, Tucker, Sam and Mr. Lancer. How do you think Lancer will react about Danny being half ghost?"

"You REALLY must be from another timeline to not know it's no longer a secret." Jack comments.

"Oh, really? It doesn't matter anyway. Or at least won't matter for too long." Dan flies through the city and while seeing the city hall he notices a statue of Mayor Tucker Foley. "What??? Tucker Foley the mayor? That I must see."

Mr. Lancer is having an audience with the Mayor.

"You know, Mr. Lancer?" Tucker asks. "I've always thought you teachers deserved a bigger salary but I can't concentrate on that while worrying about my grades or bullies or dates."

"You know, Mr. Mayor? Students may get extra credit by running the town. And I can keep bullies away from you and force any student girl to go on a date with you."

"I want Paulina."

"It's a deal."

Dan Phantom appears and captures them.

At school, Sam is trying to avoid the popularity of being Danny Phantom's girlfriend. The door of a shack opens and she sees Danny calling her. Sam enters and gets shocked once she sees Lancer and Tucker tied on ecto-energy like in TUE. Danny then goes ghost but changing to Dan Phantom instead of Danny Phantom.

All students leave school early because Mr. Lancer is absent.

"Hurray for Mayor Foley!" Dash exclaims.

"What does he have to do with this?" Danny asks.

Dash now respects Danny and answers the question. "Rumor is said Mr. Lancer is meeting Tucker in the City Hall and offering him special favors in exchange for a bigger salary. Maybe Tucker will get bigger grades, protection from bullies and a date with any girl Lancer forces into it."

"The worst thing is that I believe it's likely to happen."

"No! I'm worse than that." Dan appears and says.

Danny gasps. "You!" And goes ghost.

"You know him?" A confused Dash asks.

"Remember how I got the answers of the C.A.T. and decided to tell it to Mr. Lancer? In the original timeline I had gone ahead with the cheating and got caught. Mr. Lancer, to add insult to injury, had called my parents to Nasty Burger to show them where my future would be but an explosion occurred there not only had killed them but also Tucker, Sam and Jazz. I would then seek for the only person on Earth who could understand me: Vlad Masters. I would ask him to separate me from my ghost self. Unfortunately my ghost self went out of control and separated Vlad from his ghost self and then both ghost selves would merge. This is the result after 10 years. He came back in time to make sure it would happen but a Time Ghost named Clockwork helped set things right. because he was outside the time it didn't erase him from existence."

"If you have already finished telling the story of my life, I'm going to tell you my new plan: instead of having family and friends destroyed at the Nasty Burger, I'll make them die with the explosion of the ghost Portal. And to make sure nobody will interfere, I'll send you both to the Ghost Zone." Dan says and then catches both Danny and Dash in energy nets.

"All right" Dash says. "Even if Danny turns evil he won't be able to merge with Vlad because he's now stuck somewhere near Saturn."

"Well, then. I'm going to steal a rocket and get him back. I'll need a pastime until the portal explodes. see ya!" Dan sends them to Ghost Zone where they meet Skulker.

End of Part 1