Hello my fellow people, yes I am so sorry that I have not uploaded my chapters for months, you can yell at me or send viruses my computer, but in the end you just want to give me a big hug… ha-ha… but seriously I am sorry for lying though (

Hello my fellow people, yes I am so sorry that I have not uploaded my chapters for months, you can yell at me or send viruses my computer, but in the end you just want to give me a big hug… ha-ha… but seriously I am sorry for lying though (

So like yeah man here you guys go, out to the beach!! Part 2

As you guys can remember we let off when Ino and Sakura had a tickle fight….Hinata, ten-ten, and Temari walked in and saw them they had asked them what they were doing they said tickle fight… then Temari says well hurry up and come on she said with a small smile and so Ino and Sakura freshened up put clothes and went down stairs with the girls laughing…

As they stopped laughing (from that joke Ino said in the last chapter) Temari said "well she you guys later I'm going to grab a table okay" she said happily (but not in a psychotic way).

"Oh okay me and sakura are going to catch up" said Ino responding to Temari

So then Temari, Hinata, and ten- went to go find a table in the huge hotels eating room.

As sakura was watching them find a table, she turned her head slowly, and saw gaara and kiba.

And then sakura tapped Ino and said and whispered to her "hey Ino look its gaara and kiba"

Ino replied in a way where sakura can relax "what did I tell you upstairs, they didn't do anything, plus if anything I will go with you to them and ask them privately about last night, okay?"

"Yeah, I guess, plus it would make me seem like a total bitch if I just barked at them in front of the other guys (naruto, Neji, and shikamaru)" said sakura looking at something else but telling Ino

"Good, than come on I am starving" said Ino holding her stomach lightly

Sakura and Ino went to the table that the girls were holding.

Ino said "well did you guys get breakfast yet?"

"No because porky-mic fat ass is hogging the whole table and Asuma sensei is trying to calm him down" said ten- ten with her face leaning on her hand

Ino giggles: "well if anything then you guys if we don't get breakfast form here then we can go out for some breakfast"

"Sure" said the three girls

Since Chouji had eaten all of the food, the girls went out for breakfast.

Ino yelled to the guys "hey you guys want to come along!"

"Where?" said naruto

"We are going out for breakfast at this really cool restaurant called I-hop" said Hinata

"Oh okay cool" so gaara had to quickly go upstairs to grab his keys

They drove in the cars that was given to them

Ino, Sakura, and ten- ten, Hinata, and Temari drove in the same car: Ino drove. It was a blood red convertible sports car

Gaara, kiba, naruto, Shikamaru, and Neji drove in the same car: kiba drove. It was a black on black convertible sports car

"Hey you guys want to race there" said Ino looking for race

"No because we don't want you girls to cry" said kiba making the guys laugh

"Well see" said Ino ready to race

"You're on, lets do this" said kiba also ready to race

Sakura counted down: "3, 2, 1 GO!" said sakura as she screamed and the race was on

They were going 130 mph on the highway (but good thing no one was on the high way)

It was a close call, the girls had won

As they got there the guys were like "no fair"

Ino had said "well you said that we were to going to make us cry, well what happened, now the jokes on you" then the girls started to laugh

"Oh okay, well when we leave you'll get your rematch" said Sakura in a seductive voice

"Yeah yeah whatever" said kiba going in right after Ino

The girls and guys were all at one big table eating, laughing, and just having a good time.

While everyone was doing there thing naruto was talking to Hinata and Hinata didn't faint or get really red.

Temari had noticed, but didn't say anything she just smirked

Everyone was full.

Everyone got back to there cars and Temari told Hinata "I saw you" she said trying, making Hinata blush. She said "It- it was nothing" still blushing

"Suree" Temari said making her and Hinata laugh

"Oh okay so are you guys ready for your race?" said Ino and Sakura

"Well then let's go" said Ino pumped up

They then raced back to the resort and this time the guys won the race.

"Yeah we won" yelled the guys

"Whatever" said the girls?

They guys and girls were laughing when they got inside the resort.

They all went back to there rooms happily

"Man today this morning was fun" said Ino falling on top of her bed (it was cool because of the ac)

"Hey where is everyone?" said Ino

"Most likely at the beach" said Sakura in the bathroom

Ino then sat up "Hey why don't we go to the beach, us, the girls and the guys?!"

"Great idea Ino, I really do want to try out my new swim suit" said sakura coming out of the bathroom

"Then it's settled, I am going to call Temari on the phone and tell her to tell the girls and guys, that we are going to beach" said Ino grabbing her phone from the bed and started to dial Tamari's number on her phone.

"Cool, I am going to get ready" said Sakura

Ino said "cool, she said okay and the guys are getting ready and so are the guys"

Ino changed her clothes from earlier and put on a purple bikini that really brought out her figure and the left boob of the bikini had a pretty Hawaii flower

Sakura changed and put on her pink and black bikini it also brought out her shape, the right side of the boob was black and the left was pink and bottom was pink

They both out on mini skirts and Ino put on a tank top that was white with black flip flops

Sakura put on a pink tank top with black flip flops

They grab there sun block towels and other stuff and put it in there cute hand bags

NOTE the beach is right outside with bright clear blue and pure clean sand

The girls waited for the guys down stairs and they looked sexy when they came down stairs because they were wearing tank tops and shirts that showed there six packs!!

So they walked to the beach and met up with the others (like rock lee, kakashi, Kunkuro, Asuma, might guy and other people like that)

Hinata and naruto were holding hands so that mean they were going out. )

The beach was right there and Ino yelled "Last one there is a rotten rice ball!!"

And everyone followed and raced for there life giggling and laughing…..

END of chapter 5 part 2

Hello my people, that was out to the beach part 2

Well I hope you guys are happy so please leave a nice review, if you leave it nice I shall make the 6th chapter a chapter that you will never forget… ;)

Well got to go, don't when the next chapter is going to be out so bear with me

Well enjoy the summer

Next: 6th chapter: lay back and soak up the lust?

Well byes leave a review please!! )