This is basically a "Phantom of the Opera" crossover

Yes, it is a musical...Yes, Carl and Saya will sing,

I will try and make it funny!

Carl is the Vampire of the Opera, Saya is the Opera singer, Solomon is the guy she loves, Hagi is a guy who is trying to kill Carl and plays the cello in the Opera instrument thing.

I will put my Operas in here

I also do not own Blood or Phantom of the Opera. I chose to write this because I see vast comparisons between Phantom of Opera and Blood .

But, if I owned Blood , you'd see Carl and Saya getting busy by now. Also, all my fanfictions would be episodes or movies with all the lemony goodness, tragedy, lust, suspense, and more! LMFAO! I'd also use some other fanfictions and pay their writers, and funny fanfictions as bloopers or "behind the scene" crap. YOU'D BET!

Warning; People who have do not like the pairing SolomonxSaya and PhantomxSaya pairing, exit right now.

Also, so you know, Saya is a Dramatic Lyric Soprano in this fanfiction. Hm, anyhow, a Lyric Soprano is a woman with a voice range of three octaves (I think C to High D. I am not sure if they can go higher than hig D. Damn it, I am a Lyric Soprano! MY ARIA WILL NEVER BE COMPLETE!) Also, they can heard clearly over an orchestra.

It was said long ago that the last vampires died out. That the earth was finally free of its demons, alas, beliefs are often proven wrong.

Saya, and her sister, Diva, were born to a poor family. Their mother and father could not feed them, in order to save them to pain of poverty they sold their daughters to the owners of an Opera House. Amshel and Joel were wealthy and powerful men, though thoroughly cruel at some points. They raised the girls as their own and taught them all that was necessary.

Including, The Art of Opera. Diva was taught by a man named Nathan Mahler, he was renowned for his famous students and teachings. Saya, on the other hand, was taught by a man with no name. Joel had brought the man before her and told her that he was her teacher. Saya addressed him as so. However, her teacher went missing when she was round age fourteen.

Diva was the star of many shows, her voice was beautiful and won the hearts of many. Her sister, Saya, also bore a strong confident operatic voice as striking as her beauty. However, instead, she wished to not sing and Joel honored her wishes. One dreadful night her sister awoke from her dormitory and wandered to the stage singing alone. Saya awoke later, after perceiving her beautiful song in slumber and she ran to the stage. Only to hear that song had ended with a scream and the Opera House was dead silent. The sound of weeping was all that was heard. Perhaps inaudible pleas, but no one heard her except her murderer.

She ran onto the stage, consumed by her fear, she fell to the ground and stared at her sister's dead body. A man placed it on the floor beneath him with Diva's blood dripping from his mouth. He smirked at Saya as she ran to Diva and held her sister's body in her arms. Diva's clothes were in shred against her body, she was covered in bruises and if not, deep lacerations. If anything at all she looked as if she had been drained of all life, her eyes solemnly shut with crimson streams running from them. As if she had been butchered alive. Her murderer smirked down at her and turned from her, still remaining on the stage as he ambled amid of it.

"She was beautiful and everso delectable. Like an angel my child," he told Saya. He moaned contentedly as he perceived Saya's weeping as she cradled Diva in her arms; singing gentle lullabies. As if singing her sister to sleep. A pathetic attempt to try and stray from reality. He, her murderer, opened his mouth and angelic notes piercing the air; drowning out Saya's weeping and hiccuped lullabies. All the notes and beauty he had stolen from his victim's mouth as he sank into his memories.



"I want that girl," he said.

"What?" his master said.

"I said; I want that girl. I want that girl, and if you do not grant me what I want...I will kill your precious, adoptive daughters," he threatened. His master attempted a rebuttal, only to be silenced by his inferior's, rather superior's, vicious grimace.

"I want that girl," he had nothing more to say before he turned back to the girl. Admiring her from the shadows that dwelt upon her.

"Soon child you will be mine," he promised her. Dark, creative passion lacing his words.

Kahmen di sono soda nimo...

He turned to Saya again; embracing her and forcing her to look into his eyes. He leaned into her ear, holding her close.

"Your sister wasn't worthy of immortality. So do not fret child, soon we shall be one..." he smirked. His eyes and face beginning to take the countenance of her sister. He opened his mouth, speaking in her voice.

"Just as I am now one with Diva," he solaced as he wiped her tears away. She gazed at him; the question Why? lingering in her teary eyes. He placed a blue rose in her hair, taking his true face and eyes back. After that, he disappeared into the darkness of the Opera House. Saya called for help, but, it was too late. Her sister had been drained dry of all her blood. From that day Saya remembered the man's appearance, though, he wore a mask his face would haunt her even in death.

Saya soon discovered that several other young women were murdered before her in the same manner. They all bore a striking resemblance to Saya and Diva and were Opera singers as well.

From then on, despite all logic, Saya sang clandestinely. The man who had killed her sister did not come to her. Saya thought she had gone mad and imagined the man and set the matter aside. In order to continue singing Opera to honor her sister in death.

But, she still felt his presence.

He, the masked man, was known as the Vampire of the Opera.