Chapter 6: Forgiveness

Inu Yasha had taken to watching Sesshoumaru closely since that day five years ago. The smallest thing set the youkai off, Sesshoumaru had killed more people since Kagome walked away from him than ever before.

Hell it was only a week ago that Sesshoumaru had slaughtered some bitch who had the nerve to talk about him taking her to his bed.

Inu Yasha shivered just thinking about it. It took days to get the stench of blood out of the meeting hall rug. Hell it took days just to get the bitches pieces off the walls. If he hated going into that room before now it was like a nightmare.

He looked to his brother with a sigh, it isn't bad enough he's as cold as a winter storm but this was too much. Inu Yasha wished more than ever that Kagome would show up out the blue something. .'It was bad enough when she was just missing and we could not find her. But for her just to walk away from him. Damn her'


Creatures stared in awe not believing their eyes seeing the dark figure that rode through the lands.

She paid no mind to anything but the call of lands as Taka sped along. Neither noticed as her power pulsed and exploded outward touching one end of the land to the other. Plants and trees that have long since lain dormant bloomed as if called forth. The once dying fields stood tall and proud growing before the eyes of the stunned workers who had been trying to no end to make their crops grow.

Even the heavens showed its joy, the clouds moving in to cover the sun spread out and disappeared. The sun shined down on all bathing the renewed lands in her heavenly light.

Taka eyes widen as he finally noticed but didn't stop his stride. She had saved him twice why would she kill him now. On the other hand, he could now feel the play of her emotions as they changed rapidly from joy to fear to nervousness to joyful again.

Kagome closed her eyes and let her powers flow touching everything that called to it. In her mind she ran through every possible outcome of this meeting. She knew the time to run had gone when she could saw the forest of her childhood.


Sesshoumaru felt the pulsing energy of the lands from within the Palace as morning pasted into afternoon. Something was moving swiftly toward the palace he could feel it. The beast within him howled in pleasure after years of pain. It sent a thrill through his body reminding him of Kagome yet again. He sighed wishing for once he would just forget, but found he could not.

Inu Yasha noticed his brother growing irritation but could find reason for it. 'No servant would come within two feet of him today without shaking in fear. So what is the-'

"What's wrong Inu Yasha?" Everyone could clearly see the worry on Inu Yasha's face as he watched his brother.

"What do you think is wrong monk?" he snapped fingering the sword at his side, his eyes slid to his brother yet again. He watched as Sesshoumaru tilted his head side to the side as if listening to something he could not hear. 'But what?' He heard the wind pick up a tree outside the window brushing against the shutters. The burning candles flickered and danced about as if some wind was blowing though the room, but Inu Yasha felt nothing.

"Leave him alone Miroku sheesh. What's wrong with you?" the slayer by their side snapped. Five years and the monk still didn't know when to stop. She sighed sometime she wondered if the monk had a death wish.

"Oh my dear Sango I am just worried for our most gracious friend. He-," Four heads snapped toward the front of the palace as a massive wave of emotion filled energy swept through the Palace, through them.

The room became dark as the flame of the candles flickered and went out. Miroku and Sango gasped in shock in the years of staying at the palace nothing like this had ever happened.

Sesshoumaru and Inu Yasha looked to their waist as Tensusaiga and Tenseiga both vibrated as if in answer to the passing energy. Their golden eyes met from across the room, only two creatures ever got a reaction like that out of both fangs at once. One was long since dead and the other…

Sesshoumaru and Inu Yasha raced from the room with the monk and slayer right behind them. Something was happening and they wanted to be part of it.


Kagome nudged Taka to stop before the gates. She waited for the youkai to speak.

"Be gone bitch," one stated the other not bothering to look at her. Her eyes scanned the courtyard but didn't find who she was looking for. Mistress what now? Taka asked.

She looked up and thought for a moment. Can you jump this Taka?

The youkai horse snorted I can jump any obstacle she felt him puff out his chest and resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Sometimes the horse was just too cocky for her.

The archers?

Will be taken care of she finished and nudged him back. They rode to the end of the path followed by the laughter of the guards. Stopping she waited, the wind picked up, the trees and grass swayed creating for her a strange beat almost like her heart. Kagome took a breath and centered herself everything called for her to finish this. She looked to the sky, shading her eyes against the glare of the sun. Again the face appeared the thin lips smiled at her 'Did you miss your lord my little assassin?'

Mistress? Taka's voice pulled her mind to attention.

Go she hissed. He took off like a streak, the beat of his hooves heavy in the dirt filled her ears. Every beat of his hooves took them faster until nothing was left but a streak of black and with one powerful leap they sailed over the gates and the guards now shouting orders.

Kagome released the power calling to her, her arms rose high in the air, the vines shot out of the ground grabbing the soldiers before they could react.

Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha entered the courtyard as a wave of dirt lifted into the air. Miroku and Sango collided with the shocked pair, their hands instantly reached for their weapons.

Sesshoumaru and Inu Yasha's stared without blinking into the dirt cloud. A pulsing blue flame was moving toward them within the cloud.

"What is it?" Sango exclaimed breaking the two from their unblinking stare. She pulled the large boomerang from her back ready to battle if need be.

"It can't be," Inu Yasha cried out as the dirt settled and revealed to their eyes someone he thought to never see again.

"Who is it? I sense no hostility" Miroku spoke but tighten his grip on his staff readying the Ofuads just in case. The four looked over the silent female as she slide from the back of the horse. She was dressed in all black; her hakama was tucked into her tiny black, shiny boots ballooning at the ankles. She wore a black kimono spilt up both sides; her obi was white and red. They blinked the armor she wore was similar to Sesshoumaru's but instead of the shoulder guard resting on the right shoulder it was on the left.

Sesshoumaru silently mourned the loss of her beautiful raven locks seeing the neck length hair blowing in the strange wind. But nevertheless inside he was excited about seeing her again. Power exploded around her and outward pushing the two humans back a step, but the two youkai met it head on not moving an inch.

The two youkai knew a challenge when they saw it; Inu Yasha knew it was more for his brother than for him. He moved back pulling the two humans with him; it was not going to be pretty.

"Inu Yasha what is going on?" Sango questioned looking to the silent female standing next to the giant horse youkai. It was looking at them as it the thing was going to attack. Miroku was a loss to what was happening but the amount of power the female was showing told him there was going to be a battle. His violet eyes swept the courtyard he noticed all the struggling soldier's his lips thinned. Miroku knew earth magic when he saw it; whoever Lord Sesshoumaru pissed off was not to be taken lightly. He placed a hand on Sangos shoulder.

"Whatever you do Sango do not interfere," the slayer looked at him shocked the seriousness in his voice was easily heard. 'The only time he sounds like that'


"If she could easily hold all those youkai and still show power like that we wouldn't stand a chance," he sighed.

Sesshoumaru refused to look away as she approached him and stopped.

"So you have come to challenge me?" she nodded. Her eyes slid to the side taking in Inu Yasha than back to Sesshoumaru.

"Never did I think you would want to be lord of these lands?" his voice cold and hard. I don't want your lands her voice soft as it caressed his mind.

"What then . . . My life?" he growled trying to understand what she could want. In a way was her cryptic answer. Takamaru nudged her back and turned to the side, she grab the sheathed sword and turned back to Sesshoumaru. Mistress?

Move away Taka to the side the horse left with a toss of his raven mane keeping a close eye on the now silent three. If they tried another he would not hesitate to fight to protect his mistress from harm.

A lord should be brave. Even braver than his warriors show me your bravery Lord Sesshoumaru she unsheathed her sword and waited.

"So be it," he growled and pulled Tokijin if it was death she wanted he would give it to her. He would be merciful and give her a quick death and then he would take his own life. His life would not be worth living without her and that way they could be together forever.

Still the way she spoke ate at his mind as if he should know it. The creature within him was fighting against him not wanting to hurt their chosen female.

They raced at one another their swords clashed the wave of power that followed had Inu Yasha holding on to his human companions as the accompanying wind threatened to blow them over. As the wind died down they saw the two racing at one another again the clanging of their blades echoing through the courtyard. Sango and Miroku couldn't believe their eyes this female who looked completely human was matching the most feared lord in speed. Sparks flew as the two blades met time and time again it looked for a moment as the two would never defeat each other.

Kagome was driven back by Sesshoumaru's next swing as she blocked. The blades slide together sparks flew, the two stepped back from another circling each other looking for an opening.

A Lord should be strong. Strong enough to carry even the weight of the world on his shoulders He narrowed his eyes at her again wondering what she saying. A vine burst from the ground Sesshoumaru had seconds to move as it came crashing down on him.

"Watch out," Inu Yasha yelled. Sesshoumaru blocked just in time as Kagome leapt from nowhere pushing him to his knees with her strike. He pushed her back and leapt to his feet charging her and the dance started again.

The cloud of dirt the two stirred up had Miroku and Sango coughing and waving their hands in front of them. Inu Yasha on the other hand never let his eyes leave the scene even though the dirt brought tears to his eyes. He watched as Sesshoumaru's acid whip cut through the air making Kagome flip backwards away from it. Another vine shot from the ground distracting Sesshoumaru as Kagome kicked him in the stomach once with enough power behind it to send him into the stone wall.

The stone wall exploded around the stunned Taiyoukai. He didn't even feel as Kagome jerked Tokijin from his clawed hand.

"KAGOME NO," Inu Yasha yelled watching as she placed her foot on the chest on his downed brother. He couldn't move as she placed the crossed blades at Sesshoumaru's throat.

Miroku and Sango turned stunned eyes to their Hanyou friend. In the last five years he had song the females praises time and time again. They had even helped him in small searches for her off and on. He had told them a few details of her second disappearance but still they helped him search for her. And now that was. .she was. . "Isn't Lord Sesshoumaru and Lady Kagome you know in love or something?" Miroku questioned.

"Yeah, duh my brother has loved Kagome for like forever," He gave Miroku a look that said stop asking stupid questions.

"Why is she trying to kill him?" Sango demanded.

"I wish I knew Sango," He whispers his ears flattening on top of his head.

Sesshoumaru blinked and growled finding he could not move. Vines had wrapped around his arms holding him in place, he raised his golden eyes to Kagome. He stayed silent even as she placed the blades at his throat. Sure she was fast as him, hell he had trained her but never had she ever landed a blow.

Kagome waited until she had his attention and chose her words carefully as she leaned forward against the blades. Do you call that bravery, Strength? That was pathetic I wouldn't keep you around to call you servant with skills like that. Has these long years made you weak Lord. .Sesshoumaru she spat keeping her face hard. She watched as finally realization struck the Taiyoukai.


For three hours their blades clashed against one another. It started to rain and she slipped in the mud, her tired body felt like dead weight. Sesshoumaru looked down at her with that cold stare of his and pulled her up by her throat growling.

"You can do better that was pathetic. When I am Lord of this land I would not keep you around to call you servant. Have all these long years made you weak Ka-go-me," he spat and threw her to the muddy ground.

She had no choice but to defend herself as he whirled around and attacked again growling. "Show me . . . Show me you belong by my side."


Inu Yasha sighed in relief when Kagome pulled back from his brother with both blades still shiny as ever. Sango and Miroku didn't know what was happening but they were glade it did not end with the death of the Western Lord.

Sesshoumaru growled his displeasure as she turned her back to him and walked away. The vines withdrew and he stood shaking the dust from his hair.

Kagome looked to the blades in her hands with disgust. She felt the evil aura from Tokijin as it tried to take over her. Did the damn sword think she was weak? Her powers flared and forced the aura to back down. Having a powerful sword does not make you strong or brave, she growled and thrust both into the ground. Kagome looked at Sesshoumaru and turned away again. What is my place Lord Sesshoumaru? Her voice was unusually soft and sad.

"You know yet you refuse," he growled clenching his fist his eyes widen as she pulled the tie from her hair.

Wave after wave of raven locks cascaded down her back stopping at her ankles. 'She had. .Does this mean' hope bubbled up inside him stronger than ever.

Show me? her soft voice pulled him from the most pleasing of sights. His heart pounded in his chest, his mouth was suddenly dry. 'Did she mean?'

Inu Yasha, Sango and Miroku saw her tie the rope from her hair around her wrists. They tilted their heads curious to what was going on.

Kagome smirked as she turned back to Sesshoumaru, snapping the rope around her wrist she shifted her feet in to position. Her jeweled eyed eyes met his hard glare Show me my place. Show me where I belong.

His golden eyes glowed brightly as the creature within him went wild. Oh, they would show her alright. He fell into fighting stance his claws ready. 'I will show her and she will come home,' the creature within him roared in agreement it was time.

Inu Yasha stepped back taking Miroku and Sango with him, power exploded from the two and collided leaving everyone seeing spots. Once they could see again Miroku and Sango took in the destroyed courtyard. The flower beds where destroyed holes littered the ground, trees where lying on their sides or broken from either the Taiyoukai attacks or the females. The once stone wall that stood high above the Palace entrance was destroyed in some places leaves holes large enough to see out, or completely crumbled in others. The fountain that stood in the middle of court yard was also destroyed its sides gone water flowed into the destroyed path. Surprisingly the three statues where untouched. The guards still not free from the plant bonds were held high above the ground..

They looked back to the combatants neither had moved an inch. Their hair silver and raven along with their clothes blew in the breeze. The ground around them seemed to glow with some unknown color as power poured from the two.

Sesshoumaru shifted his weight and Kagome attacked, they became a grey streak through the court yard as they fought. Punches and kicks flew as they raged neither back down. A punch connected sending Kagome huddling through the air she dug her feet into the ground stopping in front of Inu Yasha and the others. She side flipped to avoid Sesshoumaru as he came crashing down on the spot where she stopped.

He growled in irritation he was so close this time damn it. Just what in the name of Kami was she doing all those years she was away from him? Just one opening that was all he needed.

She was tossed again and grabbed a vine that shot out the ground; she swung herself around it and kicked the growling Taiyoukai. He found himself again going through a tree. Sesshoumaru rolled to his feet quickly, facing Kagome who once again stood feet spread arms raised hands spread apart.

Those damn vines of hers were starting to get on his last nerve as he sliced through three more. They were both bruised, bloody and panting for breath as they again streaked toward one another.

Inu Yasha looked on worried about both this had gone on for too long if they did not stop soon they could kill one another. Miroku and Sango watched his growing concern but they were at a loss on what to do. With the way the two were tossing each other around they could die if they got caught in the middle. Not to mention that damn youkai horse who kept looking at them as if it could eat them alive.

Kagome was thrilled this battle was amazing, nothing compared to when she fought Sesshoumaru.

Kami how she had missed him.

They collided in an explosion that sent them flying apart and onto the ground again. With an inward groan Kagome jumped to her feet followed by Sesshoumaru. He smiled and touched the pelt on his shoulder; it was time to put an end to this.

Sesshoumaru thought for a moment his plan was not going to work as Kagomes kicks became fast and furious. It would seem his female had caught her second wind, but he wasn't to be detruded.

She flipped out the way of his attacks; he took his chance and lashed out with his pelt throwing her backwards. He streaked behind her wrapping one hand at her throat the other around her waist. She struggled for a moment and stilled.

"Do you concede defeat? Will you now admit your place?" with her nod he step back and removed his hands. He returned Tokijin to this obi and waited to hear the words he long to hear.

Inu Yasha followed closely by Miroku and Sango reached the pair seeing the fighting come to an end. The three were talking none stop asking questions Sesshoumaru didn't feel like answering.

"Enough," he growled loudly. Kagome stiffened and turned to him.

'Enough' it echoed through her mind throwing her back to that day so long ago. She could feel the pain of the whip as it tore the flesh from her back.

As she was thinking on how she would endure, she suffered number six. Her head shot forward, her legs gave out. As from a great distance she heard a female voice scream, "Enough. "

Her eyes opened under the pain as she was pushed into the stone. She saw him her mind cleared.

"Enough" the voice wasn't female it was male, it was. .

Her eyes cleared as she stared at the Tai youkai before her. 'It was Sesshoumaru'

"You can have a future Kagome with this Sesshoumaru by my side. The way it was meant to be"

Kagome dropped to one knee before Sesshoumaru, her hand clenching the sword driven into the ground before her. She lowered her head

"I-I the last of the bloodline of the sunset have come to once again pledge my power and sword in defense of the Western Lands. To once again take my place by my lords' side."

Shock showed clearly on Inu Yasha's face as his jaw hung open. Sesshoumaru was shocked as well though it did not show as he stared coldly at the female before him. Questions could come later it was only one thing he wanted to hear and that wasn't it.

"This Sesshoumaru cannot accept such a pledge," Kagome eyes snapped up to his face in shock. But what did she except she thought raising and pulling her sword from the ground. She signaled for Taka and the youkai horse arrived at her side and turn to allow her to climb on his back.


Not now Taka later

"This Sesshoumaru does not remember dismissing you ," his cold eyes snapped toward Kagome. 'She would not leave again'

You have rejected my pledge there is nothing else to say

"Oh but there is Kagome," His golden eyes soften as he looked at her. "I want you by my side not as my weapon or my shield but as my mate Kagome"

Everything fell quite no one moved all eyes were trained on Kagome. She studied Sesshoumaru the soft look in those golden eyes, the way he stood tall as if proud of something. The slight twitch of his clawed fingers hidden within his long sleeves gave away his nervousness. This was her lord the one she remembered, but could she stand by his side the way he wanted?

For the longest time she stared into those soft golden eyes

Say yes mistress say yes Taka urged nudging her in the back say yes her breathless voice caressed his mind


Sesshoumaru shivered but smiled "Out loud Kagome"

"Yes," she spoke and returned his smiled warmly. To further shock those around him he opened his arms, Kagome rushed forward. No one could believe it as he lifted her into the air and spent around.

"Have you missed your lord my little assassin?"

"Yes oh yes I have," Kagome laughed and smiled down at him brightly.

"Is This Sesshoumaru forgiven then?"

"Definitely," she laughed.


After introductions and Inu Yasha not wanting to give up Kagomes company the moon had finally found its place in the clear night sky. This night brought peacefulness to the house of the moon in a way few even remembered.

Kagome stood on the balcony overlooking her home. The slight breeze ruffled her hair and she smiled as it welcomed her home.

"Once I was, then I was nothing," she stopped as arms wrapped around her stomach and pulled her back into the silken chest of her lord. She tilted her head as he kissed her neck right above the silken collar he slipped on her neck hours ago. For so long he had carried it with him now it was back in its rightful place.

"Now you are mine," Sesshoumaru finished nuzzling her hair with a smile. The slight breeze making the tiny bells on her wrist jingle as if telling the world of its joy at finally being complete.


Author Note: We have come to the end of this fic and I plan on writing a sequel but as of now I am unsure. Thanks to all who pm me about this fic I am glad you all like this fic. And for the few that reviewed I would like to say thanks as well. . .