Hey!! I'm writing this fanfic with my friend. Let's just call her the.perfect.misfit for now until she figures out what she wants to be called…

Disclaimer: xroyal.momonessx and the.perfect.misfit do not own Bleach. If we did…OMG CRASH! BAM!

Chapter 1 Snow retreat?!

At a combined captain's and vice captain's meeting…

"You are all to go on a snow retreat."





"What's a snow retreat?"




"Woohoo!! No paperwork!"



"Thank you. Now, only certain people are allowed to go."



"The people going are: Soi Fong, Hinamori Momo, Kuchiki Byakuya, Abarai Renji, Hitsugaya Toushiro, Matsumoto Rangiku, Kuchiki Rukia, Kisuke Urahara, Shihouin Yoruichi, and the ryokas: Kurosaki Ichigo, Inoue Orihime, and Uurya Ishida. Congratulations, you win the snow retreat, joy."

Cricket, cricket.

"Please hold in your enthusiasm. You are now all dismissed."

"Wow, Shirou chan! Isn't this going to be great?!" Hinamori was ecstatic.

"Hn. Whatever, I'm just going to start packing."

"Hitsugaya sure seems so excited." Soi Fong had overhead. She too, did not seem to really care about the trip.

"Momo chan!! Isn't this awesome?!" Rukia tackled Hinamori.

"Rukia- san…please…losing…air.."

"Oh sorry!" Rukia let go of Hinamori.

As the people who won the retreat exited the room, Yamamoto pulled Soi Fong behind.

"What is it Yamamoto- san?"

The old captain gave a hint of a smile.

"Have some fun, Soi Fong. You've worked hard to keep everything in place. But, I have one task for you."

"What is it, sir?"

"Make sure everyone enjoys themselves."

Soi Fong gave her first genuine smile in a long time since she normally has a scornful face.

"Yes, sir. Thank you."

"Now, go. You'll have a long day of packing ahead of you."

Well thats chapter 1 for now... how was it? We need to decide whether or not to write about packing or just go right on about the bus ride. Let us know through reviews!!