
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the songs or characters but I do own the –plot- of this particular fiction. The first song is "Forever" by Papa Roach.

Epilogue- Murtagh POV

"Eragon, congratulations! I heard you single-handedly defeated Galbatorix!"

"No, everyone helped, I just said the spell."

"Oh? But wasn't Murtagh passed out while you said it? How did he help?"

"He lent me some power, actually, all that he had left. I'm waiting for him to wake back up so I can tell him the good news."

Eragon? Is that you? I'm awake…I think. But who is talking with you? And what did they mean about you single-handedly defeating Galbatorix? What happened?

As I wonder these things, images start to appear within the black fog of my mind. I remember opening my eyes to see Galbatorix…but he was dead…Eragon told me we killed him…he was trying to heal me I think…I asked him if he was sure Galbatorix was really dead…he stabbed him, and then Galbatorix didn't move…then…blackness again.

Am I dead then? But if I am, why do I hear Eragon and another person…wait…a lot of other people…what's going on?!

"Eragon, how are you doing?"

Is that Arya?

"I'm fine, just worried…" he replies.

Worried about what? Was Galbatorix really faking it? Is something wrong?

"I'm sure he's fine, Eragon, just give him some time, he'll wake up soon. I can sense that he is still here with us." Arya tells him.

Who is she talking about? Who'll wake up soon? I'm awake! Eragon! Can't you hear me!?

"See, his eyes are moving and his breathing is becoming rapid. Look, his finger just twitched…he's probably listening to us right now." She says again.

That's right! I can hear you! Can't you hear me though? Aren't I speaking, or is this all in my head?

"Murtagh? Murtagh, can you hear me? Please, say something, or move your hand…anything!" he sounds so desperate, so scared and sad…

I'm trying! Aren't my lips moving? Isn't sound coming out of my throat? Have I become mute?

"Arya…I think something's wrong." his voice is weak and full of fear and uncertainty.

Eragon…I'm trying…I'm awake…I can hear you.

"Hold on, I'll get Trianna." Arya tells him. I hear the rustle of her clothes as she moves.

"No! I mean…can't you do something? Can I try to speak with him mentally?" Eragon suggests.

Yes! That's a great idea! If I can hear myself within my mind, then he'll be able to hear me as well!

"I'm sure…but he might be in pain." She says.

But I'm not! I'm fine!


What was that? Did I say that?

"Murtagh?" he asks.

"Ss. Er…a…gon…" I try to say.

Ow, my throat is killing me! No wonder I can't talk right!

"There, see, he's awake. His throat must be hoarse from…the screaming…" Arya says in an odd tone.

Screaming? I was screaming?

"Sscream…ming?" I try to ask again. I doubt they even understand what I'm saying though; I can barely understand what I'm saying!

"It's okay, you don't have to talk, I was just worried about you. Can you move? Are you feeling better?" Eragon asks me.

I swallow and wince and hear him gasp. I twitch my finger, then my hand, and I lift it up. All I can see is blackness though, do I have my eyes closed?

I feel a warm hand enclose around mine and put against someone's chest…it has to be Eragon, I'd know that touch anywhere, no matter how blind I was.

I focus on my eyes and try to open them…they're actually squeezed tightly shut…I wonder why…

Blinding light.

Ow! What on Alagaesia is that!?

"Nngnn…" I hear myself whimper.

Eragon gasps. "Murtagh!?"

I suck in a deep breath and try to open my eyes again…slowly this time…after a moment of blinding light I see a slit of tan…the roof of the tent? I open my eyes wider, my vision is a bit blurry, but I can make out two faces…Eragon and Arya.

He's smiling, but with a worried and fearful expression, relieved to see me well, but unsure of how much pain I might be in. Arya smiles calmly down at me, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Eragon…" my throat closes up.

"Hey…how are you feeling?" he asks.

"Fine, except for my throat…what happened?" I ask, trying to sit up. Two hands restrain my movement, pushing me back down. Arya steps back slightly and places her hands by her sides while Eragon's remains on my chest.

"Don't try to get up just yet; some of your wounds aren't fully healed. When Galbatorix cast that spell, and you jumped in front of it to save me, you started screaming and yelling, I think that's why your throat is sore. Would you like some water?" he asks me.

"Yes, please." I croak, wincing at the sound of my own voice. "Sorry."

"Don't apologize…it's not your fault…I'm just glad you're alive and well!" He says and hugs me tightly.

"Here." Arya says softly and hands him a glass of water.

"Thanks." He says warmly to her. He lifts my head and I take the cup in my hands and gulp it down. It's cold, fresh, and delicious to my dry mouth.

He smiles at me lovingly and takes the empty cup when I'm through.

"Thanks." I tell them both, my voice a little better than before.

"You're welcome. I'll check on the others." Arya says and leaves quietly.

Eragon brushes some hair out of my eyes and lies down beside me, snuggling up to my chest.

"So we won?" I ask, wrapping an arm around him.

"Yeah, thanks for helping me. Without you we'd both probably be dead, or close." He says, beaming at me.

I try to smile, but the earlier conversation runs through my mind.

"Eragon, congratulations! I heard you single-handedly defeated Galbatorix!"

"No, everyone helped, I just said the spell."

"Oh? But wasn't Murtagh passed out while you said it? How did he help?"

How did I help? What did I do except scream loud enough to distract him?

"Murtagh…" his voice is fearful again, almost pleading. I raise an eyebrow.

"I know that…this isn't exactly how you wanted this to end but…we still won…and you were still responsible…so…" he can't seem to finish his sentence, and looks at me sheepishly.

"Eragon…what do you mean? You defeated him, right?" I ask, confused and still a bit fuzzy in the brain.

"We defeated him. You, me, Saphira, and Thorn all caused his death." He reiterated, looking at me with a determined expression.

"But you were the one who-," he cuts me off before I can finish.

"No, I just said the spell and used the last of my reserves, but it wasn't enough and I knew it, without your strength, or Saphira's, or Thorn's, it never would have worked." He said sternly.

My features hardened, and the frightened look returned.

"Eragon, you killed Galbatorix, all I did was sit there and scream my guts out like a baby." I spat, maybe a bit too harshly, for he cringed and squeezed his eyes shut.

I softened my features and tried to control my anger.

"But you saved me." He said smally. "If you hadn't thrown yourself in front of that attack I'd be the one in the Infirmary screaming my guts out. Besides, like I keep telling you, without your power I would have never been able to defeat him."

I sigh, growing weary of arguing with him. I just wanted to be with him. That's all I ever wanted.

"I understand, Eragon. I just don't know why we're having this conversation. I'm sorry if I seem a bit slow, my mind is still fuzzy from the attack and I don't remember much." I finally tell him.

"Oh, well, I just…" he stammers, having a hard time trying to tell me something.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Well, when you woke up on the battlefield, you looked…disappointed, and Saphira said it might be because you wanted to kill Galbatorix yourself but I killed him instead, but really you helped, you could have easily said the spell if our places were switched…I just didn't want you to be mad at me." He finally explained.

Oh. Now I get it.

"Eragon…I'm just happy he's dead…I mean, my original plan of destroying him did indeed involve me ending his life, but really it doesn't matter as long as he's dead. I wouldn't get mad at you for something like that, Eragon. I'm sorry for worrying you so much." I tell him, grimacing.

"No! I…don't apologize, I should be the one apologizing for thinking-," this time I cut off his exclamation with my lips against his. His body tensed, and then relaxed as he melted in my arms.

I hugged him tightly and looked intensely into his eyes, making sure he understood the meaning of my next words very clearly.

"Eragon, I love you. You are my light and my savior, without you I would be nothing and have nothing. You've made me the happiest person in the world by just laying here with me, alright? I love you."

He stares at me in wonder, then beams and hugs me back. "I love you too, Murtagh. Please don't ever leave me, and I'll never leave you. We'll stay together forever." He whispers into my ear.

I smile, the first genuine smile I've produced in a long time. "Forever."

In the brightest hour of my darkest day
I realized what is wrong with me
Can't get over you, can't get through to you
It's been a helter-skelter romance from the start
Take these memories that are Haunting me
Of a paper man cut into shreds by his own pair of scissors
He'll never forgive her...he'll never forgive her...

Because days come and go but my feelings for you are forever
Because days come and go but my feelings for you are forever

Sitting by a fire on a lonely night
Hanging over from another good time
With another girl... little dirty girl
You should listen to this story of a life
You're my heroine-in this moment I'm lonely fulfilling my darkest dreams
All these drugs all these women
I'm never forgiven... this broken heart of mine

Because days come and go but my feelings for you are forever,
Because days come and go but my feelings for you are forever

One last kiss,
before I go
Dry your tears,
it is time to let you go

One last kiss (one last kiss)
Before I go (before I go)
Dry your tears (dry your tears)
It is Time to let you go

Because days come and go, but my feelings for you are forever
Because days come and go, but my feelings for you are forever

One last kiss (one last kiss)
Before I go (before I go)
Dry your tears (dry your tears)
It is time to let you go

One last kiss,
Before I go,
Dry your tears,
it is time to let you go,
One last kiss

"Love Song" by 311

Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am home again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am whole again

Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am young again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am fun again

However far away, I will always love you
However long I stay, I will always love you
Whatever words I say, I will always love you
I will always love you

Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am free again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am clean again

However far away, I will always love you
However long I stay, I will always love you
Whatever words I say, I will always love you
I will always love you

-Author's Note: if you guys have any ideas for bloopers please PM me or simply put it in a review, because I've got nothing! My brain is fried and I'm focused on Spring Break…anyways! Thanks to all my loyal reviewers! I really appreciate everything you've done, from reviewing to giving suggestions! Peace out!-