Twins - Chapter 1

Rain: i'm Lonely Rain. Ryoma will be helping me out with this fic.

Ryoma: against my will, i tell you. .

Rain: Ryoma, be a love and do the disclaimer or i'll talk to Fuji.

Ryoma: (shudders) alright, alright! anything but Fuji-sempai. Lonely Rain does not own Prince of Tennis, only her characters.

Rain: thank you Ryoma-chan. Now on with the story.

Momoshiro groaned as he gingerly checked his body for bruises. Someone had violently bumped into him. He looked up into familiar looking golden eyes.

"Echizen! Watch where you're going!" Momo cried without thinking. (he does that a lot, doesn't he)

"Ehh? How do you know my name? I've never met you before."

Momo took a good look at who bumped into him. It was a female. She looked exactly like Ryoma except with long hair and a more feminine feline figure. Was she Ryoma's twin or something?

"Oh, shoot! I've gotta go! As long as you're not injured I'm taking off. Ja ne!" the girl waved and ran off.

Momo just stared after her until someone nearly tripped over him.

Oishi stared for a second, wondering how exactly his doubles partner had just disappeared. He looked down. There was Eiji sprawled on the ground with Echizen on top of him.

"Echizen! You should be more careful!"

"O-chibi! You nearly flattened me, Nya!

"Uhh, Gomen? How do you know me?"

Both boys stared at the person. They suddenly realized that it was not Echizen Ryoma who had run into Eiji, but a female who looked exactly like Ryoma. But before either boy could say anything the girl looked at her watch and cried out.

"Darn it! I'm gonna be so late!"

The girl jumped off of Eiji and ran off in the other direction.

Both boys just stared at each other.

Kawamura was walking home from the store with Inui who had met him at the store and was walking back toward his house, which was in the same direction as the burning player's. He was startled when Inui went crashing down to the sidewalk as someone ran into him.

Inui picked up his glasses from the sidewalk as he spoke to the person who ran into him. "100 chance it was someone who was not paying attention to where they were going. Right, Echizen?"

The person looked at the data and burning player with a slightly confused expression on HER face.

"Gomen. I'm not even gonna ask how you know my name. I'm sorry I ran into you, but I have to leave right now or else I'm going to be very late. Ja ne!"

With that, the girl ran off leaving the two boys in her dust.

Kaidoh hissed at the girl who ran into him while he was training.

"Gomen! Ja ne!" the girl got up off of the sidewalk and took off.

Kaidoh hissed and shook his head and kept running. With a nagging question as well.

Why did that girl look like Echizen?

Tezuka was walking around town as his mother had kicked him out of the house telling him to enjoy the nice day and not to come back until dinnertime. He had met Fuji along the way, who was searching for something to get his brother. Just some little from-home gift. Fuji then decided to walk around (drag) town with Tezuka in his search. Tezuka was currently fighting off a headache and praying for dinnertime to come soon.

Fuji had grabbed his right arm to drag him into another store when suddenly Fuji seemed to drop down from his sight and drag Tezuka with him. Tezuka felt another body half land on him. The other half of the body on Fuji. The child had run into Fuji and all three careened to the sidewalk.

The child groaned. "That's the fifth time! This is so not good and I'm STILL late!"

The child looked at both of them. They looked at the child. Who looked identical to Echizen Ryoma. Although in female form.

Suddenly, the child spoke up. "Gomen ne. As long as neither of you are hurt, I'll be off now. Ja ne!"

Tezuka and Fuji looked at each other.

Tezuka thought, Who the hell was she?

Fuji thought, Saa, did Echizen get a sex change or something over break?

there you go. i'm not sure about this fic but oh well. hope you enjoyed it.

Ryoma: why can't you continue this?

Rain: i can. i have the next two chapters.

Ryoma: then continue till the end and why do i have a clone?

Rain: after chapter 3 i have a writers block. as for the clone thing, just shut up and tell them.

Ryoma: fine. Lonely Rain would like you to review. Happy? could have said it with some enthusiasm.

Ryoma: (glares at authoress and walks out.)

Rain: just ignore him Karupin. he's just embarrassed about Fuji's sex change comment. that's all.

Karupin: MROWR (comments loved. critisisms appriciated. flames used to burn the annoying flying monkeys.)