Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters other than the ones I created and I do not own flight 29 down.

A/N: Let me know if you think I should continue

Jackson sat down on the beach and stared out into the ocean. Everyone else was already asleep and had been for a few hours before he gave up on sleeping altogether and decided to take a walk to clear his head or at least try to. With everything that was going on it was almost impossible to keep from going insane clearing his head from everything was impossible. Eric was being typical Eric but this time it was different, this time he almost got Lex and Taylor killed all because he threw a fit about having to do a little extra work and took off.

When everyone went to look for him Taylor and Lex were both attacked by some strange guy. No one knew who he was or even where he came from, it proved that there were other people on the island other then the people involved in the crash, but from the looks of it they weren't that friendly. If it wasn't for him and Nathan hearing them scream they probably would have lost both of them but luckily they escaped with a few scrapes and bruises.

Everyone was on edge now, wondering if the guy was going to find them and kill them in their sleep, or just start picking them off one by one. It was bad enough when they had to worry about dying because they didn't have any food, or water but now they all had to worry about some psycho coming for them. Jackson shook his head and looked down at the sand. Everyone was too scared to do anything anymore; they were running out of food and water, and everyone was at each other throats because they were stuck together twenty four hours a day and they were running out of…well everything.

He knew he had to find a way to get everyone to start doing the things that needs to be done but he also knew that they had to make sure they were safe. They couldn't let something else like that happen to anyone else. He thought about it until the sun began to peek over the ocean. He finally came up with a plan that might work but with everyone being the way they were he doubted it. He shook his head once more and sighed as he stood up and made his way back to camp

Day 45-morning .

When he arrived Melissa and Daley were both sitting on logs out side the tent. They both jumped when they heard his foots steps and sighed in relief when they seen him Daley stood up and put her hands on her hips.

"What were you thinking? You took off without even bothering to tell anyone despite everything that's going on and you put everyone at risk! What if someone followed you back?" Daley yelled waking up the rest of the group.

Melissa looked up at him sympathetically. "We were worried about you Jackson…."

Nathan, Taylor, Eric and Lex all stepped out of the tent and looked around. "What's going on?" Taylor asked putting her hands on her hips as well.

"Jackson took off last night while we were all sleeping." Daley said turning to the others.

Nathan's facial expression instantly changed from being sleepy to angry. "What? What were you thinking? You could have gotten us all killed."

"I needed to think, we need food and water. If we don't get some soon we won't have to worry about that guy because we won't be here when he does find us." Jackson said calmly.

Eric rolled his eyes and looked at Jackson. "Why don't you go get us some?"

"You know what surprises me?" Jackson said looking over at Eric. "You about got Lex and Taylor killed and you act like nothing happened, like you weren't responsible for what happened to them." Jackson said glaring at him.

Eric smiled and raised his hands in the air. "It wasn't my fault; it was theirs for running into the guy!"

Jackson balled up his fist and began walking towards him but Melissa quickly stood up and she and Daley stepped in front of him.

Melissa's Video dairy

I'm sacred…really scared. We're falling apart and what makes things worst we're running out of supplies but everyone is too scared to go get more. I don't think we'll be alive much longer…

"Whoa! Everyone just chill!" Daley said looking up at Jackson. "We're never going to make it if we keep this up." Daley said turning around to the rest of the group. "Jackson is right, we need to find a way to get food and water safely and we need more then one person doing it or we'll never get enough for everybody."

Melissa sat back down on the log when she seen that Jackson wasn't going to attack Eric anymore. Jackson glared at Eric before looking at the rest of the group. "I know that's why we go in groups, one group gets water the other will get food, we'll alternate between days and each group will carry a weapon to fight the guy off until they can get away."

Daley looked down at the ground then shook her head. She looked up at everyone then back at Jackson. "That may work….But only if we all work really hard!"

"Who will be in the groups?" Melissa asked looking around at everyone

"Daley, Nathan, Eric and Lex in one group, me you and Taylor in the other." Jackson explained.

"Wait! You can't seriously think that I'm leaving this camp!" Taylor said almost yelling.

Tears burned her eyes as she looked around at everyone before she took off back inside the tent. She curled up in the corner pulling her knees to her chest and resting her head on her knees. She hadn't been five feet away from the tent since it happened two days ago. If it hadn't been for Nathan and Jackson scaring him away that guy would have killed her and Lex. She couldn't believe that they expected her to go out again. They may have a death wish but she didn't and she wasn't about to go out and give the guy a chance to finish the job.

Daley sighed and followed her inside. She knew that she had to be terrified but it wasn't safe to leave anyone alone and they needed food and water. She knelt down in front of her and touched her shoulder. She jerked back and looked up at her. There was fear and sadness in her eyes; she shook hear head and looked back down at her lap.

"I can't go out there Daley…So don't even try to talk me into it." Taylor said as she looked back up at her. "Maybe you would understand that if it was you and Lex instead of me and Lex!"

She quickly wiped the tears off her face; it wasn't long before more replaced them. She laid her head back on her knees and waited for her to get up and leave.

"I understand Taylor, I really do…but we can't leave anyone alone its way too dangerous. I'm sure Jackson will make sure that nothing happens to you or Mel."

Taylor's Video Diary

I can't believe she expects me to go out there after what happened. The guy tried to push us off a cliff and about succeeded. I know we need food and water….but right now all I can think about is that guy coming back for me. I can rarely sleep because of it and they expect me to take off into the woods. No way!

Daley left Taylor alone so she could think things through; she even took some breakfast in there for here. Everyone ate in silence, they were all preparing their self's for leaving out to search for food and get some water. None of them other then Jackson had left the camp site since it happened and none of them were ready too. They were all scared and worried about what was going to happen to them when they left they're safety zone but they had to do what needed to be done if they were going to survive.